leisurely dragon

Chapter 114 Territory Trivia

Chapter 114 Territory Trivia
Selena also briefly introduced the situation of the Dimensional Dragon Nest and the status quo of the elf tribe. Needless to say, Li Ge will know it at any time.

Only Yilin was a little unhappy, Li Ge put his arms around the soft shoulders of Countess Yinlong, "Yilin, what's the matter with you?"

Tears welled up in Yilin's eyes, "Li Ge, many residents of the territory have gone to the Golden Rose Territory. Now there are only more than 6000 residents left. I am not optimistic about the territory."

Li Ge gently wiped away the tears from Yilin's little face, "Yilin, it's not your fault, people are profit-seeking. Remember, don't let the territory bind you."

"Besides, Laiya also said just now that you have made a lot of good suggestions on the development direction of Catherine's golden rose collar. Isn't this a manifestation of your ability?"

After talking for a long time, I finally coaxed the Countess of Silver Dragon, and then naturally it was a time that was not suitable for children.Just imagine how crazy the giant dragon that has been holding back for three years is, and you will know how fierce the battle is.

A few days later, a refreshed Li Ge returned to the mage's tower, and saw Catherine as soon as he came back, with his little mouth pouted and annoyed.

"Teacher, I have been waiting for you here for several days." Catherine, who was already a beautiful girl, looked extraordinarily beautiful in a gorgeous and close-fitting dress.

Li Ge also missed himself as a student, and let go after hugging with a smile. Now that Catherine has grown up, she can't be as casual as she was when she was a child.

"Catherine, Laiya and the others told me that your territory has developed very well, do you want any rewards?" Li Ge deliberately teased the student.

"Cakes, I want the dragon's special cakes," Catherine cheered. She had already eaten all the ones she bought with the teacher, and she had devoured the divine gold coins to nourish her body over the years.

It would be great if the teacher can reward some for free.Li Ge smiled, and each of the few female dragons present had a share.

During the three years of sleeping, he was unable to fight monsters to make money, and lost a lot of divine gold coins.Today, the existing divine power gold coins in the system are just over [-], and the money is always not enough.

However, fortunately, now Li Ge has enough force to nourish his body, and the dimensional blood is fully integrated, so he no longer needs to devour divine power gold coins, and the speed of accumulating wealth will be accelerated in the future.

"In a few days, the territory needs to hold a meeting, and some problems need to be resolved." Li Ge thought to himself, and a lot of things have indeed accumulated in the past three years.

Li Ge had just woken up, and it was necessary to go around the territory. The two tool dragons were still patrolling the territory in turn every day. Coupled with the increase of mercenaries, no monsters could enter the territory.

It's just that the monster camp of the green dragon Krisna has become larger and larger, and the number of monsters has exceeded [-].In terms of strength alone, it is already far above the town managed by Kaman.

Li Ge blessed a dimensional invisibility technique to enter the camp. The management of the green dragon can only be said to be barely qualified, and the camp is still clean.

Even among the monsters, there were a lot of fights and fights, but the monster law enforcement team that was rushed over soon dispersed them with a few whips.

The green dragon Krisna is living a comfortable life today, with monsters offering food and drink.

Trading between human merchants and monsters can also bring in a lot of taxes every month, plus the money from selling dragon blood, the monthly income exceeds thousands of gold coins.

In the center of the monster camp, there is a tall elf-style wooden building, which is the baron's mansion of the green dragon Krisna.

Krisna turned into a green-haired natural elf, dressed gorgeously, and behaved elegantly, just like a real nobleman.

Several of her family members are reporting last month's income, "Great Green Dragon Queen, last month's tax in the territory was 630 two gold coins, this is the tax list."

Krisna immediately stared, "Why are the taxes getting less and less, are you embezzling my gold coins?"

Several family members were frightened out of their wits, and a half-elf said with a bitter face, "The great Green Dragon Queen, the silver-leaf elf tribe and human merchants are doing more and more business, and they are more popular, which leads to more and more business. Worse."

The green dragon Krisna cursed angrily, "If it weren't for the master's restriction, I would definitely make those pointy-eared elves look good."

A few family members walked away in desperation amidst her scolding. This result was considered good. It would be bad luck if they were swallowed by the angry green dragon.

"Krisna, you seem to be dissatisfied with my order." Li Ge withdrew the dimensional invisibility and appeared beside the green dragon.

He is quite satisfied with his current spells.This time, Shenshui's control over the power of the dimension has greatly increased. Even a real dragon like the green dragon Krisna has not seen through a simple invisibility technique.

Li Ge's appearance startled the green dragon, and Krisna hurriedly defended, "Master, I'm just scolding those elves, I'm not dissatisfied with you."

Regarding the words of the green dragon Krisna, Li Ge was noncommittal. Through the enslavement runes, he felt that the green dragon really did not mean to rebel.

"Green dragon Mulu, the ancient dragon, has he contacted you?" Li Ge was still a little worried about that cunning guy, who suffered a big loss last time, so he should react.

Seeing that Li Ge did not punish her, the green dragon Krisna breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly replied, "Master, that green dragon contacted me and asked me to betray the master's information, and I scolded him back."

Li Ge nodded, which was in line with the character of the green dragon, "Krisna, you can give him some false information next time, and you can take the reward he gives you yourself."

"Thank you master", the green dragon Krisna was overjoyed, it seemed that she had found another good opportunity to make a fortune.That bastard green dragon Mulu cheated her a lot of money before, and she wants to cheat them all back this time.

In the mage's tower a few days later, Li Ge and the important figures in the territory, except for the two tool dragons, all gathered together.

As the lord, Li Ge has been asleep for three years, so it is necessary to convene such a meeting.

First of all, Li Ge set the basic line of development. Except for Catherine's golden rose collar, the original dragon collar can be developed as usual.

The Golden Rose Territory is Catherine's territory. Although it is under the jurisdiction of Li Ge in name, Li Ge does not want to interfere, but only encourages stronger cooperation between the two territories.

The second thing is to promote Catherine's title.With the strength of Catherine's territory, it can be compared to many great nobles.

In terms of force, apart from her backer, White Dragon Elena has officially joined.Under the effect of the dragon's blood potion, the knights formed by Cohen's children have greatly increased in strength, but they are just a little immature.

In terms of economy, it surpassed many nobles and became the most famous steel industry base in the north of the mainland, as well as a distribution center for elves and human trade.

The smart Catherine, through various relationships, got on the line with Xia Wei, the princess of the elves.The two sides are very complementary, and Xia Wei has a good relationship with Li Ge and Charles.At the same time, he also hated dealing with the nobles of the Rhine Empire, so Catherine's territory became a bridge for trade between elves and humans.

(End of this chapter)

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