The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 84 Never raise taxes

Chapter 84 Never raise taxes
The first night was safe and sound, and the second day there were no prisoners who wanted to make trouble, whether they were serf soldiers or standing soldiers.

Controlling eating, drinking and living, and not beating anyone, isn't this much more comfortable than before being captured?

Well, although Dragon has worked hard to do bad things, no matter how flexible his moral bottom line is, it is far worse than most noble lords.

Afterwards, the marching speed became slower and slower, and he had to march and guard the prisoners. It was thanks to Dragon watching from the sky that he could walk thirty miles a day.

"That's not good!"

Dragon was a little anxious. If he went on like this, he would withdraw after taking down the castle of the Flores family. It took half a month to go back and forth, and the speed was really too slow!
Although the captives were very cooperative and never made trouble, they had no enthusiasm at all. They would just lie down on their way every day, just like salted fish out of water.

"Is there any way to stimulate the subjective initiative of the captives?"

Let me think twice about Dragon's ability to activate. Soon, he thought of a way.

"Have it!"

After he landed, he called Old Baker, "Go and ask, how much is the agricultural tax in Dolores Territory?"

"Don't ask, Titus Five."

old baker answered without thinking

"How many?"

Dragon felt that he might have misheard, Tieth Five?

Too outrageous, right?
When the agricultural tax of the Xianglong Empire was the highest, it was only 50 tithe, and when it was the lowest, it was even [-] percent. You can directly raise it to [-]%. What an advanced tax collection method.

"At least five tithes, if you add poll tax, inheritance tax, firewood tax, monster tax, and livestock tax, then it may exceed seven tithes and eight tithes at most."

Old Baker replied with certainty, "Every year, serfs escaped from the Flores family, and I am responsible for receiving them. No one knows the taxation of the Flores territory better than me."

"Neither Baron Flores."

"Good guy, what do you mean by knocking the bone and sucking the marrow?"

Dragon was amazed when he heard it, and when he was about to speak, he suddenly remembered something, and asked again: "What about the agricultural tax in the Dastar territory?"

"Three taxes, the lowest tax rate in the entire western region and even in the Frankish Kingdom."

Old Baker was quite proud when he talked about this.

Still, Tithe Three was a bit too much in Dragon's ears.

"Let's reduce it by another [-]% or [-]%." With a wave of his paw, he directly cut the agricultural tax by one-third.

"Tell the soldiers, just say that Julia is very happy to see the victory in the war. From now on, the agricultural tax will only be [-]%."

Well, let's drop [-]% first, and after a while the news will be released, saying that they won the Earl of Bain and then drop [-]%.

Old Baker was a little hesitant when he heard it. Although he knew that Julia had given the family territory to Dragon, it was better to be cautious about matters related to the income of the territory.

After all, his size is also considered a shareholder, the original stock inherited from his ancestors, and he has a fief.

"Here, Mr. Dragon, would you discuss it with Miss?"

"That's right," Dragon yelled again, and Julia naturally didn't have any objections.

"Uncle Baker, everything in the territory should be under the command of Mr. Dragon."

Come on, old Baker shrugged helplessly.Anyway, he is an office officer and a minority shareholder, so the chairman can do whatever he wants.

Dragon continued to say, "There are still those captives, tell them that as long as the Countess annexes the territory of the Flores family, their tax rate will also be reduced to Tithe [-]. If anyone is willing to join the Iron and Steel Dragon United Chamber of Commerce , then the tax rate will drop directly to [-]%.”

"I will never raise taxes again, I swear to the Platinum Dragon God!"

"I understand."

The old Baker nodded, and reminded: "If we directly annex the territory of the Flores family, Bain will probably intervene immediately."

"Bane? How many giant dragon ladies does he have who can cast nine-ring spells?"

Dragon has completely disregarded the earl who can break his back just by hearing his name.

But considering that the aristocrats have both money and connections, they might be able to find a team of legendary adventurers to kick the door, so he put it another way.

"Then change it to escrow. I think the friends of the Flores family must really want to travel to the Premi Forest and enjoy the close contact with the wood elves. During their travels, the territory will be represented by the affairs officer. Tube."

"I understand."

Old Baker went down to convey the order, and as soon as Dragon's promise spread, the captives cheered like thunder.

"Long live the great dragon!"

"Long live the Countess Destar!"

"Send the bastard Flores to hell!"

The morale of the captives rose to the peak in an instant. Judging from their appearance, they all wished to carry Dragon directly into the castle of the Flores family.

"The military spirit is available." Dragon nodded with satisfaction.

Originally, he was going to resort to the trick of complaining meeting to kill him, but he was afraid that the noble gods would be forced to fight with him, so let's pretend to be an internal conflict among the nobles.

With the captives scrambling to lead the way, after entering the territory of the Flores family, the standing army even enjoyed the treatment of a pot of rice.

As soon as I heard that the giant dragon and Countess Destar promised to reduce the tax rate to [-]% after breaking the castle of the Flores family, all the serfs who passed by would directly hang the officials of the Flores family. Greeted Lady Destar happily.

The situation was hardly like a march in enemy territory, but rather like His Majesty the Supreme Emperor returning to his loyal Paris.

Before sunset three days later, the army finally arrived at the castle of the Flores family.

This castle is not as tall as the Star Fort, but it also stands on a low hill with a dangerous terrain, and a strong attack will definitely kill people.

Dragon simply sent a few loudspeakers to the captives, asking them to promote the agricultural tax policy, and then let a few captured spellcasters throw a round of spells, and the defenders in the castle opened the door to cast.

"Traitor! Shameful traitor!"

Baron Flores, who was tied to a cross for public display, was so tearful that he had the strength to curse. It seemed that the four big guys took care of him too comfortably.

Afterwards, the procedures were followed step by step, arresting the heirs of the Flores family in order, collecting the spoils, and then the public trial.

Dragon watched from high in the sky, confirmed that everything was all right, and the noble goddess did not lower her avatar to slap him to death, then turned and flew towards Premilin.

He wants the new weapon made by Ai Lumao to be fruitful, so he has to go and see it quickly.

At the same time, next to the largest city in the western region, Bain, the lord of the western region, was talking to a mirror in a tall tower close to the cliff by the sea.

"My plan failed." He shook his head with a wry smile, "That little girl from the Daistal family found a metal dragon from somewhere, and also brought a lot of dwarven muskets with a range of more than three thousand feet. Baron Lores has been arrested by them."

"Metal dragon?"

A woman with metal horns appeared in the mirror, her emerald green eyes were full of malice.

"How big is it?"

"About fourteen feet in length."

"A teenage dragon," the woman smiled coldly.

"Very good. It seems that I, the senior, should be allowed to teach him what a young dragon should do."

(End of this chapter)

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