leisurely dragon

Chapter 110 Canonization

Chapter 110 Canonization
The little girl happily enjoyed the delicious special dragon-flavored pastry with her mother.Charles has other things to do.

Cohen's tribe has now moved outside Lige's territory. As a real dragon, he is not used to living in his friend's territory.

With a mature real dragon as the backer, the northern barbarian tribe quickly gained a foothold and enslaved a group of weak monsters. Life is much happier than before.

His dozen or so children were entrusted to Charles, and Korn himself didn't care about it, which was typical of the dragon's nature.

In order to educate this group of children with good pedigree, Charles rented a piece of land in Li Ge's territory and arranged for knights to train these children.

"Charles, I can teach Catherine martial arts and magic here, but I can't teach her how to become a qualified lord." Li Ge and the demigod knight told the truth that he was really not good at this aspect.

Charles was obviously cheating, and he would not accept Li Ge's pot, "Li Ge, your territory has developed well, I believe you can teach Catherine to be a good lord."This is obviously to eat him.

Seeing Charles like this, Li Ge just smiled, thinking in his heart whether to confer a knighthood directly on the little girl Catherine, and let her learn how to be a lord in practice.

Li Ge did what he said, and all the important people in the territory arrived the next day.Elsa the Golden Dragon, Laiya the Silver Dragon, Helia, Earl Irene the Silver Dragon, Baron Carman, and Baron Krisna all arrived.

In addition, Charles and Ingrid, the real dragon Cohen, the white dragon Elena and the giant dragon, as Catherine's relatives and witnesses, personally witnessed Catherine's canonization ceremony.

Catherine's little face was tense, a little nervous.My teacher, as a dragon lord recognized by all major forces in the entire plane, is qualified to be a nobleman.

Li Ge had a serious expression, "Catherine, as the dragon lord, I canonize you as the pioneer baron, are you willing to serve me?"

Catherine nodded her head. The 11-year-old girl already understood the responsibilities and obligations of nobles.

"Teacher, I am willing to be loyal to you," the little girl answered neatly.But Li Ge and Catherine obviously didn't know much about those cumbersome rituals.With such a simple question and answer, the canonization of the baron was confirmed.

"Very well, Catherine, as your teacher and monarch, I will give you some help so that you can establish your territory smoothly."

"First, as your teacher, I will give you a set of rare-level magic equipment, which can automatically adapt to your body shape, enough for you to use until you are an adult."

The silver dragon girl Xilia brought up a metal box, which contained magic equipment.It cost Li Ge nearly a hundred divine power gold coins. Thinking of this being his only student and Catherine's strong talent, Li Ge regarded it as an investment.

"Second, I allow you to recruit soldiers and laborers in my territory, and my two green dragons can also accept your employment."

"Third, I will lend you a new type of magic detector. With this detector, if you find a mineral in the wilderness, the establishment of a territory will go much smoother."

Li Ge's three conditions for assistance are quite good for a new pioneering nobleman.

The ceremony ended in a simple way. Catherine first opened the metal box and took out the magic equipment. This was a set of light gold full body armor and a big sword.

Seeing the beautiful shape, Catherine fell in love with it.With the help of the Yinlong sisters, Catherine put on the armor happily, like a girl version of a Valkyrie, both sassy and beautiful.

Charles on one side smiled crookedly, announcing on the spot that he would hand over a team of senior knights under his command to the newly promoted Baron Catherine.

Catherine and a few female dragons chattered there for a long time before confirming that the baron's title was Baron Golden Rose.

The emblem is a hovering golden dragon with a knight's greatsword crossed with a rose flower in the middle.Ingrid personally made the badge for her daughter on the spot.

In the days that followed, Catherine, who had grown into a little girl, had a real hard time.Every other day, he was taught warrior and magic knowledge by Li Ge and two great arcanists.

The rest of the time is in practice, learning how to manage the people under him, and personally choosing the position of the barony.

This is the wilderness, and the territory is very large. As long as you can stand firm, you can establish a territory.

The strength of Catherine's subordinates is still good. The small team of 12 senior knights presented by her father Charles is a good force.And there are several dragons that she can hire at any time.

In the past few days, Li Ge had to accompany this obedient student to conduct resource exploration near his territory.

No way, only Li Ge himself is the most proficient in using this thing. Wasn't he the one who detected the silver mine back then?

Catherine didn't want to be too far away from the Dragon Territory. The detection location for the past few days was in the middle of the Dragon Territory and the Northern Province.

Speaking of which, I don't know if it was Catherine's luck that Li Ge and Catherine discovered a metal deposit about [-] kilometers away from the territory.

The location of the surface detection alone covers several square kilometers, and the estimated reserves are much larger than the original silver mine.It's just that the detector shows that the magic energy is not high, and it is estimated that the magic metal content is not high, but this is also a considerable fortune.

"Teacher, did I get rich?" Catherine's dusty face was full of excitement.

"Yes, you have made a fortune. This is not far from my territory. You can establish a barony here." Although Li Ge envied him, he couldn't do anything to steal his students' belongings.

"Next, you will start recruiting people. You don't need too many people at the beginning. For miners, you can choose kobolds. As long as you transform into a golden dragon, kobolds are easy to manage."

"Such a large mineral deposit cannot be defended without high-end combat power. Your parents can block a lot of trouble for you, but it is impossible to be by your side all the time."

"The white dragon Elena is a good target. Although she is a bit stupid, she is still a real dragon, and she is still very intimidating."

Li Ge also slowly passed on some basic methods of territorial governance to his students, and Catherine listened quite seriously.

Charles and his wife, who had just returned not long ago, came here again. Knowing that their daughter had discovered such a large fortune, Le's mouth could not close.

Seeing Catherine's parents coming, Li Ge simply ignored it and let them discuss it by themselves.It's just that when the final result came out, Charles' face was stinky.

Catherine is quite smart, and actually borrowed the shareholding system that Li Ge had implemented to form a small group.

The little girl insisted on giving Li Ge a share, but Li Ge didn't want to take advantage of his students, so he only agreed to charge some labor fees.As a result, Charles was also pulled out of the organizational structure.

The composition of the shares is that Catherine, the lord, accounts for 50.00%, and Ingrid the Golden Dragon, Elsa the Golden Dragon, Laiya the Silver Dragon, Erin and Helia each hold [-]%.

These five powerful female dragons, together with the half-dragon Catherine, formed a powerful group of giant dragons to cooperate in the development of this metal deposit.

(End of this chapter)

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