leisurely dragon

Chapter 133 The Contract with the Queen

Chapter 133 The Contract with the Queen
Li Ge looked at Rihanna seriously. This proud and beautiful dragon has helped him a lot. His straightforward personality is trustworthy.

The first two times when Li Ge fell asleep, he asked Rihanna to help protect the territory and Laiya and the others.If you don't help her, it really doesn't make sense.

Moreover, Li Ge has a little idea about this charming iridescent dragon.Rihanna is no fool and it's impossible not to see this.

Thinking of this, Li Ge couldn't help but feel cheerful, as long as the system is not exposed, it's no big deal.

He stood up, and gently hugged the soft waist of the Red Dragon Queen, with a smile on his lips, he approached Rihanna's crystal-like jade earlobe.

"Your Highness, do you know what price you have to pay?" Li Ge's voice rang in the Queen's ear.

Rihanna's pretty face flushed slightly, "What price, I can't afford it, so will you still hurt me?"

Li Ge laughed, and kissed the red dragon queen's alluring lips. The space shifted, and he had already arrived in the dragon's nest of the ancient tree of dimension.

Inside the dragon's nest, spring is full of joy. At that supreme moment, Li Ge's soul and Rihanna's soul merged, and the two real dragons signed the supreme soul contract with their own souls.Unless they die, they will be together forever.

"Rihanna, seize the opportunity and feel the profound meaning of the new law." Li Ge imprinted part of the divine pattern of good fortune he had comprehended on Rihanna's soul.

This is also impossible, without Li Ge as the master's soul as a bridge, how could such a supreme fetish like the God of Good Fortune be so easily accepted by all things, not even a little bit of breath.

The Red Dragon Queen, Rihanna, is also a top true dragon, she seized this fleeting opportunity, and a little breath of good luck flooded into her soul.

Years of accumulation turned into real power at this moment, the embryonic form of the nascent clergy field has been condensed, and the biggest difficulty of Rihanna's apotheosis has passed.

The Red Dragon Queen winked like silk, "Li Ge, it turns out that you are the real master of the dimension." At the moment the soul contract was concluded, apart from the existence of the system and the matter of time travel, the secrets of Li Ge's identity had already been revealed. Hannah knew.

"Rihanna, there are still some things I can't say now," Li Ge apologized.

"Don't worry, Li Ge, I'm waiting for the moment when you ascend to the throne of mighty power." The Red Dragon Queen also understands some things, and it's not good to know too much.

Li Ge nodded. At that moment, he would definitely have the ability to control his own destiny, and it would not be too late to confess to his spouse.

"Now, Xiaoxionglong, my sister will let you know what fire-like enthusiasm is." Rihanna's counterattack made Li Ge have to deal with it with all his strength.

He is a young dragon, facing a mature female dragon who is a legendary dragon species, especially the kind of enthusiasm that has been accumulated for a hundred years, he almost can't breathe.

When Li Ge and Rihanna came out of the dragon's nest, it was already a month later, and after entrusting Selena to take care of the dimensional dragon's nest, they returned to the mage tower.

Catherine, who had come to the Mage Tower through the teleportation array every day, was the first to see Li Ge and Rihanna walking in hand in hand, her small mouth opened and she didn't know what to say.

Rihanna greeted Catherine, Elsa, Leia and her daughter without changing her face, and was about to leave.It will take time for the new priesthood to fully condense. Neither she nor Li Ge are mother-in-law dragons.The two parties are already together, and there is no need to care about this time.

Seeing the Red Dragon Queen leaving in a hurry, Catherine was a little puzzled, "Teacher, what's the matter with Sister Rihanna, in such a hurry?"

Li Ge chuckled, "Catherine, maybe in the near future, you will call Rihanna Her Majesty the Goddess."

The girl's eyes were wide open, Laiya and the others had expected it, not as surprised as Catherine.

"So, I'm about to personally experience the birth of a great goddess, and she's such a close queen sister to me. What gift should I prepare?"

Catherine's mind was wide open, and she was already thinking about what gifts to please the future goddess.

"Catherine, don't reveal it for now, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble," Li Ge still warned.

Catherine quickly covered her mouth and nodded frantically, expressing that she would not say anything to anyone.

The teacher's ability to tell her such a big secret is because of her trust in her, and she can't ruin the Queen's sister's great event of becoming a god because of this.

After Rihanna returned to the Leihuo Peninsula, she began to rectify her forces.According to her priesthood, she should be an ancient god with a part of the nature of a god of faith.

Although one can survive without belief, it is not as free and easy as a pure ancient god like Li Ge.

But it would be nice to be able to become a god, and you can still pick and choose. Many demigods don't think they have this opportunity.

It is impossible for Rihanna to develop her faith now, and it would be bad if she were labeled as a false god.The gods in the pantheon have signed a treaty, and only when the divine fire is lit can the church be established and believers be established.

It doesn't matter if you clean up the subordinate forces in advance and establish the rudimentary form of the church.

It turns out that the five-color dragon attached to her has almost left, and the remaining two are also the kind of guys who don't have much ambition.

According to her vision, the future should belong to the neutral camp. There is no good or evil in flames, and the new life includes good and evil.

Therefore, the church should not be too partial to that camp, and it is best to follow its own mind.Rihanna was originally a very casual dragon, which also fits her character.

The departure of those too rebellious dragons also saved her a lot of hard work.These five-color dragons are not even devout to the Mother of Dragons, let alone believe in her, the new god of the future.

After arranging all this, the Red Dragon Queen began to truly calm down and understand the information imprinted in her soul.

In this world, the gods are the embodiment of the laws of the multiverse.Even if quite a few great arcanists threatened that gods and spirits were just more powerful beings, they couldn't stop many powerful beings from pursuing immortality.

After experiencing this incident, Catherine came to the Mage Tower and became more diligent.

The Red Dragon Queen's imminent apotheosis gave her too much stimulation. According to what she said in front of Li Ge, she had seen such a big scene, and felt that the territory was not worth mentioning.

Li Ge's response to her was a burst of chestnuts, plus a whole day of devil practice, which dispelled Catherine's high-minded thoughts.

A small mutated golden dragon that hasn't even gathered its real name yet, so what to do with so many thoughts, it's better to start honestly from now on.

Li Ge's unceremonious response made Catherine tearful.However, the effect was very good, and the girl quickly returned to her normal state of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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