leisurely dragon

Chapter 212 Destroying the Gate of the Abyss

Chapter 212 Destroying the Gate of the Abyss
After the meeting ended, Li Ge said hello to the host of the meeting, the reception staff of the Rhine Empire, and left.

Although the emperor of the Rhine Empire, Bien III, hid it deeply, but Li Ge, who had planted a mark in the soul of Glacia, the queen of eroticism, had already felt the stench of the devil.

There is also Madoff, the chairman of the mage kingdom. Lige has confirmed that he is the revived bloody lord by using the ability of the system.

This time there are these gains, even if they are not in vain.In the days to come, it depends on who can seize the opportunity.

Back in the mage's tower, Laiya waited for a few curious female dragons, chirping around Li Ge, asking various questions.

Li Ge had no choice but to describe the specific scenes of the meeting one by one to satisfy their curiosity.

"Catherine, try not to show your divine power recently, so as not to arouse the vigilance of the Lord of Blood," Li Ge warned Catherine very seriously this time.

Just looking at the excited eyes of the girl who was eager to try, Li Ge knew that the girl must be thinking of competing with the bloody lord.

Fortunately, Catherine has always been more measured in her work, and she hasn't done anything out of the ordinary, so she shouldn't cause any trouble.

Perhaps because of being ridiculed by the orc emperor, Li Ge received a magic communication from the Rhine Empire within half a day after returning to the Mage Tower.

"This time, we need to take a good look at the power of the big players." Li Ge was quite interested and thought about competing.

Time was enough, and Laiya begged Li Ge to take her to take a look, but Xilia and Yilin jointly suppressed it, "Mom, don't make trouble, in case someone's artifact is deliberately crooked For a while, Li Ge will be distracted to take care of you."

Early morning soon arrived, and Li Ge's figure turned into a phantom, shuttled through the gap between dimensions, and when he reappeared, he was already in the sky above Frostwolf City.

"Your Highness Li Ge, you have a deep understanding of the law." A hale and hearty old man stood in the void, followed by several archbishops in golden robes. This is the Pope of the Pelor Church.

The attitude of the other party was kind, and Li Ge had no grievances or enmities with them, and there was no need to deliberately offend them.

"Your Majesty the Pope is just joking, my innate skills are no match for the divine power bestowed by His Majesty Pelor." Li Ge also said a few words modestly.

The wisdom of the ancestors in the previous life is reasonable. Li Ge is just an adult, so there is no big mistake in being careful.

The Pope looked at Li Ge with a smile, "Your Highness Li Ge is polite, you are the consort of His Majesty Rihanna, the God of Flame and Rebirth, and you are a natural friend with our justice camp."

"Some people deliberately slander the greatness of the gods, His Royal Highness Li Ge, don't believe it."

"Your Majesty Pelor and the righteous gods have always hated evil. It's a pity that in human society, after enjoying a long period of peace, many people forget that the gods have been protecting them from the invasion of evil."

"The church has been aware of these devil's raids from the very beginning, but unfortunately due to the delay of some high-level human beings and the inaction of some people inside the church, the opportunity was missed."

The Pope of the Pelor Church seems to be deliberately explaining to Li Ge the reason for not making a timely move, and he does not even shy away from the mistakes of his own church.

Li Ge changed his mind and understood the Pope's difficulties.The world has been at peace for too long, and some people in human society, including the church, have become corrupt. This is unavoidable for any major force.

"Your Majesty, I will definitely not believe that orc's instigation," Li Ge replied with a smile.

The orc emperor also had a ulterior motive, he scolded others so refreshingly, he didn't do anything.

The Pope's smile was even more cordial, "Your Highness Li Ge, you have a distinguished status, and we don't want to lose an ally like you because of a small mistake."

As soon as the words fell, several divine lights flickered in the distance, and three tall figures with hazy figures whose specific faces could not be seen came down to the sky above Frostwolf City with a tall titan demigod puppet.

These are the three top demigods of the Rhine Empire and the puppets of the Titan demigods.But the three of them stayed silent after they came, and the Pope of the Pelor Church didn't think it was strange.

Soon the dwarf king was also carrying a radiant artifact war hammer, followed by several popes of the Dwarven Church of the Gods.

The Great Elder of the Elven King's Court carried a green artifact, the Phantom Moon Bow, and walked out with three young high elves in a ray of moonlight.

Li Ge froze, and the sacred blood aura on the three young high elves was not concealed at all.

This is the Son of God, the offspring of the spirit gods left in the world.The elves are really sincere this time.

Having said so much, in fact, from Li Ge's arrival above Frostwolf City to the present, it was only a few words.

Immediately afterwards, Madoff, the Speaker of the Mage Kingdom, Teresa, the Mother of Thunder, and the Pope of the Church of the Goddess of Wealth, and more than a dozen demigods all attended the scene.

"Haha, since we're all here, let's start." A tall figure in the distance came in front of him, it was the orc emperor Meng Ge.

The Pope of the Pelor Church snorted coldly, and shouted sharply, "Help me, archbishops." A sun emblem in his hand erupted with bright holy light in an instant.

Several archbishops of the Pelor Church also took a step forward, pouring their majestic holy power into the sun emblem together.

A moment later, a small sun fell towards Frostwolf City, "Boom", a violent explosion sounded.

The three demigods of the Rhine Empire poured their divine power into the puppet of the Titan demigod.

The Titan demigod puppet condensed a lightning gun in its hand, shouted and shot towards the Frostwolf City below.

The Pope of the Church of the Goddess of Wealth took out a gold pocket and opened it distressedly. Infinite gold coins flowed out like a waterfall, as powerful as heavy alchemy bombs.

"Damn it, this is the Krypton Gold Dafa, and this artifact can only be used by the Temple of Wealth." Li Ge couldn't help being speechless.

The Great Elder Elf moved swiftly, took the bow and shot the arrow in one go, the divine power of the three god sons attached to the arrows like flowing water, and they headed for the gate of the abyss below.

The orc emperor Meng Ge and the dwarf king were the easiest. They both let out a loud shout, threw their weapons out of their hands, and blasted them directly to the ground.

Madoff, the chairman of the Mage Kingdom, was the most exaggerated. A legendary scroll was pulled open, and a crimson meteor appeared in the sky immediately and fell straight down.

"You can't let them underestimate it," Li Ge thought to himself, his shot was related to Rihanna's face.

Dimensional fluctuations became stronger and stronger in Li Ge's dragon kiss, and the infinite small dimensional space was instantly shattered, and the huge energy generated turned into a space-time singularity, which shot out from the mouth of Li Ge's golden dragon body, and the hidden tyrannical energy fluctuations It made the demigods on the side startled.

All the powerful demigod-level masters, manipulating the artifacts, each showing their supernatural powers, almost shot at the same time.

"Not good, it's dangerous." The female mage Eve who was in Frostwolf City had no time to react, and the consciousness of the Succubus Queen who possessed her immediately pulled away.

The next moment, more than a dozen powerful attacks landed on the tall abyss gate in the middle of Frostwolf City.

The entire Frostwolf City was filled with infinite divine light, and there was a huge "bang" sound, and the tall gate of the abyss collapsed in an instant.

"Damn it, you lackeys of the gods, can't you afford to use so many artifacts to attack a mere gate of the abyss?"

"It must be those hypocritical gods deliberately playing us, so many of my demon legions have invested in it."

"You bastards wait, when your disgusting souls come to the abyss, I will treat you well".

The consciousness of several demon lords kept cursing in the void.

This is really bullying the demons too much. With such a massive attack, even if the real bodies of these demon lords come here, they will die.

The entire Frostwolf City has turned into a huge pit, and those demons have long been turned into nothingness by the Holy Light.

The Pope of the Pelor Church looked serious, and looked at the demigods around him, "Everyone, according to the agreement of the gods, in order to avoid major disasters, the church cannot participate in the competition for the godhead, and the clergy must participate in their personal capacity if they want to participate."

"The key task of the Church of the Gods is to clean up the remaining scattered demon army and protect innocent believers."

"It is best for all parties to restrain their behavior, otherwise even if they ascend to the throne of God, they will face the liquidation of the gods."

Meng Ge laughed loudly, "My tomahawk is already hungry and thirsty. Anyone who wants to be my enemy must be prepared to die."

Everyone sneered a few times, who wouldn't speak big words.The matter was over, and no one wanted to stay and chat, so after a few casual greetings, they went back to their respective homes.

There are still those scattered demon legions that need to be wiped out.

The real battle for the godhead is about to begin, and only the final victor can seize that tempting fruit.

(End of this chapter)

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