leisurely dragon

Chapter 242 The Golden Dragon Girl Fishing Law Enforcement

"The stinky guy like Black Dragon is really annoying," Xilia complained while sitting on the carriage.

The carriage is the result of Xilia's own alchemy practice. It is just a simple magic tool, which is convenient and practical and does not need to be driven by anyone.

Li Yue also seemed to agree, the two girls looked down on guys like Hei Long.

Among the metal dragons and five-color dragons that are regular dragons, the bottom one is undoubtedly the white dragon who was almost expelled from the dragon family.

Then there is the black dragon who is slightly stronger than the white dragon, but has a smarter mind.

Among the real dragons, the strength of the black dragon is quite outstanding. Only when it reaches the ancient dragon stage can it barely enter the legend. The challenge level of the ancient black dragon is only 22.

Therefore, as a silver dragon who can definitely break through the legend before the adult dragon with a little effort, and a sky dragon whose status is equivalent to a golden dragon among spirit dragons, Xilia and Liyue naturally look down on this black dragon.

Moreover, the two girls usually follow Li Ge, and they have seen many powerful dragons, and even the Dragon God has seen a few of them, and their vision is very high.

Although Li Ge felt it was funny, he still reminded, "This ancient black dragon can live for such a long time, it must not be comparable to ordinary black dragons."

Xilia and Liyue are just talking about it. The two who have experienced the baptism of monsters in the system game will not really underestimate the enemy so much.

The unmanned magic carriage walked briskly on the avenue.This road is the only passage between Black Rock City and Latia, and the large area in the middle is a wilderness full of monsters.

The three of them sat in the carriage, drinking hot drinks comfortably, and watching the scenery outside the window.The carriage had already left Black Rock City for more than ten kilometers. Fortunately, there was no such thing as a robbery by a monster.

"Hey, why is there a girl walking alone there?" Xilia looked out the window curiously.

On the side of the main road, there was a brown-haired girl who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old. She was dressed in civilian clothes and looked covered in dust, but she still couldn't hide her proud figure.

"Li Ge, should we take that girl?" Xilia's sympathy broke out, and the carriage slowed down.

The girl looked at the carriage that was slowing down, and turned her head to look, revealing a delicate and pretty face that was about to explode, with longing in her eyes.

"No, since she dares to go on the road alone, she should have the ability to protect herself," Li Ge said lightly.

Xilia was a little puzzled, but still listened to Li Ge's words, the carriage didn't stop, passed the girl and drove away.

"Hmph, what a bad person, no sympathy." The girl stomped her feet and hummed a few words.

After passing the girl by a few kilometers, Li Ge said with a smile, "Xilia, Liyue, didn't you feel that the girl was different just now?"

The two girls shook their heads in unison, "Brother, that girl is just beautiful, and there is nothing special about it," Li Yue said puzzled.

Celia was also very surprised by Li Ge's words. She was a legendary mage, and that girl looked like an ordinary human girl.

Li Ge smiled mysteriously, and looked at the hill ahead, which was an uphill road, "Let's take a rest on the hill ahead, maybe we can watch a good show."

Behind the three of Li Ge, the girl was still walking slowly, wiping the sweat off her face from time to time.

The dust mixed with sweat made the girl's beautiful face look dirty and made her look pitiful.

High in the sky, several birds were wandering there, one of which was the animal companion that Li Ge had just summoned.

Celia was observing the girl's movements through the eyes of the bird through the magic imprint, and the three of them were watching in the carriage while eating the delicacies exchanged by Li Ge.

Occasionally, some caravans passed by on the main road. When they saw this lonely girl, some guards would at most spend a few words, but no one took pity on the girl and took her on the road.

"Tsk tsk, are these caravans very smart? They don't care about their business at all," Li Ge praised while eating.

In the plane of Finn, if you don't have the strength, meddling in other people's business will kill you, and it may cause a lot of trouble.

The girl still looked pitiful, as if she was too tired to walk, but she didn't ask others for help.

There was a sound of horseshoes in the distance, and a group of mercenaries trotted past the girl on their horses.

"Hey, this chick is in good shape." A mercenary reined in the reins, and the horse raised its front hooves, and stopped after a long hiss.

"Boka, what are you doing?" the leading mercenary captain shouted and stopped, even bringing the whole team to a stop.

The mercenary who stopped first, that is, Boka, was riding on the horse, looking at the girl with greedy eyes, "Head, there is a chick here, she has a super good figure and looks good, but she is a little dirty."

"You're the one who's dirty." The girl looked at the mercenary angrily, and was about to leave.

"Don't go, little girl, it's too dangerous for you to go alone, it's much safer to go with me." The mercenary named Boka was drooling.

A dozen other mercenaries also surrounded him, "Boka, your eyes are so tricky, we haven't noticed yet."

These guys have greedy eyes one by one, and they don't look like a good guy.

The mercenary captain, a middle-aged soldier with a scarred face, also rode over and looked at the girl like an eagle, "Boka, you have a good eye, if you sell this to those nobles, it must be A hot item".

"You guys rest where you are, I'll go and inspect the goods." Captain Scar got off his horse and approached the girl.

Boka and the mercenaries around him cursed inwardly, every time this kind of thing happened, the captain always took the lead, and the captain took more than half of the money from selling the points afterwards.

"Hey, what are you doing?" the girl cursed angrily.

"What are you doing, of course I'm teaching you how to play a fun game. After you accompany our brother, I'll send you to the noble lord to enjoy your blessings." Captain Scar smiled strangely.

"Don't come here, I won't be polite if you come here again," the girl shouted loudly.

"Little girl, I want to see how rude you are." Captain Scar laughed, and grabbed the girl's face with his big hands.

With a sound of "bang", a figure flew out far away and fell to the ground, not knowing whether it was dead or alive.

"It's the captain, what did you do to the captain?" Boka's voice trembled a little.

As the captain of a fourteenth-level fighter, he didn't know whether he was kicked by a girl or not, so now the fool knows something is wrong.

"What's the matter, of course it was killed," the girl's crisp voice sounded.

"In the past two years, your gray wolf mercenary group has robbed and killed many people on this road, and insulted many women."

"Now, accept me, Freya's justice!"

Following a burst of dragon chants, a golden dragon about 25 meters long, almost just grown up, appeared in front of everyone.

The next moment, a [-]-meter-long breath of flames engulfed the entire mercenary group, and the evil Gray Wolf mercenary group was expelled.

(End of this chapter)

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