leisurely dragon

Chapter 219 The Desperate Orc

Chapter 219 The Desperate Orc
Gurkha did not bring any personal guards, and set foot on the road to the dragon's territory alone.

There are considerations for not bringing the guards. If he bowed his head in front of Li Ge and was seen by the guards, wouldn't it be embarrassing.

When the tool dragon patrolling around the territory reported that there was a centaur envoy visiting, Li Ge recognized Gurkha, an old acquaintance, from his monitoring eyes at a glance. Who told him that he was the only opponent who had a fake fight with Li Ge .

"Taling, let him in." As for the purpose of Gurkha's visit, Li Ge had already guessed in his mind. If that was the case, it would be interesting.

Gurkha looked at the tall mage tower, envious in his heart.

The news that Rihanna, the Red Dragon Queen, succeeded in becoming a god has long been spread in the legends.

Different from other people's focus, the object of Gurkha's envy is not the god of fire and new life, but Li Ge, who invested in advance and personally supported a goddess.

Think about it, as long as Li Ge doesn't go around causing trouble, he can eat this bowl of delicious soft rice for a long time.

No matter where you go, people give you face, and on the surface, you have to call you Your Highness.

Just thinking about it, a door appeared on the wall of the mage tower, "Dear guests, please come in, the master is waiting in the reception room."

Gurkha was overjoyed. Li Ge was giving himself face. For this mission, he felt a little more sure of success.

As soon as I entered the reception room, I saw Li Ge standing opposite with a smile, "Your Excellency Gurkha, I haven't seen you for decades, and your majesty is still the same."

Gurkha laughed heartily, "His Royal Highness Li Ge, it can be said that the reputation has flourished in the past few decades, and it is really enviable to be accompanied by a goddess."

When the two met, it was a burst of business bragging, and the atmosphere was also stirred up. They didn't look like opponents in the opposite camp at all.

After Gurkha finished speaking politely, his face straightened, and his voice was bitter, "His Royal Highness, I am here this time to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the centaur clan, and I want to reach a secret friendly agreement with Your Highness."

"I am a centaur, and I don't have any ambitions. I just want to live in the northern wilderness for generations."

"But the orcs have always been wary of our tribe, using the war every hundred years to consume the strength of the centaur tribe."

"As long as there are masters in my family who hope to break through the demigods, they will all die in the end without knowing why."

When Gurkha said this, he laughed bitterly, "Your Highness should know that I was a high-level legend decades ago, and now, decades later, my strength has not increased at all."

"I dare not, I can only pretend to be obsessed with beauty, so as not to lose my life."

"But this time is the final decisive battle. I also want to fight. On behalf of the centaur clan, I have reached a peace agreement with His Highness. The two sides will play another show. What do you think, Your Highness Li Ge?"

Li Ge looked at Gurkha with a half-smile, "You can be the master of the centaur clan, and you are not afraid of the orc's revenge?"

Gurkha stood up and said loudly, "Your Highness, don't worry, the Centaur Khan, the chiefs of several big clans, and I are old brothers. No one knows what everyone is thinking."

"As for the orcs, I think they will be in bad luck this time. After so many years, I think people still have a hand."

Gurkha looked at Li Ge with piercing eyes, waiting for his answer.

Li Ge pondered for a while, then stood up, and stretched out his hand, "I'm not a war madman, if the centaurs are sincerely friendly, how about we make an oath under the witness of the great dragon god Bahamut?" ?”

Gurkha was overjoyed and stepped forward to hold Li Ge's hand, "Your Highness Li Ge, you really deserve to be a model among metal dragons. I am willing to swear an oath before the great Bahamut Majesty."

Both sides did not write any ink, and went directly to the small Bahamut Temple in the fortress, and swore an oath under the auspices of the priest.

"Your Highness Li Ge, when the war is over and you come to my centaur tribe as a guest, I will gather ten kinds of fillies to entertain you."

Gurkha laughed loudly, and then he was about to say goodbye and leave. It is one thing to make an oath, but it takes a lot of brains to execute it.

Watching the Gurkhas leave, Li Ge didn't feel much relaxed. The centaur's decision could not affect the overall situation.

In the Dimensional Dragon's Nest, Catherine accompanied her mother on a tour. The beautiful scenery and the abundant breath of ancient trees in the Dimension made Golden Dragon Ingrid even linger.

"Catherine, if it really doesn't work this time, please persuade Li Ge not to force you to take away the godhead. The most important thing is that the family is safe and sound together."

After Jinlong Ingrid experienced this death crisis, she realized a lot and saw through many things.

"Mom, don't worry, I really don't care about conferring gods. Compared with Lige's safety, godhood is nothing," Catherine laughed.

In the orc camp at this time, the atmosphere was particularly dignified.Beast Emperor Meng Ge and the other seven great chiefs sat in the king's tent. The strength of the Frostwolf Tribe had been reduced by half, and they were no longer qualified to sit here. The style of the orcs was so realistic.

"Everyone, we can't procrastinate any longer. When the human reinforcements and allies arrive, our orcs' chances will be even smaller."

"It doesn't matter if Brother Meng dies in battle, but if he loses, the orcs will permanently lose their chance to dominate this plane."

"When your souls return to the kingdom of His Majesty the Lord Gruumsh, they will definitely receive a punishment worse than death."

The hearts of the chiefs tightened, everyone knew the cruelty of the orc god Gruumsh.

If the capture of the godhead fails this time, the ordinary orc warriors may be fine, and these great chiefs will definitely be angered by the orc gods.

"Then launch a decisive battle now and defeat human beings before they have fully integrated their forces."

A great chief roared loudly, and the other orc chiefs also roared angrily. Orcs have such a character, they just do what they say.

More than 200 million elite orcs moved towards the human empire like a flood in the ocean.

In the Rhine Empire, most of the troops have assembled and set off, and now only the rear guards are still gathering.

The great victory of the Vanguard Legion led by Charles inspired many nobles in the Rhine Empire, and the orcs were no different.

The death of the Beastman Scarlet Flame Sword God reduced the orc's background even more.

"Your Majesty, there is an urgent report from the Vanguard Corps ahead. Prince Charles has reported that they have been fully attacked by orcs, and the line of defense is at stake." A servant knocked on the door of King Bien III's bedroom with a trembling voice.

Even though it was late at night and His Majesty was still resting, the servants had to wake up Bien III to report this important military situation.

"What, are the orcs crazy?" Bien III's face changed drastically, and he pushed away the lady sorceress on the bed, put on her pajamas and got up.

"Immediately pass on my order, the Imperial Central Army will go up, and the defense line must not collapse."

Peter III roared loudly, once the defense line collapses at this time, it will cause a chain reaction, and the entire army will be finished.

(End of this chapter)

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