leisurely dragon

Chapter 254 Official Conferment of God

On this day, Li Ge spent an unforgettable night.In order for Li Ge to relieve the pressure in his heart, several female dragons, Xia Wei, and two goddesses allowed Li Ge to enjoy endless tenderness, and there was no doubt in his heart.

After the banquet was over, Li Ge began to restrain his thoughts and meditate silently in the dragon's nest to polish his soul.

Laiya and others assisted Selena in moving the dragon's nest.Xia Wei officially took over the management of all elves, and sisters Lucia and Luvia assisted Xia Wei.

The avatars of Rihanna and Catherine, outside the dragon's nest in the dimension, guard the plane of the dragon's nest, lest it be invaded by void creatures or hostile gods.

The incarnations of the dragon gods with a length of hundreds of meters at both ends soared in the void, attracting many true gods to peep secretly.

"Could it be that strange golden dragon, is it going to do something?" Many gods were puzzled, but none of them dared to make trouble. The two weak dragon gods are not easy to provoke.

Li Ge successively assisted Rihanna and Catherine to become gods, which made many true gods pay great attention to Li Ge.

Even several powerful divine powers set their sights here.

Fortunately, Li Ge has a good relationship with some righteous gods, and no evil gods are boring enough to cause trouble at this time.

Driven by the powerful force, the dimensional lair moves faster and faster.

The speed of movement in the void cannot be described by the speed of the material plane at all.

Sometimes in the blink of an eye, you can move a distance that ordinary people can't walk in a lifetime.

Selena has been the guardian of the Dimensional Dragon Nest these years, but she has put in a lot of effort.

Her career as a natural mage is highly compatible with the ancient tree of the dimension. In recent years, her understanding of the plane of the dragon's nest in the dimension is second only to Li Ge.

Sometimes when encountering turbulence in the void, Selena can also cleverly manipulate the plane to use force to jump forward for a certain space.The two great arcanists, Laiya and Elsa, were amazed by the exquisite technique and the deep understanding of the laws of the plane.

After nearly three months of hard work, Selena couldn't help feeling a little tired even though she was already a high-level legend. Fortunately, there were a few female dragons to help.

In the distant heaven, the kingdoms of Rihanna and Catherine are closely connected, and the destination is not far away.

The bodies of the two goddesses stimulated the power of the kingdom of God, and two huge pillars of divine power shot out, pulling the Dimensional Dragon Nest quickly approaching.

The power of the gods is not as stretched in the void as it is in the main material plane.

On the main material plane, some powerful demigods can chase down the avatars with weak divine power to fight.

But if this demigod dares to leave the main material plane, then the true god without the weak divine power suppressed by the plane can beat this demigod to death.

Before Rihanna became a god, she basically didn't leave the main material plane.Once she dares to come out at that time, there may be a lot of true gods waiting to grab her artifact.

"It's really comfortable," Li Ge laughed in the Dimensional Dragon's Nest.

The ancestors of giant dragons, the first generation of true dragons are all powerful starry sky races, and the legendary dragon species is the best among them.

As a subspecies of golden dragon with blood mutation, the dimensional dragon is born to adapt to life in the void.

Li Ge felt as if he had taken off a heavy coat, and the power of the mixed body was truly liberated, and he could clearly feel the dimensional law in the void.

After a long dragon chant, Li Ge complied with his blood nature and transformed into a huge golden dragon.

Countless dimensional power gathered on Li Ge's dragon body from the void.The golden dragon's body length is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This first step is the right one. The legendary dragon species is a natural starry sky behemoth, and being trapped on the main material plane will only slow down the growth of one's own strength."

Li Ge thought thoughtfully while feeling the power of the explosion.

Pulled by the power of the two goddess kingdoms, Selina parked the dimensional lair in the center of the two kingdoms.

Rihanna and Catherine manipulated the kingdom of God to wrap up the dimensional dragon nest, and the two kingdoms of God and a dimensional plane slowly merged into one.

"These two goddesses are determined to form a god system?" Many true gods were shocked.

You must know that among the true gods, even the best allies will not unite the kingdom of God.

The two kingdoms of God completely covered the Dimensional Dragon Nest so tightly that even the eyes of the true gods could not penetrate it.

Li Ge's rapid strength at this time also began to calm down, and with the growth of the dimensional blood, his body length officially exceeded [-] meters.

This is a huge improvement, which makes Li Ge full of confidence in the most important decision that is about to start.

The Dimensional Dragon Nest has been completely sealed, and Li Ge's heart has also calmed down.

With his determination, the ancient tree of dimension also sealed the dragon's nest tightly. Rihanna, the female dragon and Xia Wei who were waiting outside knew that Li Ge was about to start the most important step.

Li Ge maintained the form of a giant dragon, and directly stepped into the divine kingdom of the lord of the dimension, and a ray of consciousness in the ancient tree of the dimension also entered.

In the temple of the Lord of Dimensions, Li Ge and the Lord of Dimensions looked at each other, and suddenly laughed, and intense divine light erupted from both of them.

In the infinite divine light, all of Li Ge's consciousness reunited into a complete soul, and the body of the dragon god hundreds of meters long from the lord of the dimension turned into divine power and merged into Li Ge's giant dragon body.

The power in the body of the dimensional dragon is rising endlessly, and the power of the true god body with a godhead level of three is constantly transforming the body of the dragon.

Li Ge's soul is also accepting all the insights from the Dimensional Lord and the Dimensional Ancient Tree, and the godhead is also merging with the new soul.

After this time, there is no distinction between the Dimension Lord and Li Ge, the two are originally one person.

Li Ge has made a thorough choice, and today is the day when he officially becomes a god.

With the continuous integration of the godhead, the body of the giant dragon is absorbing the body of the dragon god of the lord of the dimension, and the body of the god is about to be completed.

It's time, Li Ge's soul let out a roar, and a bright spark of divinity quickly ignited in the soul.

Li Ge and the Lord of Dimension are one body, there is no obstacle to ignite the divine fire, and the godhead is also smoothly integrated. At this moment, Li Ge is officially promoted to the true god.

At the moment when Li Ge was promoted, the infinite source of the system surged out from within the system, constantly transforming his divine body and soul.

The mysteries of the infinite divine pattern of innate good fortune emerged in the soul.The three divinities of void, dimension, and time and space are like taking a big tonic, and they continue to grow.

A clear sound of "Bo" reverberated in the soul, and the Godhead of the Lord of Dimension, which was originally only three levels, was constantly splitting and reorganizing.

The three priesthoods of void, dimension, and time and space continue to grow, and the godhead has become more mysterious and beautiful, and has been officially promoted to the fourth level.

This is not over yet, the two innate good fortune gods in Li Ge's soul exude great power, and the mysterious runes have entered the godhead one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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