leisurely dragon

Chapter 182 Purification and Redemption

Chapter 182 Purification and Redemption
At the foot of the mountain where Li Ge met Julie for the first time, an army of more than a thousand people was camping.From the flame symbol on the flag, it can be seen that it is the church army led by Julie.

Relying on her own formidable strength, as well as the magical arts of the Priest of the True God, Julie quickly subdued more than a dozen surrounding villages.

The territories of some small nobles nearby have basically become the church's faith-controlled area.

Julie also understands that just preaching blindly will not allow these nobles to see the greatness of the true God.

In order to carry out the teachings of the God of Flame and the Newborn, and completely relieve the crisis of nearby believers, Julie decided to summon the armed forces of all the churches to completely destroy this nearby land of the dead.

"Bishop Julie, all preparations are in place, the army is ready for battle, and several minor nobles have also sent reinforcements."

A priest wearing chain armor and holding a warhammer came to report to Julie that those little nobles were also worried about the nearby land of the dead and wished to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Julie stood up with firm eyes, "Very well, we must distribute enough holy water to all the soldiers who participated in the war, and the goddess will watch us in the kingdom of God."

The rumbling drums sounded, and Julie took the lead and led the elite troops into the land of the dead.

Feeling the breath of life, many undead who fell on the ground screamed and got up one after another, rushing towards Julie's army.

"Soldiers, don't be afraid of these skeletons, pour holy water on the weapons," shouted the accompanying priest.

A cold breath of negative energy, as the undead attacked, Julie yelled, "Slash the evil", and more than a dozen skeletons were turned into pieces.

Under the favor of the lord of the dimension, Julie is not only a priest, but also a part-time paladin. Coupled with the rank of dragon-born warlock, she is a group of powerful fighters.

Encouraged by Bishop Julie, the soldiers formed small groups to attack together.The level of undead here is not very high, and the soldiers will gradually be able to cope with it.

"Your Bishop, two hours have come," a priest shouted to Julie.

"Retreat", Julie ordered the army to retreat without hesitation. These undead are still unable to rush out of the land of the undead.

The church's elite troops withdrew from the Land of the Dead in an orderly manner, and the temperament of the entire army has also undergone invisible changes. From being timid at the beginning to full of confidence now, this is the role of an excellent commander.

"This family member of mine deserves to be cultivated vigorously." Rihanna, who watched invisibly, admired Julie, who had absorbed her own dragon's blood and was in fact already her family member.

Julie, who had just finished the battle, had just returned to the tent, and her mind tightened. Li Ge and a beautiful and majestic woman were sitting in the tent.

The natural connection in the blood instantly made her understand who this woman was, "Julie has seen my god, great master, and your family salutes you."

Looking at Julie kneeling on one knee, Rihanna was very satisfied, "Julie, you did a good job, you didn't shame my blood, this is a little power of my artifact, enough for you to purify that land of the dead ".

After finishing speaking, he put a little bit of power from his flame artifact into the center of Julie's eyebrows, adding a majesty to this loyal believer.

"Julie must live up to the Goddess' trust." Being so valued and trusted by her master and gods, Julie's soul has a tendency to become holy.

In the following days, Li Ge and Rihanna have been silently observing Jolie's actions.

After initially testing the strength of the Land of the Dead, Julie gradually stepped up her offensive, and the soldiers who took turns in battle basically overcame their fear.

The decline of Avada's ten-thousand-year extraordinary strength has led to a large number of these undead, but there are really few who can fight with Julie.

After almost a week, the accompanying priest announced that the undead had been completely removed after checking many times.

All the soldiers, including the troops of the minor nobles, burst into thunderous cheers.

A smile appeared on Julie's beautiful and heroic face, "Mobilize all believers who voluntarily come to pray at the scene. Three days later, I will ask the goddess to descend on the divine power in front of everyone, purify this area, and cut off the root of the undead."

The news of the Church's complete removal of the undead quickly spread around the area.The nightmare that had been pressing on the surrounding creatures for countless years was broken, and even those nobles who were not very cooperative could not suppress the intention of the believers to go to pray.

By the third day, nearly 2 believers had come to the scene, and the priests methodically arranged the believers to stand according to their respective positions.

As the prayers of the temporary choir formed by more than a dozen girls and teenagers sounded, the power of faith of more than 2 believers gathered into a torrent.

Julie knelt down on one knee, "My lord, your faithful servant begs to use your great power to completely purify this filthy area and bring light, hope and new life to all beings!"

A little power of the artifact shot out from between Julie's eyebrows, absorbing the torrent of faith power above the praying believers, and quickly grew, turning into a beautiful red lotus, which landed in the land of the dead.

Boundless flames rose and spread throughout the land of the dead, where countless twisted souls wailed.

The sacred flame burned all the negative aura, and those distorted souls, without the erosion of the negative aura, finally regained their sanity, with gratified smiles on their faces.

A divine light in the sky dispersed the clouds, and the guards of the kingdom of God, led by the silver dragon Claire, led those redeemed souls into the temporary kingdom of God.

Originally, these remnant souls who were not believers of the Lord of Flame and Rebirth were not eligible to enter the Kingdom of God.

But Rihanna sympathizes with these innocent souls. If they are not redeemed, these innocents will eventually face the fate of dissipating, or persist until they return to the multiverse and be used by the god of death to paste the wall.

If my wife wants to show kindness, of course Li Ge will help.Influenced by the thoughts of his previous life, he appreciates the practice of letting the souls of the dead rest in peace, and he finds it difficult to agree with the matter of pasting the wall.

In order to help Rihanna gain a wave of prestige, Li Ge also worked hard.

Clare's family, the silver dragon, as well as the dragon-like guardians of the kingdom of the gods transformed from dragon souls rescued from the Titan artifact, all showed their bodies at all costs and brought the sober souls into the kingdom of gods.

"My lord is so merciful," Julie bowed her head and prayed silently, her unfortunate parents might be among these souls.

The eyes of other believers were filled with tears. The souls of this generation, after death, will be drawn to this place unconsciously, sinking until they are completely destroyed.

"My God, your holy fire purifies the filth and brings light, hope and new life to our souls"

Under the leadership of Julie, countless believers spontaneously prayed for the goddess, and their faith level was greatly improved.

There were even several teenagers and girls with excellent qualifications who were inspired to become pastors.

"Li Ge, thank you", the beautiful red dragon queen once again gave her spouse a warm reward.

(End of this chapter)

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