leisurely dragon

Chapter 169 Alien plane

Chapter 169 Alien plane

There is almost no concept of time and space in the endless void, and Li Ge doesn't know how long time has passed.

If it weren't for the divinity of the void and the divinity of the dimension, and the power of the void was slowly growing after absorbing the power of the void, I am afraid that the power of the dimensional master with a godhead level of one would not be able to support it.

"Continuing like this is not a solution. Sooner or later the power will not keep up with the consumption, and it will be too late." Li Ge has only one way now, and that is to rely on the power of the system.

There are many powerful items in the mall, and Li Ge's current divine gold coins are less than [-].Looking at the cheapest useful items, there is still a shortfall of [-] divine power gold coins.

Li Ge gritted his teeth, and the lord of the dimension squeezed the last of his divine power to create [-] divine power gold coins, and then fell into a deep sleep.

"Purchase a random teleportation scroll from another plane", Li Ge used this scroll that cost him all his wealth in a single thought, and now he only hopes that this randomness will not be too sloppy.

"I'll be back soon," Li Ge only came to take a look at this world, and was wrapped by a powerful force of time and space, passed through the channel of time and space, and went to an unknown plane.

In a trance, Li Ge couldn't even remember how long it had passed and passed through those spaces.He didn't wake up suddenly until the power of the random teleportation scroll on the alien plane was exhausted and he was thrown into a space-time channel exit.

The huge golden dragon smashed into the sea under the exit of the passage, and fell deeply into the sand.

Exhausted, Li Ge fell into a deep sleep in the sand on the bottom of the sea.The lord of the dimension also began to slowly recover his strength in the Kingdom of God.

In the Ocean of Storms on the planet Avada, there are storms raging on the ocean all the year round, almost no merchant ships pass by here.

A group of giant whales wandered happily in the wind and waves. Those stormy waves were nothing to these giant beasts. Their natural water talent made this place a paradise for giant beasts.

A golden giant dragon rushed out of the seabed, and a breath of flame roasted the leading giant whale thoroughly, and the rest of the giant whales were frightened and scattered.

It didn't take long for Li Ge, who was hungry and uncomfortable, to swallow the bones of this giant whale weighing more than 100 tons.

"Finally recovered." Li Ge hiccupped. He woke up after sleeping for more than a year. The Dimension Lord also recovered a little strength, and the Kingdom of God began to operate normally.

"The next time is to slowly accumulate divine gold coins, so that we can go back early. Of course, it would be better if we can find a place where civilization exists."

After so many years, Li Ge has gotten used to the life of a giant dragon, and it is not difficult for him to spend time, as long as there are no problems with the system.

If you get in touch with the local civilization, you can also find out what kind of world this is, and add a little fun to your future life.

After eating and drinking, the golden dragon rose to an altitude of [-] meters and flew towards the direction where the storm was weaker.

The islands on the ocean are dotted all over, like pieces of beautiful emeralds, inlaid on the blue ocean.

After flying about [-] kilometers, a small black spot came into Li Ge's eyes.

The black spot is getting bigger and bigger. It is a large ship with high bulging sails and cannons on the side of the ship, indicating that it is an armed warship.

"Princess Tina, we can't sail any further. Once we enter the storm belt in the Ocean of Storms, our warship cannot guarantee safety," a young man with beards said loudly.

In front of him stood a petite, beautiful blonde girl in a robe.

The sea breeze was blowing the girl's blond hair, and the girl's figure stood firmly on the bumpy warship.

"Captain Huck, the kingdom of Farbus is at stake. If we can't find Dragon Island this time, sign a contract with the dragon and become a dragon knight, we will not be able to deal with the threat of the Ulman Empire."

"Rather than subjugate the country, it is better to fight to the death. Even if buried in the sea, it is better than being a subjugated slave." Princess Tina said categorically, which was completely inconsistent with her petite and sweet temperament.

Captain Huck is helpless, Princess Tina is an official mage, regardless of strength and status, they are not something that this group of sailors can fight against.

"Of course you nobles are worried, but we sailors are the same no matter who we serve for," Captain Huck and the sailors slandered endlessly.

Li Ge had already stood invisible on the boat, and the young rookie mage couldn't find him at all.

Lian followed them invisibly on the ship for several days, and under the influence of language proficiency spells, Li Ge had initially learned the language of these people.

The behavior of that Princess Tina looked masculine to Li Ge, and she did not see the weakness of most women at all.

Originally, Li Ge planned to leave, but one day when Princess Tina was watching from the side of the ship, a bead suddenly appeared in her hand that attracted Li Ge's attention.

Li Ge, who had accumulated some divine power gold coins in the past few days, immediately spent a hundred divine power gold coins to appraise this strange thing.

"A little source of time and space", Li Ge almost fell out of the invisible state, how could this ordinary little mage have such outrageous things.

Princess Tina glanced at the beads, sighed softly, and the beads disappeared again.

Li Ge couldn't see where the beads went at all, and it might be the treasure's own ability.

This is a good treasure. It seems that this little mage has no ability to discover the function of treasures, otherwise how could he be a rookie now.

Li Ge, who has taken a fancy to this treasure, has no intention of snatching it.This little princess is in a predicament now, and now she still has to look for Dragon Island.

Li Ge has plenty of time to wait. When she encounters difficulties or is at a critical moment of life and death, she is not afraid that she will not exchange her treasures for help.

Captain Huck only has an extremely crude chart in his hand, relying on his own groping and superb navigation skills, he is moving towards the predetermined goal.

Princess Tina, a little sorcerer, is not much trouble, and she completely left Captain Huck to decide on some technical issues during the voyage.

The warship has already entered the storm belt. In front of the turbulent waves, there is no big difference between a warship with a displacement of several hundred tons and a small sampan.

The house leak coincided with the continuous night rain, the storm came with violent heavy rain, the rainwater flowed across the warship, some cabins were already flooded, and the sailors were in a hurry to drain water.

"Crack", the tall mast couldn't withstand the ravages of the storm, and was broken and smashed onto the ship. Several sailors who couldn't dodge were smashed into the sea by the broken mast.

"Princess Tina, the warship is about to disintegrate." Captain Huck was completely unable to control the ship.

The young rookie mage also hugged a pillar tightly with both hands to prevent being thrown into the sea by the bumpy boat.

"Captain Huck, order the sailors to get ready and prepare to escape at any time." At the critical moment, Tina was no longer obsessed with finding Long Island.

 The first month on the shelves has passed, thank you readers for your subscriptions, monthly tickets, recommendation tickets and rewards!It is your support that gives me the confidence to persevere.I have always wanted to write more, but I have no choice but to work in a factory and basically have no holidays, all relying on the time code words after get off work.In the days to come, I will try my best to continue to update steadily, so that there is a beginning and an end.thank you all!
(End of this chapter)

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