leisurely dragon

Chapter 153 The Opening of the Dimensional Game

Chapter 153 The Opening of the Dimensional Game

As soon as he said it, Li Ge mobilized the system's ability alone and set up monster levels one by one.From the lowest-end slime to the adult body of the three most powerful monsters that Li Ge can design now, people who come in can challenge step by step.

The next step is to make an invitation letter, which is actually a voucher formed by mobilizing a little bit of system power. After merging with the soul, you will be eligible to enter the game map.

These tedious tasks took almost a month for Li Ge, and the monster's explosion rate was also adjusted by him.

The total amount of divine power gold coins released by the monster remains unchanged, but when the divine power gold coins exploded by others are picked up, they have already been split [-]-[-] with Li Ge.

The only thing that is more troublesome now is Catherine, she is the only one who has not bound the soul contract.In other words, Catherine is not eligible to go in, and this will only be discussed at that time.

Li Ge, who had been in the training room for a month, was surrounded by those curious female dragons as soon as he came out.

Rihanna looked at Li Ge, and asked a little carelessly, "Li Ge, what are you doing, don't you even have time to mate with your spouse this month?"

"Ahem, this Rihanna, Catherine is still here, don't talk nonsense." Li Ge blushed all of a sudden, and he always maintained the appearance of a teacher in front of his students.

Several female dragons laughed and laughed, and Catherine said with a smile, "Teacher, there are all these in my dragon inheritance."

When they were done, Li Ge started to talk about the business, "I think everyone is curious about how I got all my combat experience and divine power gold coins. I will tell you today, because you are all my most trustworthy people." loved ones".

The female dragons, including Rihanna, were all in a very happy mood, and Catherine was also super happy, and the teacher did not avoid her.

"Actually, everything I have comes from the gift of the gods. Now I have the ability to let you share this gift. This month, I am busy with this matter."

"Bah", Rihanna rushed over and gave Li Ge a sweet kiss, "Hee hee, this is a reward for you."

Everyone present understands that Li Ge really put them in his heart to make this decision.

Li Ge took out the invitation letter and distributed it to several female dragons one by one, and he would give another one to Selina.

"Rihanna, Elsa, Laiya, Xilia Yilin, Liyue", the real dragon whose name was read by Li Ge accepted the invitation in surprise.

Only Catherine's bright eyes had turned gray, and she felt extremely wronged because she didn't have the teacher's invitation letter, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Li Ge, why is there no invitation letter from Catherine?" asked Helia, who had a good relationship with Catherine.

"Xilia doesn't want it, the teacher must have a reason." Catherine hurriedly stopped Xilia, she didn't want to cause conflicts between Xilia and Li Ge.

Li Ge looked embarrassed, "I didn't mean to embarrass Catherine on purpose, it's just that I don't have enough authority. I have signed a soul contract with Rihanna. Elsa, Laiya, Celia, Erin and I all have soul contracts. Liyue has the soul imprint of my incarnation, the ancient tree of dimension."

"Catherine has no soul connection with me, I really can't help it", Li Ge really has nothing to do at this time.

The Divine Kingdom of the Dimensional Lord is okay, but in this monster game field, he has to wait for the analysis of the two good fortune gods to a deeper level before he can do anything.

"Oh, so that's how it is." Celia just asked Li Ge to explain. Li Ge didn't deliberately avoid Catherine, which meant that he really had no choice.

Catherine's eyes lit up obviously. It turned out that the teacher didn't deliberately reject her, "Liyue is fine, and I can also accept the soul contract."

Li Ge didn't want Catherine to be impulsive, "Catherine, this soul contract is not a joke, don't be angry."

Catherine didn't speak, but looked at Li Ge with big eyes aggrieved, leaving him with nothing to do.Over the years, the girl has already figured out Li Ge's character, that is, she is very soft on her heart.

Li Ge glanced at the other female dragons, all laughing and laughing at the joke.

"You won't have a chance to go back on your word in the future." Li Ge chose the career template of a dragon dancer on the spot, and a little divine light melted into Catherine's soul.

"This is your invitation letter." The girl's face turned cloudy, she took the invitation letter playfully, and lightly stamped it on Li Ge's side face.

Always getting things done, Li Ge really felt that he was not very good at doing such things.

Borrowing the mighty power of the system, Li Ge set the login point in the space of the ancient dimensional tree, which is the safest place now, and Selena also got the invitation letter.

Li Ge took these real dragons into the monster game field, and the first level was a mixture of slimes, goblins and kobolds.

"Ha", Liyue got excited, clenched her small fists, punched one by one, bursting out a few divine power copper coins.They all already understand the currency exchange rules here.

"Wow, there is such a good place, no wonder you have so many divine gold coins, Li Ge." Laiya was very excited, put on her mithril dragon armor, and went on a rampage all the way.

After rushing through several levels, Laiya dealt with an adult blue dragon out of breath, burst out four divine power gold coins, and then sat down to appreciate the infinitely charming baby wealth.

"I will practice here every day in the future." Laiya has already left her arcane research behind, and this is the dragon's paradise.

But not long after, Laiya, who was attacked by three adult red dragons, almost lost half of her life before escaping.

"Woo, Li Ge, the wound on my body hurts so much." Laiya looked at Li Ge with tears in her eyes. The Mithril dragon armor is not 100% defensive, and the monsters here are not afraid of death, and they cooperate with each other tacitly.

Only then did Li Ge discover a new problem. These female dragons did not have as much authority here as he did, and the recovery from injuries was much slower.

He had no choice but to help Laiya go down to rest first, while the other female dragons snickered behind. They had learned their lesson, and they were not as aggressive as Laiya to attract monsters.

Yilin and Xilia teamed up to spawn monsters.Selena was worried about Liyue, so she teamed up with Liyue and Catherine.

The Red Dragon Queen, Rihanna, is very proud. Because the artifact here cannot be used, her combat effectiveness has dropped by half.

Even so, Rihanna was tied with a full-grown iridescent dragon.

"It's so enjoyable," Rihanna exclaimed excitedly. She hasn't fought so heartily for a long time.

A group of people went out exhausted after a day of trouble here. They didn't want Li Ge, who had an almost unlimited physical recovery function here.

"Ah, I'm going to die." Laiya tightly held the more than ten divine power gold coins she earned today, and lay on the sofa without any image.

The greedy Laiya has suffered a lot of beatings, and she has never been beaten as much as she is today in her whole life.

On the contrary, Golden Dragon Elsa was much more restrained, made a lot of money, and suffered no harm at all except for being a little tired.

The Yinlong sisters were frightened by what happened to Laiya, and the two sisters worked together to kill an adult red dragon.

The team led by Selena has no pressure. The little guy Liyue is a fighter, and when he sees a monster, he squeezes his fists and fights.At the end of the day, each of them got a demigod gold coin. Selena took care of her and didn't find too strong monsters.

Rihanna, the Red Dragon Queen, didn't earn a single supernatural gold coin by accident. She didn't care about fighting weak monsters, and she focused on fighting her fellow rainbow dragons.

It's a pity that the iridescent dragon monster displayed the ability of the race better than Rihanna, and Rihanna could only be a tie.

(End of this chapter)

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