leisurely dragon

Chapter 244 Meeting Alisa for the First Time

Under the control of Helia, the magic carriage moved briskly along the road.Pedestrians on the road saw that it was a magic carriage, and no one dared to provoke it casually.

The atmosphere in the carriage was a bit cold, Freya accidentally caused trouble for her friend, so she didn't dare to speak casually anymore.

Celia saw it and said with a smile, "Freya, do you often carry out justice activities? I can't see any flaws in your transformation technique."

This aroused Freya's interest, "Hee hee, my transformation is a mutated innate spell. Few adult golden dragons can compare to me."

Freya's advanced transformation technique is the talent spell she is most proud of. It is not far beyond her strength, so it is impossible to distinguish it.

"I often use the transformation technique to punish those evil guys. Just like the gray wolf mercenary group this time, I stared at them for several days before I seized this opportunity."

"The gray wolf mercenary group is bad. They appear to be mercenary groups, but in fact they abduct and sell slaves, murder and rob, bully girls, and do all kinds of bad things."

Freya said angrily, "But no matter how cunning they are, they can't escape the just punishment from Freya."

Then there is Freya, together with Xilia and Liyue, telling the story of her travels on the mainland and fighting evil since she was a young dragon.

"No matter how powerful, cunning, or evil the enemy is, they will all be annihilated under Freya's just punishment," Freya said while eating, during which Li Ge exchanged for three dragon delicacies in a row.

This also made Freya's impression of Li Ge a lot better.

"Li Ge, did you make these delicacies yourself? Can you give me some more?" Jinlong Freya licked the food crumbs on her lips.

"Each of these delicacies is worth one divine gold coin," Li Ge said helplessly.

"What, it's so expensive, but I'm not full yet." Freya looked at Li Ge with a pitiful expression.

"Okay, for the sake of the useful information you provided, I'll give you another copy." Li Ge exchanged another copy. Now he is not short of money, just a little magic gold coin.

Knowing the price, Freya felt a little reluctant to eat it, and felt her heart ache every time she took a bite.

The main road is only more than 100 kilometers away. Although the speed of the magic carriage is not particularly fast, it still reached Latia in the afternoon.

With the city of Latia as the center, there are many towns and villages around it, all of which are under the rule of Duke Alyssa.

The life of ordinary civilians still looks good.The merchants and sailors who came and went brought a lot of consumption.

The port also accommodated a large number of laborers, and the cities ruled by Yinlong were relatively mild.

Although no one can escape the eyes of Yinlong's tax officer, Yinlong will not go too far, and will always leave enough income for the common people to live on.

At the gate of the city, Freya took out the token of the Duchess Alisa, and the guards let them in without even daring to mention the city entrance tax.

Freya took the three of Li Ge directly to the Duke's Mansion, which was a tall white stone building.

"You really can't beat Alisa, she is my good friend, and she didn't hurt Ms. Laiya." Freya seemed a little worried.

Li Ge didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Don't worry, Freya, we didn't come here to make trouble."

After seeing Freya's token, the guards of the Duke's Mansion went to report immediately.

After a while, a middle-aged male butler came over politely, "Four Lords of True Dragon, Duchess Alyssa is waiting in the living room."

The butler was a dragon descendant, and he clearly felt the aura of Freya's four real dragons, which he had to respect.

The butler led Freya and the others through several long corridors to the living room, "Master Alisa, the four real dragon masters have arrived."

In the living room, there was already a pair of young men and women waiting there. The woman looked like a beautiful brown-haired human woman, wearing a slim silver skirt and a pair of lace gloves on her hands, looking noble and beautiful.

This woman is the silver dragon Alisa, the ruler of the city of Latia.

But the male surprised Li Ge, "Richard, why are you here?"

This man was Richard the silver dragon who had intersected with Li Ge before. He had cooperated with Li Ge when he rescued the natural elf tribe.

Later, the silver dragon clan migrated, and Li Ge never saw this young silver dragon again, but now Richard is also an adult.

Silver Dragon Richard is also very happy, and Li Ge can be regarded as a friend.

After decades away from the hometown where I was born, it feels very dear to be able to see friends from my hometown again.

"Lige, Xilia, and this fellow, welcome to Latia," Richard said happily.

Alisa was a little surprised, and came over and took Richard's hand, "Richard, is this a friend from the Noren plane?"

Li Ge and the others could see that the relationship between Silver Dragon Alisa and Richard was a bit unusual.

"They're not just friends," Freya said.

"Silia is the daughter of your sister Leia, and this time she is here to settle accounts with Uncle Jose and Aunt Valena."

"Ah, you are sister Laiya's daughter." Alisa happily walked over and took Xilia's hand very enthusiastically.

"When my parents were with me, they often talked about my sister. After Richard came over, I often asked him about Sister Laiya and you."

Alyssa seemed to have endless words, and she held Helia's hand and was very enthusiastic about this relative.

Freya was a little depressed, "Alisa, didn't you hear me, my fellow Jinlong, Li Ge, is a very powerful Jinlong, and he promised your sister to beat Uncle José."

"Just beat it, anyway, I sometimes feel that parents like them are a bit indebted", Alisa didn't care at all.

"When I was young, they often entrusted me to the care of other elders."

"It's about fighting evil, but it's just that they like to be together. Children are just a by-product of their love."

Alisa didn't give her parents face, and her heart was full of resentment.

Li Ge and Xi Liya, now from Alisa's words, understand why Laiya's parents left her alone.

This is a silver dragon couple who are in love with each other, and no one else is important except each other.

Xilia suddenly didn't have the intention to settle accounts with them. It is estimated that Laiya would feel helpless if she knew about it.

Alisa, who saw her relatives, didn't care about other things, and warmly entertained Xilia, a junior who was about her age.

(End of this chapter)

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