leisurely dragon

Chapter 277 Encirclement and Suppression of the Cursed Sect

Chapter 277 Encirclement and Suppression of the Cursed Sect
Antonidas, the Archmage of the Kingdom of Dalaran, announced a warrant for Kel'Thuzad.

King Terenas of the Kingdom of Lordaeron is furious at the crimes committed by the Cult of the Damned in the kingdom.

The Knights of the Silver Hand are ordered by the king to carry out the elimination of these evil demon minions.

Under the leadership of the paladin Uther, Prince Alsace, the heir of Lordaeron, joined the operation as a trainee knight.

Unknowingly, the prince's sad fate has been reversed to a certain extent.

In an ordinary house on the outskirts of Stratholme, a Dreadlord and Archmage Kel'Thuzad didn't look very good.

"Stupid mortals, you ruined the plans of the Lich King," an angry Tichondrius stood in front of Kel'Thuzad, cursing those exposed believers.

Kel'Thuzad was also puzzled, since the operation went smoothly, why did it attract the attention of Dalaran and the human kingdom.

Even the undead army that the Lich King quietly developed was discovered by those annoying mages.

Thinking of the punishment he would face after returning to the Twisting Nether due to mission failure, even Tichondrius, the Dreadlord, shuddered.

"The Deceiver" Kil'jaeden will not easily let those losers go.There are also intrigues among the demons, and other demons will not give up the opportunity to attack him.

"Mage, I will report your mistake to the Lich King." Tichondrius would not give this mortal mage any face.

Kel'Thuzad glanced at the demon with a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes.The Lich King had promised him immortality, and this demon was deliberately messing with him.

But Kel'Thuzad is not afraid, now that Ner'zhul wants to continue his plan, he must rely on himself, the archmage.

After venting, the Dreadlord has to pay attention to other things, so let's leave it to this stupid human mage to end here.

Tichondrius' demon wings fluttered and flew into the sky. With a "boom", a huge fireball hit the demon at an extremely fast speed.

"Who dares to attack the great Dreadlord?" Tichondrius fell to the ground in disgrace.

This powerful fireball caused the Dread Demon King to suffer a lot of damage. While yelling and cursing, he was secretly preparing to escape.

"Dimensional anchor", a cold voice sounded.

"Jie Jie, it's such an annoying and familiar smell, devil, you're dead," a pit demon and several erinias appeared.

The new hell is inspired by the origin of hell in the multiverse, and the devils naturally inherit the hatred for demons.

When the dread demon king Tichondrius saw these demons, he also felt a strong feeling of disgust in his heart, as if he had encountered a natural enemy.

It's the same when you look at the other person's eyes.The Dreadlord, one of the most cunning of demons, knew that this time he might be doomed.

"Do you know who I am? I am a member of the Burning Legion known throughout the universe, and our leader is Sargeras, the fallen titan," Tichondrius yelled harshly.

The fiend in deep hell raised his head and laughed loudly, "Is the Burning Legion right? Sooner or later you will be defeated by hell's hand and become the nourishment for the growth of hell."

This time he was able to catch a Dreadlord, and he was the first to make a great contribution in front of Lord Gracia, the Lord of Hell, and he was promoted.

Although it is a little uncomfortable to share the credit with a few erotic demons next to him, the deep-prison refiner does not dare to provoke these erotic demons for nothing. You must know that the master also has the title of erotic demon queen.

The few erinia were also very pleasantly surprised. As Gracia's direct descendants, they will definitely receive rewards.

"Heck, let's catch this demon quickly, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble." The leading erinyao began to attack the dread demon king.

It should be said that although the Dread Demon King is a high-ranking demon, he is not good at fighting.After being ambushed, he was still no match for the combination of several high-level devils there. After being captured, what awaited him would be the torment of hell.

Even if one dies in hell, even the soul does not want to return to the Twisting Nether. No demon soul has ever escaped from the hands of the devil.

The first real confrontation between the newly established hell and the demons had begun, and Sargeras didn't know that there was already an enemy that should not be underestimated.

"Death to the villain", the holy light bloomed from the war hammer, and the head of a ghoul was smashed to pieces.

The young prince had an angry expression on his face. What happened to these innocent villagers made him feel deeply guilty.

As the heir to the throne of Lordaeron, Arthas considered it his duty to protect the people of the kingdom.

"If we could have come earlier, or discovered the actions of the cursed sect when the conspiracy was planned, these innocent villagers would not have died."

Alsace hated this feeling of powerlessness, bearing the trust of the country and the people, but the reality made him feel ashamed.

After ordering his subordinates and auxiliary soldiers to clean up the battlefield, Uther, the leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand, saw his disciple's lonely expression, and immediately understood what happened.

But Uther, who is a tough guy, is not very good at comforting people.He walked over and patted his favorite student on the shoulder.

"Arthas, you are the prince of Lordaeron, don't be overwhelmed by these difficulties. If you have any doubts, you should seek answers from the Holy Light, and the Holy Light will protect us."

The young prince agreed and cheered up, but he still had a question in his heart, "Then why didn't the Holy Light protect these innocent and kind civilians?"

Full of doubts, Alsace mounted his horse and followed the Knights of the Silver Hand to the next village.

Under the circumstances that have been exposed, it is not a member of the curse sect, but chooses to destroy.

They wantonly release the plague potion that has been successfully developed, or brutally kill the villagers who know them.

All of a sudden, many murders broke out in the countryside of Lordaeron.

Uther, the leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand, had no choice but to seek help from the church and mages.They are good at killing evil, but they are somewhat powerless in the face of these plagues.

At the request of King Terenas of Lordaeron, Archmage Antonidas of Dalaran sent an elite team of mages to participate in the siege of the Cursed Cultists.

The civilians and land poisoned by the plague potion must also be dealt with safely after the mages have researched the corresponding method.

"Alsace, are you okay?" As Antonidas' most outstanding student, the young Princess Jaina of Kul Tiras also participated in this operation.

Seeing her friend Alsace's exhausted appearance, Jaina hurried forward to greet him.

Although the relationship has not yet been established, the two parties already have a good impression of each other.

(End of this chapter)

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