leisurely dragon

Chapter 151 made a fortune

Chapter 151 made a fortune

The blue dragon Teresa was equally excited. She had negotiated a loan rate of [-] divine power gold coins with Archbishop Dani.

This cunning blue dragon turned the person responsible for the loan into the entire blue dragon family. At worst, he would give those family members some sweetness when he went back.

Then it was time for the transaction. Archbishop Dany carefully checked the body of the Titan demigod and confirmed that it was intact.

The blue dragon Teresa also detected it with spells and confirmed that it was intact.The two parties officially started the transaction.

With so many divine gold coins, it is impossible for Archbishop Dani to carry them personally.Holding the holy emblem in her hand, she recited the holy name of Wojin, the goddess of wealth, and a small door opened, leading directly to the divine kingdom of the goddess of wealth.

Twenty-eight thousand divine power gold coins fell from the portal like a waterfall. It turns out that these large quantities of divine power gold coins are stored in the Goddess of Wealth's kingdom.

Li Ge couldn't help feeling an urge to rob the Goddess of Wealth, the Goddess of Wealth, the Silver Dragon sisters and the Blue Dragon mother and daughter, and the Dragon Soul seemed to be down, but they had never seen so many divine gold coins.

The clinking sound of the divine power gold coins stopped, only then did the giant dragons come to their senses, and greedily looked at the mountain of divine power gold coins.

"Your Excellency Li Ge, please count the divine power gold coins and deliver the goods." Li Ge readily untied the magic rune on the corpse of the Titan demigod, and with a big wave of his hand, [-] divine power gold coins entered his dimensional dragon lair .

The blue dragon Teresa also quickly put away the body of the Titan demigod, and said goodbye with Archbishop Dani. They still have some things to talk about.

But it doesn't matter about Li Ge, he is very beautiful now, from birth to now, this property is already the most he has seen in his life.

The wealth accumulated in the past has been consumed in various uses, and it has not been accumulated so much at all.Including the more than 3000 system divine power gold coins he earned during these days, the total wealth exceeds [-].

In the Dimensional Dragon Nest, the eyes of several female dragons were also shining, and Li Yue couldn't help but turned into a heavenly dragon, and got into the pile of divine power gold coins, unwilling to come out.

"Li Ge, you've made a fortune, can you increase your monthly nutrition expenses?" Laiya looked at Li Ge pitifully.

These female dragons have accumulated a lot of divine power gold coins over the years, but unfortunately there are not many left, and most of them have been devoured. They can still distinguish between wealth and power.

Faced with the pitiful eyes of his spouses, even Rihanna, the super rich woman, the Red Dragon Queen, looked at him with big watery eyes.

Although Li Ge understands that this is pretending, Xionglong wants this kind of feeling. It is nothing to get a little more money for a month. This kind of fun is the most enjoyable.

Seeing Li Ge's bold appearance, several female dragons were smiling, only Catherine and Tianlong Liyue looked at him pitifully, Li Ge had to grab a handful for each of them, not many, only a few dozen That's all.

Li Ge, who hadn't had a banquet for a long time, was very excited, and made up a reason for Catherine to take Liyue out to play, and then it was time for fun.

Li Ge, who has a big wallet, is very happy during this time. He has a good saying in his previous life, full of warmth and thinking about that.Li Ge felt that he was a little bit outrageous.

The arrival of Xia Wei, the princess of the Elf, woke him up a little from his happy days.

"Li Ge, the effect of the dragon blood constitution potion is very good, and it has good effects on various elf subspecies. This has been verified by the elf royal court."

Xia Wei is in a good mood. Today's female elves are dressed fresh and refined, like the little girl next door, not as noble and unattainable as before.

Li Ge also regards Xia Wei as a friend now. The elf princess has never let him suffer in the transaction, and she is more emotional.

"I have been authorized by the Elven Royal Court, and I would like to ask you to develop a potion specially for high elves with better effects," Xia Wei explained her purpose readily.

As soon as the words were spoken, Li Ge understood, the high elves, how could they tolerate the same things as their commoners, isn't this a shame.

Now that the power of the Dimensional Ancient Tree is getting stronger and stronger, the effect will become stronger and stronger. Laiya and Elsa have to carefully dilute the concentration of the medicine every time.

Now it is very simple to develop a special effect version. It only needs to increase the concentration of the few female dragons responsible for refining the medicine.

This time, Xia Wei didn't come empty-handed, she gave Li Ge a few seeds of the ancient war tree that the elves never sold.

With Li Ge's consent, although Xia Wei had expected it, she was still very happy.Most of these trading elves have been changed to pay with magic plant materials, which are more than enough for them.

The female elf played in Li Ge's territory and Jin Qiangwei for a few days, and left happily with the newly developed potion.

It's just that Li Ge feels that the female elf's attitude towards him seems to have changed a lot. They used to be friendly, but they are not as open as they are now.

Li Ge also took this opportunity to control his behavior and stop being too greedy. He is still more than 20 years away from adulthood, so he needs to be more restrained.

This little guy, Li Yue, also spends more time with Li Ge.Li Ge has already started training Xiao Liyue in combat.

I have to say that as expected of a mutant dragon, Catherine saw Liyue's training and felt that she had suddenly become mediocre.In the past, she was a genius in the eyes of her parents and teachers, but now she is nothing compared to Liyue.

Same as the attitude towards Catherine, Li Ge is very strict, and Li Yue's character is also very tenacious, so there is no need for Li Ge to preach.

"Liyue, can you learn magic with me too?" Rihanna, the idle and boring queen of the red dragon, actually used gold coins to lure Liyue to play with her, making Li Ge dumbfounded.

Catherine, stimulated by Liyue, said hello to Li Ge, and took Elena, the white dragon, as a bodyguard, to the Silver Leaf Elf Tribe to continue her actual combat practice.

Li Ge wasn't worried about those adult five-color dragons attacking her, but he sent a tool dragon to follow her secretly.

Now the organization of the Dimension Lord Church is on the right track, and the scope of missionary work has not expanded. Li Ge is not in a hurry to expand now, and it is not a good thing to attract the attention of the gods.

In the monster map, Li Ge has never relaxed his training.Being idle is only a relative term. Almost every few days, Li Ge will be seriously injured once in an increasingly powerful game map.

Li Ge has become accustomed to these things. Except for Rihanna, several female dragons rely on him, so he can't really relax.

(End of this chapter)

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