leisurely dragon

Chapter 250 Trading

Chapter 250 Trading
Arthur successfully persuaded the black dragon princess Oni, but at the moment he is suffering from the lack of resources to trade with her.

Therefore, he was very enthusiastic about Li Ge's arrival, and he came to greet him outside the palace in person.

"Li Ge, where have you been, I have been looking for you for a long time," Arthur said eagerly.

Li Ge smiled faintly, "His Majesty Tai Long has something to do, I'm just going to do a little favor."

What Arthur heard was envy. Being able to have such a good relationship with a god, needless to say the benefits he can get.

These are exactly what Arthur, who has a shallow foundation, urgently needs. If he has such a relationship, it will not be a wave of flying.

"Li Ge, this time I am full of sincerity. Not only do I have a lot of different universe magic knowledge and magic item transactions, but also a distinguished guest from another universe."

Arthur brought the Black Dragon Princess here this time. Oni knows more about the magic knowledge of different universes than him, which is also conducive to fighting for a better price.

Li Ge was noncommittal. Since Arthur had some capital, he had gained a lot of confidence, and he began to think carefully in front of him.

Arthur this time had the idea of ​​making a lot of money, and when he successfully made his first pot of gold, he would have the capital to counterattack.

It is not impossible to realize his dream of becoming a true god, and to build his plane, which can communicate with many different universes, into a transfer station for endless universes.

The foundation of all these dreams lies in whether they can benefit from Li Ge and the gods related to him.

In Arthur's personal dining room in the palace, Princess Lorraine had a good conversation with a beautiful black-haired beauty.

Perhaps it was because she knew that this woman from another universe would not be able to challenge her princess position. There was no disharmony between Lorraine and Oni.

The moment Li Ge and Arthur came in, the two women also stopped talking.

Li Ge revealed a little bit of dragon aura, which shocked the black-haired beauty Oni, and then a burst of dragon power that was different from the real dragon of the multiverse burst out.

Under the traction of Li Ge's aura, at most the legendary black dragon princess Aoni burst out her own powerful power involuntarily.

Princess Lorraine's face was pale, she couldn't resist the confrontation between the two dragon powers.

Arthur hurried over, took the little hand of his princess, and protected Lorraine with his own strength.

The black dragon princess Oni only felt that the opponent's dragon power was like a vast ocean, and the strength revealed was just the tip of the iceberg, even stronger than her own father.

"Dear strong man, Oni pays tribute to you." The black dragon princess Oni became serious unexpectedly. The dragon's nature of respecting the strong prevented her from showing respect to Li Ge.

In Oni's world, the giant dragon regards most of the secular life as mortals.

Even though Arthur, an ally, is comparable to a demigod with the support of the source of the plane, in Oni's eyes, he is still just a lucky mortal.

Unless one day, Arthur ignites the divine fire and the essence of life is promoted, can he get the attention of Oni, the arrogant black dragon princess.

Li Ge, a legendary dragon species, was higher than Oni in life essence. Coupled with his powerful strength, this proud black dragon had to bow his head.

In her original world, submitting to the strong of the same race was nothing at all.

When her father was insane, he forced sex with many female dragons in the clan, which resulted in the death of many female dragons, and no black dragon dared to resist.

Li Ge nodded slightly, "It's a pleasure to meet a giant dragon from another universe. I hope we can cooperate happily." As a superior, he only needs to show his kindness.

Arthur was a little depressed. Oni, a black-haired beauty, had never been so well-behaved in front of him, which made Arthur yearn for power even more.

After Arthur briefly introduced each other, the banquet began.

He knew that Li Ge liked delicious food, so for this cooperation, Arthur ordered his subordinates to collect a lot of ingredients early on.

During the banquet, Arthur was very enthusiastic.The black dragon princess Oni and Arthur had discussed it long ago, and she kept introducing her world to Li Ge.

According to Oni's introduction, the planet she lives on is called Elas, and it is a planet with a long history.

In the history of Elas, a group of protoss named Titans came to this world in ancient times.

They used their power and authority to transform the planet, and created a large number of guardians and races to maintain the world.

The five guardian dragons were also empowered by the titans, and evolved from the primitive race of the progenitor dragon to the race of guardian dragons.

Under the leadership of the guardian dragon, Aylas's local forces once repelled the attack of the Burning Legion rampant in the universe.

When it comes to the guardian dragon, Oni has a proud face, while Arthur has a strange expression. He knows that the black dragon has fallen and has been excluded from the ranks of the guardian dragon.

Li Ge also became more and more strange as he listened to it. In the magic textbook last time, the name Dalaran kept appearing. He thought it was a coincidence. He didn't expect that this different universe was really the legendary game world.

Just according to what Oni said, it is probably a similar parallel world.But even so, if you can enter that world, you will probably have unexpected gains.

Li Ge had a strong premonition that the opportunity for him to become a true god might be here.

In the multiverse, he has been afraid to reveal the true secrets of the system.Therefore, the god of the dimensional master cannot show his face at all.

Li Ge put down the bowl and chopsticks in satisfaction, wiped his mouth, "Arthur, Oni, I understand what you are after."

"My pursuit is the same as yours. We are both longing for godhood, immortality, and becoming a truly eternal existence."

Arthur and Oni looked shocked, they didn't expect Li Ge to speak so directly.

Li Ge continued, "Arthur, I also know that you have a secret, and Oni's identity is not suitable for showing up in the multiverse."

"The competition among the gods of the multiverse is too fierce. Except for special circumstances, it is even more difficult to become a god."

"The different universe where Oni lives is different. The system of the gods is far from perfect. This is our opportunity."

"Arthur, you have the ability to communicate with different universes, and I have the power and the support of absolutely reliable gods. Oni, you are a local powerhouse in a different universe."

"As long as we cooperate among the three parties, after entering that world, we will definitely be able to accomplish great things."

Li Ge looked at Arthur and Oni who were contemplating, and swore, "I, Li Ge Craoz, swear by my real name to the will of the multiverse and Styx, as long as you are willing to cooperate sincerely with me, I will definitely help You two are gods."

(End of this chapter)

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