leisurely dragon

Chapter 248 Mission Completion

Chapter 248 Mission Completion
"Elder, Richard and I are going to go too," Alisa said standing up.

"What, Alisa, you passed, what about Latia?" Jose and his wife couldn't sit still.

"I can't stand the endless troubles anymore, and I don't want the equity anymore. You can manage the city yourself."

Alyssa said angrily, she was happy to take over the city at the beginning, but she didn't expect to take over a mess, and it took a lot of effort to straighten out the situation.

However, those nobles are already deeply entrenched, and it is impossible to solve the problem from the root cause.

These days, Alisa has already discussed with Richard to go to the sparsely populated world of Avada.

With the support of Tai Long, the dragon god, he will soon be able to start a new business.

Most importantly, both she and Richard are optimistic about Li Ge's future, which is equivalent to getting closer to Li Ge.After all, she is also Laiya's younger sister. Investing in Li Ge in advance will definitely be of great benefit in the future.

"Alisa, Richard, I support you. With Li Ge here, I am very optimistic about your future development," Elder Polinia said with relief.

"As for Jose, Valena, you guys just do your own thing honestly, don't just focus on falling in love and leave troubles to others."

Laiya's unreliable parents were helpless in front of Elder Polynia.

Back then, they could flee from Norn to Fein if they thought it was troublesome, but now they have nowhere to go, unless they are willing to abandon the foundation they have built for so many years.

The Great Elder was very active, and personally brought Tai Long's oracle to the Dragon City of the Silver Dragon Clan, and invited the elders of the various Metal Dragon Clans.

The metal dragons in Finn's world had a tradition of migrating to other worlds, and no one would object, not to mention that the dragon god Tai Long offered good conditions.

When Poliniya said that more than 200 five-color dragons had migrated, the metal dragon clans immediately took action.

This is not bad, if the number of metal dragons is not balanced, then the world of Avada in the future will be dominated by five-color dragons, which is unacceptable to the proud metal dragons.

There are a lot of metal dragons in the world of Fein. The five clans have gathered more than 100 dragons, most of which are underage real dragons.

Anyway, these underage metal dragons will have to leave their parents to start their own business sooner or later, and the settling fee of ten divine power gold coins is very attractive to these poor underage dragons.

During the whole process, Li Ge completed the recruitment of the metal dragon with almost no effort.

In fact, he could also guess that the metal dragons are willing to show favor to a kind dragon god.

Li Ge doesn't need to worry about the specific migration process, and the metal dragon will naturally connect with Tai Long, the dragon god.

It can be said that now Li Ge's mission has been completed and he can go home.

Alisa and Richard naturally wanted to go back with Li Ge.

What Li Ge couldn't imagine was that Freya also wanted to join in the fun.

According to her words, following Li Ge and the others, the chances of making a fortune are greater.

After Alisa handles her property, everyone will be ready to go back.

The couple Jose and Valena finally settled down. They have also reached the age of the very old dragons, and their tempers are not as free as they used to be.

"Xilia, this is a gift from me, a mother, to Laiya. I hope she can forgive us." Varina handed a dimensional bag to Xilia with some guilt.

Their husband and wife just have special personalities, and they are not heartless. They have parents who are worse than them, and there are not no metal dragons.

Jose looked at Li Ge with a complicated expression, "No matter how many spouses you have, I hope you treat Laiya well." Li Ge nodded slightly, and it's better not to become stiff if you can communicate.

But Richard didn't have this kind of treatment. Jose turned his head and stared fiercely at the silver dragon who had just grown up, "You boy, pay attention to me. If you dare to treat Alisa badly, be careful that I will beat you across the plane." .

He can't deal with Li Ge, but it's still easy to deal with Richard.

Time passed quickly, and it was time to leave.In Latia's duke's mansion, Jose and his wife watched as Li Ge activated the ultra-long-distance teleportation circle, and a group of people disappeared in the aura of the circle.

In the floating tower, Laiya, Elsa, and Yilin are already waiting in front of the teleportation array.

"Sister, are you my sister Laiya?" Alisa was very enthusiastic, which made Laiya a little uncomfortable.But after all, they are sisters, and they get familiar with each other after a few words.

Celia handed the dimension bag to Laiya, "Mom, this is a gift from your grandparents", but she didn't open it.

Laiya was stunned for a moment, but still took the dimensional bag with a complicated expression.When I opened it, I found that there were more than a dozen rare and precious magic books.

"It turns out that they still remember that I liked magic since I was a child." Laiya wiped her eyes.

"Hmph, let's forgive them this time."

Laiya took Alisa's hand and said, "Sister, let me show you the floating tower."

Richard is well known and needs no introduction.

Golden Dragon Freya is new here, and Xilia gave you a brief introduction.

Elsa was quite interested in this family member, and Freya also had a lively personality, so she quickly got to know her.

The reception banquet is indispensable, and Alisa and Freya are very envious of Lige's floating tower.

"I would like to have such a floating tower sometime," Freya began to daydream.

"You can start building when you have [-] million gold coins." Alisa knew the cost of this floating tower from her sister.

The gold coins that Li Ge invested successively, together with precious mithril and other materials, amounted to almost tens of millions of gold coins.

What's more, the super energy core of Miser Energy Nuclear is now something that even money can't buy.

Freya's sweet dream was shattered before it even started, "[-] million gold coins, even if you kill me, you won't be able to earn it."

In the next few days, Alisa and Freya visited Lige's territory and Catherine's holy place, Golden Rose City.

"Li Ge, you actually captured three green dragons as your subordinates." Freya looked at the green dragon Krisna who had completely surrendered, envious.

Alisa brought the ancient black dragon Ferrol over this time, and it was impossible to let it go.The property of Taikoo Black Dragon's life has been divided, once it is released, it will definitely add a mortal enemy to itself.

So, the unlucky black dragon Ferrol, just wait to be a slave for the rest of his life, and don't have to expect anyone to rescue him.

A few days after Raya reunited with Sister Alyssa, Alyssa was leaving for Avada.

When Li Ge and the others arrived at Long Island again, they were warmly welcomed by Tai Long.

"Li Ge, thank you, this time Avada has more than 300 real dragons, the dragon race in this world will not decline under my hands."

Tai Long said gratefully that although he is the guardian of Avada, he is a dragon god after all, and he is particularly concerned about his own race.

(End of this chapter)

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