leisurely dragon

Chapter 192 Evil God Resurrected

Chapter 192 Evil God Resurrected
In the Parliament of the Rhine Empire, Emperor Bien III looked coldly at the quarreling congressmen.

The tentacles of the five-color dragon's power have penetrated into human society, making the Rhine Empire, which has always claimed to be the leader of human beings, very unhappy.

In fact, what should be more anxious now is the business alliance, that group of notorious businessmen, without the buffer of the small human principality, facing the power of the mother of thunder.

The five-color dragons have long coveted the wealthy business alliance.The cities on the border asked for help from the Alliance Council, but in this loose alliance, each city existed quite independently, and no one would fight for others until the last moment.

Besides, most of the five-color dragons are seeking money, as long as the border cities are willing to bleed, they can still support it for a period of time.

In the Imperial Parliament, members of the parliament quarreled for several days, but did not come to a result.

Those traditional feudal aristocrats resolutely refused to send troops to interfere. They were helping others, and it was of no benefit to them, so why should they go.

Those aristocrats who have big business in the business alliance, or simply opened a small account there, advocated to intervene as soon as possible.

"The business alliance is not without the existence of demigods. The empire does not need to devote its power to helping a cunning alliance."

The parliament was deadlocked, and the words of Emperor Pien III were finalized.When the parliament did not reach a consensus, the emperor still had a lot of power to speak.

The business alliance was in chaos, and the Rhine Empire and the Mage Kingdom stood by, allowing the five-color dragons to make a fortune and extort a large number of gold coins.

The five-color dragon did not touch the beliefs of those small human principalities, and the Church of the Human Gods did not take any substantive actions other than condemning them.

The rise of Teresa, the blue dragon demigod, has attracted the attention of human society.

At this time, in the Mage Kingdom, something that could affect the entire plane was happening.

In the capital of the Mage Kingdom, in the center of the Arcane City, there is a thirteen-story mage tower with a height of [-] meters, which makes every visiting guest feel awe.

The tower master of this generation, Madoff, the chairman of the legendary mage council of the mage kingdom, has ruled the kingdom for 2000 years.

The other legendary mages in the legendary mage council have all changed, but the chairman Madoff is still standing. No one knows how powerful he is.

Even those famous demigods didn't dare to challenge this legendary mage who lived for who knows how long.

Thousands of years ago, Madoff's last shot was to kill the Pope in the Noren plane of the orc god Gruumsh at that time.

This record completely established Madoff's prestige.

The demigod-level mage tower passed down from generation to generation in the mage kingdom has almost become Madoff's personal mage tower during its long-term rule. No legendary mage dares to object to this.

In the private laboratory of the mage Tamedoff, a skinny old man who looked like a skeleton looked at the young man lying on the laboratory table in front of him, and let out a heart-pounding, terrifying laugh.

"After more than 1000 years, my experiment has finally succeeded. From today, I will have a perfect body and embark on the road of immortality."

This old man is Madoff, the speaker of the legendary mage kingdom, a mage who has lived for 3000 years.

The Mage Kingdom was almost established together with the Rhine Empire. The members of the first parliament also had a huge harvest in the relics of the gods, and established the Mage Kingdom based on this.

Among these harvests, the most precious is a large bottle of divine blood from the avatar of the gods.Since the establishment of the mage kingdom, it has been kept by the speaker of the legendary mage.

Each generation of Speakers tried in vain to research the mystery of immortality from the blood of the gods, but it was a pity that they all died of old age or transformed into liches in the end.

Madoff, as the most powerful Speaker of the past dynasties, is naturally quite obsessed with the study of divine blood and immortality.

According to the usual practice, he will also choose to transform into a lich, and finally go crazy for a long time until he is completely destroyed.Most of the liches ended in this way, and he had nothing to regret.

However, the battle that killed the Pope, the main god of orcs thousands of years ago, triggered the divine punishment of Gruumsh, the main god of orcs.Although most of the power was taken over by the human true god, the aftermath was not something Madoff could bear.

Madoff's soul was irreversibly traumatized, and it was impossible even to transform into a lich.

The mighty mage was almost insane, and finally he thought of a way.Transfer the soul into a powerful body of the same origin, and use the mysterious connection between body and soul to slowly restore the soul.

The stronger this kind of body is, the more it fits with the soul, the better.But it's nearly impossible to find.

The master's cloning technique can create a body with the same origin as the soul, but Madoff is just an ordinary mortal bloodline, and such a body cannot nourish and repair his powerful soul.

The crazy Madoff put his mind on the True God and Blood.In order to survive, he made a deal with the devil in hell to prolong his life.While trying to fuse the blood of the gods into his clone.

During the millennium, such experiments have been done dozens of times, and Madoff devoted himself to the research.As long as the people below can continue to provide resources, it doesn't matter what they do.

In the end, he got perfect experimental data.Madoff fused the last half bottle of true god's blood into the body in front of him.

"What a perfect body, fused with so much divine blood, it has surpassed high-level legendary fighters just by physical strength."

"The best thing is that with such a powerful body, the instinctive consciousness is like a blank sheet of paper, and it can transfer souls flawlessly."

The soul transfer circle has been drawn on the test bench, and Madoff is lying on the other end of the circle, and the soul transfer officially begins.

The consciousness of the legendary mage entered the new body like flowing water, and there was no rejection at all.

"Haha, I succeeded." Madoff laughed wildly as he manipulated his new body.

He already felt that the powerful essence in his body was turning into a mysterious energy, nourishing his wounded soul.

It's just that he couldn't laugh anymore, traces of scarlet color gradually filled his soul.

"Impossible, obviously in the previous experiments, the alien consciousness in the blood of the gods has been removed."

"Haha, I understand. The previous experiment used too little divine blood, and the weak consciousness in it was easily eliminated."

"The amount used this time is really too large, leaving a hidden danger. I have been crazy for too long these years, and I can't even pay attention to this suspicious problem."

It's a pity that this is already the last sentence of Madoff. Since that trace of scarlet entered his soul, the ending has been doomed.

The young man's body came to a standstill, and he opened his eyes again after a while.

"It turns out that so many years have passed, and my bloody lord has finally returned."

"No, I am not the original Lord of Blood. The original god has died. I am a new god born from his blood."

"I am the new generation of Blood Lord, that godhead is mine, and no one can take it away."

The new Lord of Blood, devouring the soul of the Speaker of the Mage Kingdom, is more powerful than the previous Madoff.

No one knew that a new Lord of Blood had been born.

(End of this chapter)

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