leisurely dragon

Chapter 214 Bloody Battle

Chapter 214 Bloody Battle ([-])

The army of the Orc Empire crossed the checkpoint of the Hengduan Mountains and entered the wilderness again.

All creatures blocking the way were slaughtered mercilessly. Wherever millions of troops went, countless monsters fled.

This time, the orc emperor Meng Ge established a semi-centralized country by recruiting weak tribes and reorganizing the new army, which greatly reduced the power of the church of the orc gods.

This time, many priests and shamans, under the call of Meng Ge and the tribe, joined the army in their own names.

The popes of the orc church had no choice but to lose their qualifications to compete for godhood.

On the side of the Rhine Empire, Bien III personally sat in the central army and mobilized a huge army no less than the orcs.

The 20 dwarf warriors have also set off, and they will be able to mix with the army of the Rhine Empire in the near future.

Other human kingdoms have also organized reinforcements one after another, almost gathering a million troops.

Madoff, the chairman of the mage kingdom, personally led the members of the legendary mage council, as well as the kingdom's elite battle mage legion and magic infantry to join the reinforcements.

Many priests of the human gods joined the army in their own names under intentional or unintentional arrangements.

In contrast, the elves' army seemed to be doing nothing, just sending out scouts to keep an eye on the orc army.

Teresa, the mother of thunder, seems to be swaying left and right, and they don't know what the hell they are planning.

However, the Rhine Empire has always had a legion keeping an eye on the movements of the five-color dragon legion.

The armies of both sides are rapidly gathering in the wilderness. The human coalition has more than 100 legends and an unknown number of demigods.

Orcs are also not weak, the number of legendary fighters is not inferior to that of humans, and there are also many legendary shamans in the legal system.The Orc Emperor even holds the artifact Hell Tomahawk.

For some reason, Charles and his wife, who were supposed to be one of the trump cards in the human army, were appointed as vanguards by Emperor Bien III of the Rhine Empire.

"Bin has become so hard for me to see through, he is trying to force me to die." Charles' face was calm, not angry.

"There is no family relationship between the royal family. As one of the candidates for human beings to be eligible for godhood, I have blocked Bean's way."

"If you don't die this time, Ingrid, I will find a place with you to live a peaceful life together."

Golden Dragon Ingrid looked at her husband and partner. Their lives have been linked since a hundred years ago.

"Charles, after this time, we don't owe them anything anymore. Whoever wants our life, let them take it with their own life."

Ingrid hugged her husband tightly, even if she died this time, she would die together.

In the Mage Tower, Li Ge's tall body is equipped with a set of legendary dragon battle armor. The golden dragon Elsa and Laiya have upgraded this set of equipment for him many times.

"Catherine, don't worry. Your parents may not know that I have secretly planted a mark on them. When their lives are in danger, I can go there in time to support them."

Li Ge comforted the calm Catherine.

The army of the territory, the territory guard of Kaman, the monster army of the green dragon Krisna, the Kobold professional army of Sass, the dragon blood knights of Erin, the knights of Catherine, and the dwarf troops are ready for war preparation.

The 30 vanguard army led by Charles was at the forefront of the army. When the magic animal partner Goshawk of the ranger scouts discovered the vanguard of the orcs, the two sides had already met less than [-] kilometers away.

Opposite them was the Frostwolf Tribe that once captured Frostwolf City. Although the old wolf king had snow-white hair, his body was still strong.

"Sons of the Frostwolf tribe, let us kill the cowardly humans on the opposite side and win the first victory for the Orc Empire."

The desolate horn sounded, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, so close that the silhouette of the opposing army could already be seen.

Charles rode on the golden dragon Ingrid and jumped into the sky, "Master of the orcs, come on, the sky is our battlefield."

"Jie Jie, I know you, human demigod knight, I will make you and your wife into my first undead dragon knight"

An old orc wearing a black cloak with a hood covering his face also flew into the sky, and following his spell, a huge undead bone dragon appeared at his feet.

"Damn necromancer, how dare you enslave the soul of a profane dragon," the golden dragon Ingrid roared, rushing towards the old orc.

The two sides launched a life-and-death battle in the sky.

The old wolf king on the ground raised the weapon in his hand high, "Boys, go, let me completely defeat the humans on the opposite side."

Of course, the vanguard of the Rhine Empire was not just Charles, who had ten legendary warriors under him to command the army.

"For the glory of the gods, to protect our homeland, soldiers, kill me," a legendary knight shouted, urging his horse to lead the army to collide with the orc army on the opposite side.

Countless human cavalry fell off their horses, and many orc wolf cavalry fell off their worgs, slashing and killing each other with big swords and scimitars.

Human or orc soldiers die every moment, and even professionals cannot completely avoid the enemy's deadly weapon attacks.

The legends of both sides are also fighting against each other, and there is a large space around them. No ordinary professional dares to break into the confrontation between legends.

Endless blood and souls disappeared. In the depths of tens of thousands of meters underground, an evil godhead kept circulating, absorbing the bloody power from the ground.

"It's almost impossible to suppress the power of the godhead, and it's about to break out," said the elf demigod among the four suppressed demigods.

"What's the big deal about breaking the seal, we have already sworn that we will never touch this godhead," the orc demigod was indignant.

The dwarf demigod said carelessly, "The gods have already rewarded us a lot, maybe we will have the opportunity to ascend to the throne of God in the future."

"Don't dream, after so many years, there are a few who can become gods. We were sent here by our respective gods to guard the godhead, isn't it because of our limited potential, we can't go any further?" Human demigods are very sober.

The four demigods didn't say anything more, and they waited for others to guard here for ten thousand years.Looking at this godhead from a broken state, slowly returning to its current complete state step by step, it is impossible not to have greed in my heart.

But limited to the oaths they swore in front of their respective allegiance to the main god, none of the four demigods dared to make a move on this godhead.

If you want to play tricks in front of the main gods of the four major gods with powerful divine power levels, even among the real gods, few can do it, let alone these four demigods.

The underground temple fell into silence again, and the radiance of the godhead was slowly circulating, waiting for the arrival of his lord of destiny.

(End of this chapter)

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