leisurely dragon

Chapter 239 First Visit to the Finn Plane

Tai Long's eyes lit up when he heard the words, "That's right, all the true dragons come from His Majesty the Nine-faced Dragon God, and you can introduce true dragons from other planes to supplement the Avada world."

Then Tai Long looked at Li Ge again, "Li Ge, do you have any good suggestions? I have just become a god, and it is not suitable for me to snatch the two followers of His Majesty the Dragon God."

This is true. As a true god, if Tai Long went to recruit the true dragon himself, it would be a bit like robbing Bahamut and Tiamat of believers.

"With money, as long as you are willing to spend money, what kind of real dragon can't be recruited," Li Ge said casually.

Then the two were talking nonsense there, Li Ge and Tai Long discussed for a long time, and decided to introduce a batch of five-color dragons to the world of Noren.

The imported five-color dragons are only juvenile dragons and below, and there is no way to manage them any older, and the number is limited to less than one hundred.

Li Ge directly handed over this matter to the green dragon Krisna. As long as Tailong was willing to pay, most of the young dragons were willing to come over, at least they would not have to worry about eating and drinking, and they would not be bullied.

It is easy to introduce five-color dragons, but it is not easy to find metal dragons.The metal dragons in Norren's world, because of the exclusion of the God of Good Dragons and the impact of the war, have almost run away.

"Li Ge, we can go to Elder Polynia, there will definitely be a lot of metal dragons to be attracted there," Silia took over the conversation.

Li Ge's eyes were also brightened, as many as several hundred metal dragons migrated decades ago.In a new world, there will definitely be real dragons who are not used to it,

After all, it is definitely not an easy task to grab territory in a new world.Not to mention the Finn plane, a place of right and wrong that is famous in the multiverse.

"That's right, we agreed at the beginning that we would go to Finn when we were in danger," Li Ge said with a smile.

"I've also wanted to visit the plane of Fein for a long time. Just visit Elder Polynia, she is Laiya's grandmother."

With a flash of divine light in Tai Long's hand, two scrolls appeared on the table, "Lige, these are two of my oracle. As a regional god, it's not easy for me to go to other worlds, please help me, brother."

Seeing Tai Long's accommodating smile on his face, it was because of him.Li Ge didn't care too much, this was just a way for Tai Long to deepen the relationship between the two parties. I really thought that a true god had no ability.

This move by Tai Long actually showed that he had no intention of monopolizing Avada's faith.

Asking Li Ge to help is actually equivalent to showing favor to the goddess Rihanna.

After talking about the business, Tai Long personally accompanied them to play in Long Island for a few days, and also gave Xi Liya and Li Yue a lot of precious specialties.

The thing that promised Tailong will be done, Li Ge specially came back and gave Tailong's oracle to the green dragon Krisna.

The terms Tai Long offered were not bad, and each young dragon would give ten divine power gold coins as a settling fee.The green dragon Krisna can get another half of the money for each head she recruits.

"Master, thank you so much for giving me such a profitable job." Green Dragon Krisna was overjoyed.

Every year in Noren World, there are countless young dragons who die unexpectedly every year. Not to mention the relocation fee, even if a dragon god is in charge of food and shelter, I don’t know how many young dragons will come here even if they break their scalps.

"Krisna, you have to work hard, don't think about embezzling the young dragon's family allowance, His Majesty Tyrone will pay attention to this matter," Li Ge couldn't help warning the female dragon.

The green dragon Krisna quickly restrained her thoughts. Just now, she really planned to take a share of the young dragon's settling allowance as her own hard work.

The oracle that Tai Long recruited young dragons spread among the five-color dragons in the Noren world, and immediately caused a crazy response.

Many young dragons are desperately rushing towards this side, for fear that they won't be able to grab this good job.

There were even a few young five-color dragons who directly held their five-color baby dragons, wiped away tears that did not exist, and said that they could no longer support their children.Then he directly threw the young dragon to Krisna, and happily flew away with the settlement fee.

There are even more outrageous things in the back. Some red dragons are carrying a few white dragon hatchlings that are scared like quails. They also say they are their own children and want to sell them for money.

The green dragon Krisna would accept the young dragon as soon as she saw it, regardless of whether he was her own.In the end, it far exceeded the number, and there were more than 200 young dragons.

Tai Long couldn't do anything about it, but fortunately, these were young dragons, and there were still ways to manage them, so they all accepted them in the end.Make the green dragon Kristina a fortune.

Of course, these are all things to say, and now Li Ge is preparing to go to the world of Finn.

In the Dimensional Dragon's Nest, the female dragons who stayed behind stayed with Li Ge for a few days.

"Li Ge, if you see my unreliable parents, teach them a lesson," Laiya said angrily.

Back then, Leia's parents were fooled by the legend of a harp player and went to the plane of Finn to fight against evil, so they left Laia, who was still a young dragon, to the elder Polynia to be raised, and later settled there.

It's no wonder that Laiya has resentment. Li Ge feels that Laiya's parents are too unreliable, and they are outliers among silver dragons.

There are Laiya, Elsa, and Yilin staying in the Noren plane, and there is the Dimensional Dragon Nest as a transit, and everyone can meet often, so there is no sorrow of parting.

It was Xia Wei who learned that Li Ge was going to another plane, and dragged Li Ge to toss in the tree house for two days before letting him go.

If Ivy wasn't the favored person of Angress, the queen of the elves, Li Ge would have signed a soul contract with her long ago, so there would be no need to be so worried.

Before leaving, although Li Ge didn't need it, Xia Wei still prepared a lot of supplies for him, and even applied for a high elf friendship badge for Li Ge.

"Lige, this badge of friendship can only be issued with the joint approval of the elf gods and high elf nobles."

"The high elves in the plane of Finn will also recognize this badge, hoping to save you some trouble."

Listening to the instructions of the moon elf girl, Li Ge couldn't help feeling a little tenderness in his heart. Xia Wei's heart was really put on him.

The two parted reluctantly, and Li Ge made up his mind to become a god as soon as possible.Angress, the queen of elves, promised to return the ownership of Xia Wei's soul after Li Ge became a god.

After returning from the Silver Leaf Elf Tribe, Laiya and Elsa had prepared the ultra-long-distance teleportation array, and Yilin was also seeing them off.

"Li Ge, the coordinates of Finn's world have not been corrected for decades. The specific landing point may change a little, you must protect Xilia and Liyue."

After Laiya gave some careful instructions, she activated the teleportation array, "Remember to say hello to Polynia for me."

With the pouring out of Miser energy nuclear power, the ultra-long-distance teleportation circle lit up with a dazzling light.Li held Xilia and Liyue's little hands and disappeared in the violent spatial fluctuations.

The space channel is colorful and ever-changing, and ordinary people will be dazzled and dizzy at a glance.

Li Ge used his dimensional divine power to firmly protect Xilia and Liyue without making them feel uncomfortable.

During the space transformation, there seemed to be no concept of time, and Li Ge couldn't tell whether it was a few minutes or too long, and a space exit suddenly appeared in front of him.

Li Ge grabbed one of them with each hand, and the space changed for a while, and the three of them appeared in a vast wilderness.

"Sure enough, the landing location has changed," Li Ge chuckled.

Each independent plane is not static, but is in motion relative to each other.

The coordinates given by Elder Poliniya will definitely deviate in a few decades.

It is already very good to be able to safely reach the Finn plane now, at least it is better than appearing underground or in a crater.

(End of this chapter)

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