leisurely dragon

Chapter 172 The Deal With Tina

Chapter 172 The Deal With Tina
Princess Tina scolded for a long time, and after venting, she had to look for the orb she had just thrown away.It's enough to let off steam, life has to go on, this treasure that took him through time can't really be lost.

"Where did my baby go, it was thrown here?" Princess Tina was sweating profusely.

"Young guest from another plane, are you looking for this?" A thunderous voice sounded.

Princess Tina turned her head and saw that she sat down on the ground, her upper and lower teeth were chattering, she really couldn't restrain the fear from her soul.

A golden dragon as tall as a hill stood in front of her, and a dragon claw bigger than her was holding her precious bead on it.

The most important thing is this powerful giant dragon. I just said that she is a guest from another plane, and time travel is the biggest secret in her heart.

A series of terrible consequences, such as soul searching and human experimentation, echoed in Princess Tina's mind.

"It seems that my appearance disturbs you." Jin Long waved his hand, and the surrounding environment changed.

Tina saw a young black-haired man about two meters tall standing in front of him with a smile on his face.The place where the two are now is Lige's magic mansion.

"You are the golden dragon just now, how could you understand what I just said?" Tina's nervous mood eased a little.

"Hehe, don't be nervous, you are a mage, you should know the spell of mastering languages," Li Ge said with a smile.

It was only then that Tina remembered that there was such a spell, but Avada had been isolated from the main universe for more than 1 years, and had no contact with other planes. Without outsiders, this useless spell was basically forgotten by the casters. up.

"Don't worry, guests from different planes, there are many foreign souls in the multiverse. Many of them have become famous powerhouses in the multiverse, such as the Red Dragon Emperor, the Conferred God Green Dragon, and some have become gods".

"So, you don't have to worry about these, even the elf gods are outsiders."

Tina was heartbroken when she heard that, everyone else is a giant dragon who has passed through to become a cow, and so on. Not to mention that she is so ordinary, she has become a woman and is facing the fate of being fucked soon.

"I will return your treasure to you. This is a very precious thing. There is the origin of time and space in it. When you reach the legend, you may be able to use it." Li Ge returned the treasure to Tina.

"Legend", Tina foolishly took the orb. For thousands of years, after the death of the last legendary elf mage, there is no legend in the whole world anymore.

Even the most powerful dragons can only barely exceed the gold level. Legends are no different from gods in Tina's eyes.

Suddenly her eyes lit up, "Dear dragon, are you a legend? The red dragon Aleph just now is far less powerful than you."

Li Ge nodded with a smile, "I accidentally fell into this world from the multiverse, and I will go back when the time comes."

Tina was very excited, "Your Excellency Dragon, do you have the ability to send me back to my hometown? I can give you this orb."

Li Ge was silent for a while, "At least you need a strong divine power to have this ability, I am too weak now."

"Sure enough, it's my imagination," Princess Tina muttered to herself.

Both sides were silent for a while, Princess Tina suddenly became determined, and brought the orb to Li Ge, "Your Excellency, Dragon, I can see that you are a kind and true dragon, and you also value this orb. This orb is in exchange for your help."

Li Ge reached out to take the orb, he would not be so hypocritical, "Very well, I will provide you with appropriate help."

He took out a bottle of potion, which was exchanged for fifty divine power gold coins, "Tina, I appreciate you very much, this is my personal reward for you, it is not within the scope of the transaction."

Tina reached out to take the potion, not worried that Li Ge would harm her.This giant dragon was so powerful that she didn't dare to say anything, so there was no need to tamper with the potion.

she.He raised his head and took a sip, "Your Excellency Dragon, what kind of potion is this, it tastes good."

Li Ge blinked, "This is a gender-changing potion. It has no side effects at all. It can perfectly transform into the opposite sex. Didn't I hear you just said that it was a male?"

As soon as the words fell, Princess Tina fell to the ground and curled up, "Ah, it hurts so much."

Li Ge moved Tina into a separate room with a wave of his hand. This process might be a bit indecent, and he didn't want to stain his eyes.

About an hour later, the door opened a crack, revealing a boy's face, faintly showing the shadow of Princess Tina.

"Your Excellency Dragon, can you give me a piece of clothing?" The young man who didn't know if he should be called Tina said shyly.

Li Ge sent over a set of high-level professional mage equipment that he bought for thirty divine power coins.

People rely on clothes and clothes are really good. The young Tina is wearing a decent enchanted robe and holding a staff. She is about 1.8 meters tall and has a handsome face.

"Thank you, Your Excellency Dragon, call me Arthur now, this is the alias I used to go out playing as a boy." The young man who should be Prince Arthur is very happy now, and the little brother who has been lost for more than ten years has finally returned.

"This is my other compensation for you, take a look." Li Ge handed a dimensional bag to Prince Arthur.

"There are [-] bottles of dragon blood constitution medicine inside. After you take it, you can become a dragonborn warlock, and your strength will increase greatly."

"There are also three leaves of the ancient tree of life, which can enhance the essence of life and save lives in critical moments."

"I'll also capture that red dragon for you and make a contract with you. What do you think of this?" Li Ge looked at Arthur, a fellow traveler, with a smile.

Although Arthur felt sorry for his precious orbs, they were like stones if they couldn't be used. Now these things were what he needed urgently.

"Your Excellency Dragon, I am very satisfied with this transaction." Arthur played with the dimension bag. In the current world of Avada, this kind of space item is basically not seen.

Li Ge applauded in his heart, this fellow is still very knowledgeable.Although what I gave was far from the actual value of the orb, but if I gave too much, it might lead to the result of fighting against each other.

If this fellow is unwilling to trade, I will wait for him to die before taking this orb.

"Okay, you go out first, I'll catch that red dragon for you." Li Ge moved Arthur away with a wave of his hand, turning into a golden dragon and soaring into the sky.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Prince Arthur and the huge golden dragon flying away like a dragon god, Captain Huck and the sailors were shocked from ear to ear.

Prince Arthur scratched his hair in distress, Princess Tina turned into a man, how can this be explained.

Fortunately, the two have similar faces, and Princess Tina's identity certificate, as well as the golden dragon who was like a dragon god just now, forced these sailors to admit his new identity.

As for the things after returning to the country, Arthur doesn't want to think about it now, and he will have a headache when he goes back.

(End of this chapter)

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