leisurely dragon

Chapter 155 Blood Lord and Catherine

Chapter 155 Blood Lord and Catherine

Everyone is fine, but Li Ge himself is not so well.In the past few days, he kept waking up in his sleep.

For a sleepy dragon, nightmares are simply impossible.The unlucky Li Ge has been looking for the reason these days.

The strength of the Dimension Lord is not enough to find out the reason, so after looking for it, he still has to ask the master of the system for help.

As long as there are divine power gold coins, everything will be easy to handle.After spending more than 1000 divine gold coins, the system quickly found out the reason.

The problem was Catherine, there was a big problem deep in the girl's soul.

Li Ge just signed a soul contract with Catherine at the right time.The damage to the girl's soul was blocked by the system, so naturally the master of his system was also affected.

Damn, it's not like Catherine has the consciousness of a big boss hidden in her body.

Li Ge was taken aback when he got the answer. Fortunately, he signed a soul contract with Catherine in time.Otherwise, the girl's soul might not be able to withstand the attack, and she would become another person without knowing it.

Fortunately, the system has the ability of passive soul defense. Catherine will be fine for the time being, but she must take action immediately.

Catherine, who was teaming up with Selena, was found out by Li Ge alone.

"Teacher, what do you want from me?" The girl's face flushed slightly, and she couldn't help thinking about something indescribable.

Li Ge smiled, "Catherine, I need your cooperation in one matter. Don't worry, there is no danger, it's just a little painful."

Catherine's ears turned red all of a sudden, why is the teacher like this.It was so sudden that she wasn't even prepared for it.

Li Ge opened the portal of the kingdom of God and walked in with Catherine. The lord of the dimension was already waiting in the temple.

Only then did the girl feel that she had lost her mind. The teacher must have something to do with her, otherwise the lord of the dimension would not be so cautious.

"Catherine, you are sitting on the chair, it may be very painful later. No matter what happens, you have to persevere. With the teacher around, there will be no danger." Li Ge pointed, and a big chair appeared.

Catherine sat up gently, and a few magic runes appeared to bind her hands, "I'm afraid you won't be able to bear the pain and move your hands around, so don't worry soon."

Li Ge comforted the restless girl, looked at the Dimension Lord, and signaled him to start.

The [-] divine power gold coins disappeared, and a little divine light fell on Catherine, freezing her soul.A little bit of bloody soul power seeped out from the girl's soul.

The pain that goes deep into the soul is like grinding the bones of the whole body into powder one by one.Catherine's pretty face was distorted, and there was a hint of madness in her eyes.

That bit of blood-colored soul power gathered together like mist to form a human silhouette, which was firmly imprisoned by the dimensional master.

The power of the bloody soul is increasing, and the outline of the human figure is becoming clearer and clearer. It is actually a woman with bloody long hair exactly the same as Catherine. She is extremely beautiful but has a fierce expression.

With the last trace of bloody soul power drawn out, the scarlet eyes of the bloody long-haired woman opened, "How dare you offend the great bloody lord?"

The lord of the dimension has the same personality as Li Ge, and directly suppressed this remnant soul with divine power.No matter who you are, if you hurt his relatives, you are courting death.

The raging divine fire enveloped this remnant soul, and what awaited her was the fate of being refined.

At this time, Catherine's complexion was already pale, and this remnant soul had silently devoured nearly a quarter of her soul power.

The remnant soul was drawn out by the power of the system, and Catherine's vitality was also severely injured. On the surface, her strength has dropped to the level of an intermediate professional.

Li Ge carefully checked the sweat on the girl's face, "Catherine, you are no longer in danger, are you still in pain?"

Catherine struggled to stand up from the chair, but unfortunately, because of the pain and exhaustion of her body just now, she staggered and almost fell.

Li Ge quickly supported the girl, Catherine had no strength in her whole body, she let Li Ge hold her, and came to the dragon's nest of the ancient tree of dimension.

Here is full of life force and real dragon breath, which is most suitable for Catherine to cultivate.

"Teacher, is that bloody lord just now hiding in my soul?" Catherine also heard the scream of the remnant soul.

Li Ge nodded solemnly, "The bloody lord and your soul are one. According to my guess, you are the reincarnation of the bloody lord and the vessel for her resurrection."

"According to the amount of soul power she devoured, it can be speculated that she awakened after you were promoted to the real dragon."

"If you hadn't signed a soul contract with me and got the guardianship of a great existence, your current consciousness should have changed to another person."

"It's terrible, I don't want to become someone else." Catherine held Li Ge tightly, her little face pressed tightly against his body.

"Okay, the incident is over. Although your strength is greatly damaged now, with the recovery ability of a real dragon. As long as you have a lot of resources, you will be able to recover sooner or later."

Catherine gave a soft "um", still unwilling to get up in Li Ge's arms, her soft body trembling slightly from time to time.

Li Ge was a little embarrassed, but there was nothing he could do.Catherine really suffered a great crime today, and was terrified, so she had no choice but to follow her.

Rihanna waited for a few female dragons outside, got the news from Li Ge, and entered the dragon's nest together.From Li Ge looking for Catherine alone to when the two suddenly disappeared for so long, they felt that something was wrong.

Seeing Catherine leaning against Li Ge's arms with a pale face, Liyue's short legs jumped in front of the girl, "Sister Catherine, are you injured, is it okay?"

Seeing the bewildered expressions of these giant dragons, Li Ge handed over Catherine to the care of Helia and Erin.From the beginning to the end, he explained how he found out that there was a problem with Catherine's soul, and with the help of the gods, he captured the soul of the bloody lord who was deeply hidden.

Even the knowledgeable Rihanna, Laiya and Golden Dragon Elsa couldn't help but feel scared after hearing this.

If it wasn't for Catherine's stubborn insistence on signing the soul contract that day, it is estimated that Catherine's soul has changed its owner by now.

For such a big matter, the Charles and his wife had to be told.After Rihanna, Elsa, and Laiya, two great arcanists, treated with the enhanced version of the dragon's blood potion jointly refined, Catherine can now act normally.

Hearing that Catherine was pretending to be relaxed and talking about the accident, Charles and Jinlong Ingrid were alone, and now they still feel chills in their hearts.

Who would have imagined that there was actually a powerful god trying to resurrect Catherine.

"Li Ge, thank you so much this time. If something happens to Catherine, my life will lose its color forever." Jinlong Ingrid was very grateful to her fellow-clan.

(End of this chapter)

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