leisurely dragon

Chapter 163 Battle

Chapter 163 Battle
After a few days of fighting, the ordinary elf soldiers of the ice and snow elf tribe suffered a lot of casualties.

Avelia and her white dragon partner also frequently shot, and finally maintained the situation.

After the dozens of young white dragons raised by the frost giant were driven into the arena, the pressure on the ice and snow elves was even greater.

The cunning ancient giant Sebastian was completely playing tricks on his opponent.If the Frost Giant Tribe had attacked the Ice and Snow Elf Tribe with all their might from the very beginning, a major defeat would have been unavoidable.

At the end of the day's battle, the white dragon was covered with bruises, and the saint Avelia also had to ask for help from the special envoy of the Elven King's Court.

Xia Wei couldn't bear it any longer. The Ice and Snow Elf didn't say anything before, and she couldn't make a move, so she had to take her face into account when she was on someone else's territory.

Seeing the casualties of those elf soldiers, she, as Angress's favored person, was quite angry.

The next day, Xia Wei came to the defensive position outside the elf tribe early, and Li Ge stood beside her.

"Arrow of the Moon God", the bow and arrow in Xia Wei's hand seemed to have eyes, and almost in a moment, she called out the names of the adult frost giants holding iron chains to drive the white dragon.

Li Ge didn't waste the good opportunity created by Xia Wei either, a huge golden dragon soared into the sky, and breathed a flaming dragon's breath towards the attacking giant army.

A dozen or so adult frost giants were reduced to ashes under the breath of the flame dragon.

Those young white dragons felt the majesty of the powerful clan, and they stayed in place one by one, not daring to move.Although the intelligence is not very high, but the dragon's instinct makes them dare not provoke this powerful kin.

"You little bastards, go to the elf tribe on the opposite side and take care of me," Li Ge roared violently.

However, these young white dragons followed Li Ge's order and ran towards the elf tribe dragging their iron chains.

In a short while, more than 30 adult frost giants had been lost, making the ancient giant Sebastian unable to react.

In this frost giant tribe of more than a thousand people, there were only more than 400 adult giants, and nearly one-tenth of them died all of a sudden, which made Sebas and the other three legendary frost giants angry.

"Damn reptile, go to hell." A legendary frost giant warrior held a thick battle axe and rushed to the position with a single charge.

Li Ge hovered in the low sky, and smiled disdainfully, but it was a pity that the dragon's face, which was full of scales, could not be seen at all.

"It's really a stone head. Don't the frost giants here know that the size and strength of a dragon are basically proportional?" Li Ge struck the reckless legendary frost giant with a breath of lightning.

Then he swooped down, and a dragon claw held the frost giant tightly.The sharp fingertips pierced into the legendary warrior's body like a few sharp knives. With just one blow, the legendary frost giant warrior lost the ability to fight.

For Li Ge, this kind of ordinary legendary fighter is almost overwhelming.

Cheers erupted in the elf tribe. These days, they have suffered a lot from such a legendary warrior.

Li Ge's dragon claws were grasped and thrown vigorously, and the legendary frost giant, who was already seriously injured, was really half dead, and Li Ge threw him to the defensive position of the elves.

A group of elf warriors happily tied up the frost giant with iron chains and dragged it into the tribe.

"Be careful, Li Ge," Xia Wei suddenly called out anxiously, and Li Ge felt the strong demonic aura without turning around.

The body turned from solid to empty, and suddenly a Baluo flame demon was in the position of Li Ge just now, and the great sword of beheading slashed into the air.

The ancient giant Sebastian secretly summoned a legendary level demon in an attempt to decapitate the opposite golden dragon.

"Demon, you have come to the main material plane, don't even think about going back," Li Ge roared.

"Space Confinement", the power of Li Ge's bloodline spell is much stronger than before.

Balor, whose strength was already limited by the main material plane, was like a worm in amber, being imprisoned by space and constantly compressed.

"Soul Labyrinth", the still-struggling demon's eyes froze, he no longer resisted, and was compressed into a sculpture the size of half a palm by the space.

Li Ge backhanded the demon into the system space. He didn't believe that the endless abyss was so powerful that it could take back this part of the demon's soul.

Sebastian cursed angrily, this legendary demon, but he spent a lot of money to get the right to summon for a long time.

Now it's great, all investment is over.And if the demon's soul can't go back, he, the summoner, will be disgusted by the abyss consciousness, and the cost of summoning the demon next time will be ridiculously high.

"Retreat", to be able to live for so long, Sebas, who has the blood of the Titan, not only relies on his strength, but also his cunning mind among giants.

The golden dragon on the opposite side obviously possessed the strength of an ancient dragon, and he, an ancient giant, was no match.

Li Ge, who returned victorious, was greeted by collective cheers from the elf soldiers.

In the legends of the elves, the golden dragon has always been a powerful creature who befriends them.

Li Ge's performance was undoubtedly a shot in the arm for the weak Ice and Snow Elf tribe, and the situation was completely reversed as soon as he got out.

The dozen or so juvenile white dragons have been subdued by Avelia's partner, the adult white dragon Monroe.Compared to the abuse of frost giants, they are still more willing to obey their own kind.

"Li Ge, your performance is really great, I will report your contribution to the Elven King's Court," Xia Wei said excitedly, holding Li Ge's hand.

"Xia Wei, you know that's not what I want," Li Ge said, looking at the beautiful female elf.

Xia Wei's face turned red all of a sudden, the female elf put her arms around Li Ge's neck, and kissed lightly, "I'm sorry, I'm going to be ready to contact the gods at any time now, and keep clean."

Li Ge looked at the female elf who turned and ran away, and was a little speechless. He meant that he wanted the elf to give more good things, like last time, what's the use of just making a report.

It's just that I didn't expect Xia Wei, the princess of the elves, to think of something else.It's a bit of a loss now, he ran away before he felt it, at least it would take a while longer, so that he can be sincere, girl.

"My lord, these juvenile dragons are your spoils of war, what should we do with them?" The adult white dragon Monro came to Li Ge respectfully, without a trace of the arrogance of the previous few days.

Jin Long's body was more than twice his size, and he was like chopping melons and chopping vegetables, which resulted in two legendary strengths, which made him have no desire to resist at all.

"Your family, you can arrange it yourself." This white dragon is sensible, and Li Ge doesn't mind giving him face and taking care of the white dragon's self-esteem.

(End of this chapter)

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