leisurely dragon

Chapter 158 Golden Dragon Elsa Sleeping

Chapter 158 Golden Dragon Elsa Sleeping

The Golden Rose collar was completely handed over to Charles and his wife by Catherine. She herself was busy comprehending the huge knowledge of divinity, and she also had to practice in the game monster map every day. She was very busy.

Rihanna seems to be leisurely, but the exploration of priesthood laws is enough to consume most of her energy.

Since the Laiya mother and daughter entered the monster map of the game, the bloodline potential that was blessed and enhanced by the benevolent lady began to play a role.

These three silver dragons are basically improving every day. Although the range is not very large, it cannot be underestimated after accumulating over time.

Elsa the Golden Dragon is the most leisurely person now. In addition to fighting monsters and exercising every day, the research on the profession of the great arcanist is basically at a standstill.

However, Elsa is worthy of being an archbishop who has been working for many years, and she has a very good attitude.In fact, she is relatively talented among golden dragons, but the dragons around her are all cheating.

Li Ge was afraid that she would be unbalanced, so he spent a lot of time with Elsa these days.

In the fields on the edge of the town, the leaders have opened up a lot of land here.It is early summer, and the fields are filled with the fragrance of wild flowers.

Li Ge and the beautiful girl with blond hair walked hand in hand on the path beside the field.

Elsa likes this rural style very much, and the breeze blowing her long hair makes her feel very comfortable.

"Li Ge, in fact, you don't have to worry about me. I am very satisfied with my current life." Elsa saw Li Ge's thoughts.

"Praying to the gods and constantly exploring and understanding the path of the lord of the dimension has enriched my soul."

The beautiful blonde girl smiled, "Li Ge, haven't you noticed that the aura of the priest in me is much stronger than before?"

Li Ge really didn't pay attention to these small things. He has never cared much about this small church of the Lord of Dimensions.

Elsa playfully stretched out a tender finger, "Look, Li Ge", an extremely tiny dimensional space is generated and destroyed above the finger.

Li Ge's eyes were wide open. He and several female dragons had soul contracts, and they did not block their exploration of the laws of the lord of the dimension.

It's just that he didn't expect Elsa to understand the law of dimensions so quickly. You must know that she is only a sixth-level priest.

"Elsa, your talent in this area is really too strong", Li Ge was really convinced.Without the blessing of the dimensional blood, it would be impossible for him to condense the dimensional divinity.

The comprehension of the law cannot be noticed by others at all. If Elsa hadn't said it herself, Li Ge would never have imagined that Elsa had reached such a point.

"It seems that I can safely give you a little thunder attribute," Li Ge said happily.

The five strands of thunder divinity extracted from the thunder titan demigod Aonon have been completely cleared of the alien consciousness by the lord of the dimension.

The inheritance of the thunder titan and the giant dragon are too different. If you want to integrate the thunder attribute from the titan, the giant dragon must have extraordinary understanding.

Among Li Ge's spouses, the attributes of the four silver dragons, Laiya, mother and daughter, and Selina, do not match the divinity of Thunder.

Rihanna and Catherine already have their own paths, and Li Ge doesn't need to worry about them.

Elsa, the only golden dragon who is more suitable now, has an extraordinary talent in law, so why not make Li Ge happy.

"Elsa, the knowledge contained in the divinity of the titan demigod is quite different from the inheritance of the real dragon, which requires you to put in a lot of effort," Li Ge said with a smile.

Elsa raised her beautiful face, approached Li Ge, and sent a soft kiss, "It is very lucky to be able to obtain divinity, and I have great confidence in myself."

In the training room of the Mage Tower, Li Ge's finger has a trace of thunder and divinity, which is constantly jumping, making people unconsciously addicted to it.

Golden Dragon Elsa showed a huge golden dragon real body, 30 meters in length, with a graceful posture, exuding a touch of incense, which made Li Ge's heart beat violently.

Li Ge solemnly let go of the shackles on the divinity, Elsa's spiritual power tightly wrapped the divinity, and integrated it into her own sea of ​​consciousness in one fell swoop.

Dealing with this trace of pure divinity, Elsa subdued it effortlessly, and the rest of the time was to slowly discover the mystery of divinity and truly make divinity her own.

"Li Ge, I need to sleep for a while, I can't accompany you anymore." Jin Long's gentle eyes were full of tenderness.

"You can rest assured to sleep, I have everything here", Li Ge sent the Golden Dragon Elsa into the Dimensional Dragon's Nest, and did not leave until she fell asleep peacefully.

Li Ge, who was alone, felt a sense of loss, and soon he cleared up his mood, and it was not like he had nothing to do.

Although there is no sign of a war breaking out, several female dragons are also working hard to improve their strength.Li Ge, who is relatively free, has to take on some trivial matters so as not to cause trouble to them.

There are not many things about the territory. Baron Kaman can decide most of the things by himself, and Li Ge can take care of the rest soon.

His strength can no longer be improved easily. In the game world, the more advanced monsters he fights, the more energy he will spend fighting. Li Ge's soul will be exhausted after fighting monsters all day long.

The system can only restore physical strength, not mental strength.Now every day, Li Ge only needs to exercise to a certain extent.

Li Ge, who is free, can only have fun by himself.Those dragon envoys in the wilderness, and those five-color dragons who have been coveting the territory.Li Ge is not very pleasing to the eye, and now it is time to cause them some trouble.

In recent years, the five-color dragons have become more and more rampant, and evil dragon disasters have repeatedly broken out in various places.The number of dragon ambassadors is also increasing, and a considerable number of dragon ambassadors are contracted by captured evil dragons.

Open the mall list, the balance above shows that there are more than 5000 divine power gold coins.It took a lot to deal with the bloody lord, and the female dragons and him fighting monsters added some more.

Five-color dragons value power and wealth most.The dragon envoy is also for power, and then uses power to gain wealth and power.

If you want to take revenge on these guys, you must start from these two aspects.Li Ge picks and chooses an item.

The green dragon Krisna looked at a scroll in her hand, on which was written "Dragon Blood Gem Refining Method" in dragon characters.

The green dragon opened it carefully and looked at it. It described how to use the magic power overflowed by the real dragon itself to refine dragon blood gems and increase wealth.

The method is very simple. Store an ordinary stone close to your body, and use the magic power on the scroll to inject magic power into the stone.

After being injected with magic power rich in real dragon breath, the stone absorbs a lot of magic power and will be transformed into a dragon blood gem.It's just that in this process, the utilization rate of magic power is only about half.

The formed dragon blood gems vary according to the attributes of the giant dragon, but they are all very suitable for dragon attribute creatures.

(End of this chapter)

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