The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 77 Iron Optimus Prime

Chapter 77 Iron Optimus Prime

Nine Rings Spell Time Stop!

In the completely stagnant world, the silver-haired female mage smiled and counted the spellcasters hired by the baron.

"One two three... nine"

There are only nine spellcasters even with the baron, so who else is there for?

She blinked and looked at the officer who had asked the Baron why he was laughing.

"It's cheap for you, turn them into small animals for me!"

Nine Rings Spell·Group Transformation!
The female mage snapped her fingers gracefully, and the stagnant world began to run again.

Flores looked into the eyes of the female mage in horror, and felt that she was getting taller and bigger, as if she had suddenly become a giant.


Isn't she a dragon?my body……

The human consciousness quickly disappeared, and a slick duck appeared on the ground.


The duck made a suspicious sound, then tilted its head, and began to look for bugs on the ground to eat.The other people chosen by the female mage also turned into cute little animals.

"Oh, I'm Mesriel, I'm really a magic genius!"

The female mage happily put her hands on her hips, looked at the mechanical dragons criss-crossing in the sky, and muttered to herself: "His Majesty Io asked me to come to the western region to find a unique young dragon. The appearance of this young dragon is absolutely unique. Yes, but judging by his physique, he doesn't look like a whelp..."

Miss Dragon, who didn't know the species, was in doubt, but Dragon was happily hitting the gopher in the sky.

Fire element?Salamander?
A burst of shooting directly into fireworks!

Eat my 37MM caliber high-explosive armor-piercing projectile!

Earth element?
Uh, this thing hasn't come out since it got into the ground, probably because it was scared away.

In short, the off-court factors that interfere with the queuing and shooting have been ruled out.Dragon flew up to the sky again, watching the start of the shooting queue again, while monitoring the movements of the spellcasters in the coalition forces.

But after a glance, he was dumbfounded.

what's the situation?
Just now, there were ten or so spellcasters who were dressed in various colored robes, and they looked very classy at first glance. Why is there only one woman left now?

What about the group of animals next to her?

Food for a picnic?
This scene was really a bit too weird, and Dragon flew over the Musketeers calmly.

He decided to let the Musketeers take the lead later, so that he can escape immediately if something goes wrong.

On the battlefield on the ground, watching Dragon's power and killing such a big monster in a few strokes, the morale of the garrison suddenly soared.

This battle was about to be won, and the baroness said again that she didn't want any spoils...

Thinking of this, the musketeer was even more motivated to pull the trigger.

Bang bang bang bang bang!
Rows of bullets are like sharp machetes, and each knife cuts bloody muscles from the huge beast of the coalition army.

But now, there were no serf soldiers standing, and the mercenaries in the second formation also began to suffer casualties.

Although their equipment is much better than that of the serf soldiers, the soldiers at the front each have an iron-clad wooden shield.

Maybe this kind of shield can stop bullets with weakened kinetic energy after penetrating the human body, but it will definitely not stop a direct needle gun!

"Captain! What to do?"

A ranger with a bow and arrow on his back looked ashen, "The brothers in the first row are going to die!"

The muscular man with bare chest turned his head to look in the direction where Flores was, and cursed viciously.

"Poor Flores! Not a word of truth comes out of his mouth!"

"Let's go! Let's take him and ask the Lady Dastar for a reward!"

"Brothers! The enemy is at the command post!"

"Come on!"

Billy rebelled a while ago, and the other three fellows who had made an appointment with him also immediately withdrew from the battlefield, bypassing the standing army holding the formation, and rushed straight to Flores' position.

A whole group of other mercenaries like them couldn't hold it anymore. No one was stupid. Seeing that Flores couldn't win, what are you waiting for if you don't turn back directly?

As for adventurers, let alone, everyone collects money for armed parades, and now you let me block the gun?

What is the fate of ten gold coins?
More than 600 mercenaries with the most combat effectiveness dispersed, directly exposing the rear army to the musketeers.

The commander of the standing army was going crazy. Without the baron's order, he didn't dare to intercept the fleeing mercenaries without authorization. But now that he couldn't win the battle, what should he do? The baron gave an order?

The duck, which was looking for bugs to eat, suddenly raised its head. It always felt that something was wrong, but finding food was more important right now.

So it lowered its head again, and walked carefreely on the grass under the protection of four horseless cavalrymen.

As for the horseless cavalry, why didn't they go to capture the female mage?

Still the same sentence, what kind of life is there for four gold coins a month.

Seeing the chaos in the enemy army, the mercenaries collapsed without a fight, but the standing army only insisted on holding on, Dragon sneered.

"Think you'll be fine if you don't fight?"

"Naive! If you don't come to charge, then charge to you!"

"Shoot on the move!"

He lowered the altitude to give the order.

Old Baker led the musketeers forward to attack. At the beginning, it was just like training. One row stopped to reload after shooting, and the other two rows moved forward to shoot, but before they walked 50 meters, the formation was completely chaotic.

The 150 musketeers turned into a skirmish line as they walked. Although theoretically speaking, needle-fired guns no longer need to be fired in three stages, but whoever called Dragon just likes to watch them line up and shoot.

"When we go back, let them practice more!"

Dragon was a little dissatisfied, but the target shooting was also quite interesting.

The speed of the skirmish line was much faster. In two to three minutes, the musketeers came to less than 3 meters away from the standing army of Flores.

At this distance, the shields and armor of a standing army are of no use.

Dozens of people fell to the ground in one round of shooting from 150 needle guns, one-sixth of them fell down in two rounds, three rounds, and there was no third round. The standing army of the Flores family had already screamed and dispersed.


"For the glory of Lady Destar!"

The old Baker took the lead in charging with his saber, followed by the musketeers carrying needle guns that had already been loaded with bayonets, and at the end were the ordinary infantry who were responsible for carrying the bullets and had not yet changed their gear.

Soon, under the gaze of Dragon who was ready to turn in victory at any time, the standing army of the Daistal family captured most of the surviving enemy soldiers, left and right with the rebellious mercenaries, and took the last loyal Flores' horseless cavalry was sandwiched between two sides.

After a round of deterrent shooting, the female mage just looked at the needle gun in the hands of the musketeer with great interest, and did nothing.The horseless cavalry obediently surrendered and offered a big white duck.


Why would you sacrifice a duck!

Dragon lowered his altitude vigilantly and landed several hundred meters away.

He didn't want to be fooled by that female sorceress who didn't look simple by accident, so it's better to stay away.

A few minutes later, under the escort of musketeers, a muscular man with a bare chest and little cloth on his body came over with a big white duck in his arms. Behind him were three men who seemed to be strong. Bite!

"Mr. Dragon", the old Baker introduced, "This is Billy, the head of the forest fairy mercenary group."

"These three are Brenana, the Demon King, and VAN. They were the first mercenary captains to resist Flores' atrocities. It was they who surrounded Flores and prevented him from escaping."

Why do these four powerhouses look familiar?
Dragon hurriedly sat down, pretending to be calm and nodded.

"The four understand righteousness, and I will remember your contributions."

"Where's Flores?"

"Here he is, mighty dragon!"

Billy held up the white and fat big white duck, and Dragon was a little dazed for a moment.

"What do you mean? Flores is a duck? Isn't his uncle rich?"

"You idiot! It's Transfiguration!"

Nero was so angry that he whispered in his ear, and Dragon laughed awkwardly, "Of course I know this is the effect of Transfiguration? I wonder which righteous man captured Flores alive? Countess Julia will definitely retaliate." Thank him."

"Thank you so much? How much does it weigh?"

Mesriel appeared beside Dragon with the teleportation technique, and the bright silver dragon eyes stared at the mechanical dragon with great interest.

"Handsome little guy, respected Baron Flores, but I offered you [-] gold coins, please let me deal with you."

"Seven ring teleportation!"

Looking at the silver-haired female mage who suddenly appeared, Dragon almost flew straight up.But after seeing her eyes, Dragon was finally relieved.

With silver hair and silver eyes, the silver dragon is the most talkative among the metal dragons, which is great.

I, Dragon, am the Iron Optimus Prime and the tungsten gold universal beam of the multiverse justice cause.

Everyone is their own dragon!

(End of this chapter)

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