leisurely dragon

Chapter 125 Dimensional Laws

Chapter 125 Dimensional Laws
The Red Dragon Queen's words are still very reasonable. Li Ge's application of the inheritance of the dimensional dragon is to improve his own fighting methods.

Other innate spells, such as the soul maze, were brought by blood inheritance and had nothing to do with him.

In the inheritance of the dragon, the dimensional dragon nest of the golden dragon Brenia was completely created by her after comprehending the laws of the dimension.

Unlike Li Ge, who used a ready-made half-plane, the gap is like the gap between a toddler and a professor-level scholar.

"It's because I have been going too smoothly all this time, and I didn't realize these problems at all. Those true gods are all related to the existence of laws. If I don't work hard in this area, I will never want to stand in the same position as them."

A strong fighting spirit surged in Li Ge's heart. Brenia, which was passed down to his blood, was comparable to the gods, and he must not lose face.More importantly, the name of my hometown should not be weakened, he said silently in his heart, this is the secret buried deep in his soul, and it is also one of the spiritual pillars supporting him.

Li Ge will do what he says, and the gods can interfere with the affairs of the lair, and the mage tower of the territory will be handed over to the golden dragon Elsa and the silver dragon Laiya.

At the same time, he also had a gentle relationship with the silver dragon girls Xilia and Yilin for a while, and after explaining everything, he entered the dimensional dragon nest without looking back.Also lingering with his three little maids for a while, in the dragon's nest in the ancient tree space, he took the initiative to enter a deep sleep for the first time.

He didn't know how long it would take to sleep this time, so he simply left behind [-] divine power gold coins.The other nearly [-] divine power gold coins were exchanged for some supplies, and handed over to several female dragons together with the cash.

When the five female dragons Elsa, Leia, Helia, Erin and Selena saw so many divine gold coins, they couldn't move their eyes for a long time.This is much more stimulating to dragons than ordinary standard gold coins.

Li Ge hadn't slept for a few days, and Catherine brought Rihanna again.It was Catherine who managed to get a few divine power gold coins, and wanted to come to the teacher's place to buy delicious treats.

"What, Li Ge really listened to my words, took the initiative to fall asleep, and went to learn more about the mysteries of the Dragon's inheritance"

Hearing Celia's words, Rihanna was surprised from ear to ear, "This guy, don't you know I said it on purpose? At his age, isn't it enough to have such a strong strength? How could he take this seriously? ".

The Red Dragon Queen just wanted to hit Li Ge and calm him down.When they reach adulthood, with the talent of the legendary dragon species, it will be a matter of time before they come into contact with the law.

Catherine's face puffed up, "Ah, I still want to invite sister Queen to eat delicious food, what should I do now that the teacher is gone?"

Xilia smiled and took out the dragon's special food that Li Ge exchanged in advance. This is preserved by magic and can be kept for a long time.

At this time, Li Ge didn't know that he was cheated by Rihanna.His consciousness was completely immersed in the inheritance of the dragon.

Following the birth of the golden dragon Brenia, Li Ge seemed to have experienced the same birth of a dragon during the battle.

A moment in reality, many years have passed in the dream.His soul followed the experience of his ancestors and learned about many problems that he hadn't noticed at ordinary times.

As time went by, Li Ge almost forgot who he was.However, a powerful natural breath, a divine power and his own eternal void divinity always maintain his spiritual wisdom at the last moment, preventing him from being distorted by the dragon's inheritance.

Li Ge's sleep became deeper and deeper, except for the occasional breath, like a sculpture.In the body, the second dimensional divinity is slowly condensing.

At this time, the ancient tree of dimension is fully transforming the original force from the void, supporting the generation of this powerful divinity.

There is no great difference in the nature of various divinities, but there are high and low personalities.The void divinity condensed by Li Ge himself, the dimensional divinity is the embodiment of the basic laws of the multiverse itself.

The divinity of this personality is not comparable to those acquired messy divinities.

Unless the multiverse collapses, the divinity of this personality will last forever, especially if it condenses itself.

With the agglomeration of the divinity of the dimension, the connection between the ancient tree of the dimension and the entire Dragon Nest becomes closer.Many places that are usually not noticed have also been transformed into their own suitable environment by the ancient tree of dimension.

The divinity of the void communicates with the endless void, the divinity of the dimension shapes the dimensional space, and the two strands of divinity cooperate with the ancient tree of the dimension, making this dimensional dragon nest a completely independent individual.

The sound of "Boom" resounded in the souls of every creature in the Dimensional Dragon Nest, and the essence of the Dimensional Ancient Tree changed.

In the past, it had to rely on the main material plane as an anchor to avoid being eroded by the void storm.But now, the entire Dimensional Dragon Nest has the ability to survive independently in the void.

Just like a baby has been born, although the Dimensional Dragon Nest is relatively small now, it has already taken the most critical step to become an independent plane. In the future, it only needs to slowly accumulate the source of growth.

The real body of the gods in the system space is also like taking a big tonic, and the infinite system origin is condensed on the real body of the gods.

In the dragon eyes of the god's avatar, the two divine patterns are slowly condensing, constantly expounding the truth of the world.

"After the main body wakes up, I can start preparing to ignite the divine fire," the avatar of the gods thought silently.

Li Ge's body in the dragon's nest is also growing up slowly, his body is becoming stronger and stronger, and an immortal aura emerges from his body.

Since Li Ge voluntarily fell into a deep sleep and announced his retreat, the atmosphere in the mage's tower has also become a little tense.His spouses can all feel that if it's just Li Ge Yilong, with his secrets, he can live well in any plane.

A large part of the reason why Li Ge couldn't stop, as if he was being chased by something, was because of his concern for them.

The current strength of these female dragons can be attributed to Li Ge to a large extent.But the giant dragon is also proud, they are not like those greedy five-color dragons, they are eager to ask for as much as possible.

These female dragons also want to use their own efforts to contribute to this big family and reduce the burden on their spouses.

Elsa and Laiya devoted themselves to the transformation of the mage tower, and with a huge amount of wealth to clear the way, things went smoothly.

Occasionally, there are some things that cannot be bought with gold coins, so use divine power gold coins. Now this thing is very difficult to deal with in this plane, and it is very popular.

If they are out of stock, go to the Red Dragon Queen to find them and exchange them with treasures, and the Red Dragon Queen is more than happy to help them.

Xilia helps the two legendary arcanists all day long, so she can learn a lot and contribute a lot.

Yilin also came to her senses, and Rihanna's warning to Catherine was also useful to her.In addition to dealing with some government affairs, the profession of the legendary dragon dancer, which he hadn't taken care of for a long time, also began to pay attention to.

(End of this chapter)

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