leisurely dragon

Chapter 144 The Real Dragon Catherine

Chapter 144 The Real Dragon Catherine

It should be said that the wilderness is really a great treasure house. With the assistance of the Mage Kingdom and the dwarves, this group of eight pioneering nobles discovered more or less different minerals in their territories.

The status of Catherine's golden rose collar plummeted in the eyes of those in power in the Rhine Empire, and the number of prying eyes fell a lot for a while.

Therefore, the girl has more free time. These days, she has been pestering Li Ge, asking the teacher to teach herself more strictly.The distress of her parents gave her a great stimulus.

After years of rigorous training, Catherine's basic skills have become very proficient, and with her spell-like abilities, she has been able to compete with master-level professionals.

Now Li Ge is teaching her more advanced martial arts and how to fight in the form of a dragon.

No matter what kind of training, it is not as good as actual combat.Li Ge contacted Xia Wei, the princess of the Silver Leaf Elf Tribe, and knowing that there were more and more five-color dragons entrenched around the tribe, he brought his students to the Elf Tribe.

"Li Ge, this is your first visit to my tribe." Xia Wei was very enthusiastic.Although the female elf is a bit arrogant and willful, once she recognized you as a friend at that time, she cherished the friendship between them very much.

Li Ge smiled heartily, "Xia Wei, I'm going to trouble you this time. I brought the students here to experience actual combat. If you haven't experienced combat, you can't get real growth."

Xia Wei and Catherine are also quite familiar with each other, and know what her identity is.

The female elf enthusiastically took Catherine's hand, "Sister Catherine, there are nearly ten dragons of various colors living in the mountains around the tribe, you should be more careful when fighting."

With the support of the teacher, Catherine was full of confidence. After a simple reception by the elf tribe, she proposed to go to the five-color dragons to learn from each other.

Li Ge used the power of the dimension to hide in the gap between the dimensions. Even after Catherine transformed into a giant dragon, he could not be found with the power of a real dragon, so he would not interfere with Catherine's battle.

After getting the position of the five-color dragon from Xia Wei, Catherine turned into a young golden dragon, and began to challenge aggressively from the young five-color dragon.

At the beginning, when those young dragons saw such a big young golden dragon, they were still a little scared and did not dare to come up to the challenge.

But when Catherine held a perfect-level magic gemstone in her dragon claws, she was scurrying around in the air.Those five-color young dragons, who can bear it there, don't follow the rules at all.

Four five-color dragons of different colors swarmed up, and beat the triumphant Catherine by one move.She was inherently weaker than a real golden dragon, and she was not as experienced in fighting as these five-color dragons in the wild.

At that moment, the golden dragon girl suffered a big loss, not to mention the breath of a young green dragon, and then she was beaten passively, and finally ran back to the elf tribe in embarrassment due to the golden dragon's rough skin and thick flesh.

Li Ge suppressed a smile, looked at the embarrassed girl, "Catherine, now you know what a real battle looks like."

While applying the medicine to herself, Catherine looked at the naughty teacher who was snickering, and swore angrily that she must show those five-color dragons a good look tomorrow.

With the rapid improvement of Catherine's combat experience, in the following days, several five-color dragons of the juvenile dragon level began to have bad luck, from beating other dragons to being beaten by other dragons.

The battle was also escalating day by day, and Catherine also began to challenge the five-color dragons of the youth dragon level, and even occasionally provoke the youth dragons.

Some shameless adult five-color dragons coveted magic gems, but unfortunately they ran away obediently after being beaten by invisible enemies.

A month later, when the golden dragon girl defeated a young blue dragon, the actual combat training was finally over.

Golden Dragon Elsa sent a magic communication, the research on Dragon Soul Flower is basically over, and the most perfect way to use it has been found.

Catherine reluctantly bid farewell to those five-color dragons who had been beaten by her, "Wait for me, I will come back", and then walked away amidst a lot of cursing.

In the lord's mansion of the Golden Rose Territory, in the lounge specially made for Catherine, Catherine transformed into a golden dragon and lay in a magic circle.

Charles and Ingrid are busy arranging magic gems at magic nodes to supply Catherine's huge evolutionary energy.

Charles was afraid that the quality of his magic gemstones was not good enough, so he specially took out the gold coins stored in Lige's mage's tower, and bought [-] perfect-level magic gemstones from Lige.

Under the guidance of Rihanna and other legendary mages, Catherine swallowed the Dragon Soul Flower, the magic circle also started to activate, and the golden dragon girl began to transform into a real dragon.

The defense of the Golden Rose Territory has been significantly strengthened. More than a dozen magic puppets in the city are guarding the outside of the city lord's mansion, and the white dragon Elena and the red dragon slave Piem are patrolling outside the city.

Li Ge and the other giant dragons looked very relaxed. Charles walked around anxiously, but was pulled aside by the golden dragon Ingrid and sat down.

Different from the ordinary sleeping dragon, three days later, a beautiful dragon chant resounded from the lord's mansion, which was more majestic than Catherine's dragon chant before.

With the help of the dragon soul flower, after several twists and turns, Catherine finally condensed the real name of the real dragon and became a real dragon.

"Boom", the roof of the lounge of the Lord's Mansion shattered, and a 13-meter golden dragon flew out of the hole in the roof, flying recklessly in the sky, announcing to people that another real dragon was born.

The excited golden dragon girl swayed in the air for a while, then restrained her joy, descended and transformed into a human form.

As soon as I came up, I gave my parents a big hug with several real dragon sisters.When it was Li Ge's turn, Catherine smiled and hugged her teacher.

Li Ge also hugged the golden dragon girl, and was about to let go, but Catherine kissed Li Ge's face lightly, "Hee hee, teacher, this is a reward for your status", before running away with a smile.

The residents of the Golden Rose Territory were notified by the Lord's Mansion that the Countess Catherine was promoted to a real dragon with the gift of the Dragon God, and the whole city celebrated for three days.

This notice was issued by Catherine herself, and was notified to various forces at the same time.

After this announcement, Catherine's position was finally determined, and there was no room for maneuver in the Human Rhine Empire.

Catherine's parents, Charles and Golden Dragon Ingrid, also respect their daughter's decision.

In this world, there is no way out for swaying left and right, unless you are so strong that others dare not mess with you.Otherwise, your end is to be killed by other forces together.

Li Ge and Rihanna couldn't help applauding Catherine's decisiveness. With this kind of heart, Golden Dragon Girl will definitely be able to go further in the future.

Xilia didn't think of this at all, and together with Yilin, they pulled Catherine into their small group, happily talking without knowing what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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