leisurely dragon

Chapter 188 Trading Thunder God

Chapter 188 Trading Thunder God

After returning from the elf tribe, Li Ge took a look at his basic market, and found that the development trend of the old nest was good.

Sas led the kobold troops and completely controlled that area. All the aliens who refused to surrender were all expelled, almost forming a small alien kingdom.

Among the few female dragons staying behind, Xilia and Yilin are the most concerned about this place, and they often bring Liyue here to check the situation.

In the territory of the giant dragon, after condensing the third strand of divinity, Li Ge's body length exploded to 55 meters.

The first routine patrol after the return, the powerful dragon's power made some nearby spies change their colors. This kind of power simply surpassed the golden dragon of the ancient dragon level.

According to the gossip later, a poor green dragon of the ancient dragon level almost lost his mind after hearing the news about Li Ge.

In the desert kingdom, the blue dragon family led by Teresa has completely controlled the kingdom.Each tribe reached an agreement with Blue Dragon one after another.

The Blue Dragon family came forward to completely wipe out those desert robbers.Various desert tribes, such as desert elves, desert barbarian tribes, etc., had a much easier life without the plunder and harassment of desert bandits.

As long as these tribes can survive, it doesn't matter who they pay their taxes to. Blue Dragon is more reasonable and will not exhaust their resources.

Teresa, the mother of thunder, since she surrendered the elder dragon Moss, the elder of the family, her own strength has progressed and merged, successfully surpassing her own age limit, and advanced into the ancient blue dragon in one fell swoop.

"Now I'm short of divinity, and I can break the limit again, become a divine blue dragon, and become the real mother of thunder," Teresa roared excitedly.

Li Ge had told her at the beginning that as long as the price was right, the divinity of the Titan demigod could also be sold, and now is the time.

Teresa, who destroyed the royal family of the desert king, obtained many rare items.Although it is a bit reluctant to take it out, immortal life is more important.

At this time, Li Ge was on the Leihuo Peninsula, which could be called the place where the Red Dragon Queen Rihanna lived.

If your spouse is promoted to the True God, Li Ge will naturally take over the territory she left behind.

"A loyal follower of the God of Flame and Rebirth, the red dragon Stuart, has met His Royal Highness Li Ge."

The red dragon Stewart is very happy now. They have one male and two females, a total of three red dragons, and they can be said to be Rihanna, the old subordinate of the new god.

"Hey, now that I'm going out, who won't give me face, at the end of my future life, Her Majesty Rihanna's kingdom of God will take me in." The red dragon Stuart was very proud of his smart choice.

Those idiots who left back then can see the wisdom of Uncle Honglong.Moreover, Stulet looked proudly at the two female red dragons who had just grown up behind him. He had already become the guest of the two red dragons by virtue of the powerful abilities of the mature red dragons.

Li Ge looked at the red dragon who was no longer afraid to stab, and said helplessly, "Stullett, the territory that His Majesty Rihanna gave you, I will not take it back."

"But if you rely on the reputation of the goddess to do evil outside, I don't need to say, you should also know the temper of Her Majesty the goddess."

The red dragon Stuart nodded hastily, "Since I surrendered to Your Majesty, I have rarely done those things. Now that I have such a large territory, how could I do those stupid things that only a fool would do."

Li Ge asked for a while before leaving. As for whether the three red dragons would obey, it was up to them. Rihanna had never been polite to the five-color dragons who dared to disobey her orders.

"Brother, that annoying blue dragon is here again," Li Yue complained as soon as she saw Li Ge come back.

In the Mage Tower, Elsa the Golden Dragon, Laiya the Silver Dragon, and Catherine sit across from Teresa, the Mother of Thunder.

Fortunately, Laiya and the others knew that they could not delay Li Ge's business, so they endured it and did not drive away the powerful blue dragon.

Li Ge held Liyue's little hand and saw this scene as soon as he came in, "Your Excellency, Mother of Thunder, it seems that the flesh and blood of the Titan demigod is very nourishing. Your strength has surpassed the ancient blue dragon, and you are close to the point where you can comprehend divinity on your own." ".

The female dragons were a little startled, they didn't expect the blue dragon Teresa to improve so fast.It is estimated that only Elsa, the golden dragon who has fused with divinity, and Catherine, who came from behind, can deal with this mother of thunder.

"Your Highness Li Ge is polite, your strength has already entered the eyes of the gods." Although the blue dragon Teresa is arrogant, she dare not show any disrespect to the more powerful Li Ge, who is now the lover of a goddess.

Theresa the blue dragon knew that Li Ge didn't like nonsense, so she cut straight to the point, "Your Highness Li Ge, you said last time that if there is a suitable price, you can sell the divinity of the Titan demigod, right?"

Li Ge said with a smile, "Your Excellency Teresa, I still have four titans and a half god of thunder, it depends on what price you can offer." These divinities from the titans are not suitable for the remaining female dragons.

Blue Dragon took out a dimensional bag and handed it to Li Ge, "I found this in the treasure house of the desert kingdom. The royal family of the desert kingdom also got this by accident."

Li Ge took a look at the dimensional bag, his eyes tightened, and without hesitation, he handed over the sealed four strands of thunder divinity to the blue dragon Teresa, "deal".

The blue dragon Teresa checked and left immediately. She couldn't help but absorb these divinities.

Not long after, the blue dragon Teresa was officially promoted to demigod, which shocked the entire human society.

Many five-color dragons, especially the blue dragons, went to seek refuge one after another, and another power not inferior to the red dragon queen rose up.And the number of dragons far exceeds Rihanna's original 20 or so.

The blue dragon demigod Teresa's approach is also far more radical than that of Rihanna.The small human principalities in the vicinity bowed their heads under the majesty of the blue dragon, obediently paying a large amount of protection fees every year.

Of course, this happened later, as soon as the blue dragon Teresa left, Laiya pounced on her, "Li Ge, show me, what is so precious that it deserves four strands of divinity?"

Li Ge smiled and handed the dimension bag to Laiya, "You'd better take it to the laboratory of the Mage Tower to see it."

"Is it so mysterious? Could it be some precious magic item?" Leia muttered, but obediently took Elsa and four other curious young dragons into the laboratory.

Just entering the laboratory, Laiya, who couldn't wait, glanced at it and was stunned.

"Mom, what's the matter with you?" Shelia asked carefully, looking at her mother who looked happy and angry.

"Ah, I'm so pissed off, these idiots, how could they treat such a precious treasure like this," Laiya yelled angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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