leisurely dragon

Chapter 279 Lordaeron's Choice

Chapter 279 Lordaeron's Choice
Arthur led the black dragon army into Deep Rock Continent after messing around with Onihu.On the original site of Deathwing, the Kingdom of God, the guardian of the earth, was established.

The stone mother Sailasern really had a good temper and ignored Arthur at all.And she felt that Arthur's priesthood would help protect the earth, so she didn't bother to care about it.

Anyway, the plane of the earth element is big enough, and there is no problem at all with one more true god living there.

Arthur used his authority here to recruit a large number of earth elementals to serve as his own guards of the Kingdom of God.

With the establishment of the Kingdom of God, Arthur's Church of the Guardian of the Earth began to publicly preach in various kingdoms.

Alonsus Fao, the archbishop of the Holy Light of mankind, personally announced that the God of Guardian of the Earth is the true God, which shocked the entire human society at once.

The most shocking thing is that Arthur Prestor, a surviving aristocrat of the Kingdom of Oakland, was successfully conferred on the god.This is the No. 1 mortal in history, who became the eternal and immortal god.

Believers of the Earth Guardian Church publicize the great achievements of their true gods in the human kingdom.

"The great His Majesty Arthur successfully killed the fallen Black Dragon King, was recognized by the world consciousness, and successfully became a god."

Regardless of whether this kind of propaganda is true or not, when the priests of the guardian gods of the earth performed their magic, all the kingdoms paid attention to it.

In the royal palace of Lordaeron, Calia, Arthas and Jaina couldn't believe their ears.

The young noble who became friends with them and spoke nicely, even killed Deathwing who messed up in the Second Orc War, and became a true god.

"Your Majesty Arthur is really powerful. If I have the power of a god, then I can save the lives of more civilians." The flame of ambition was also ignited in Alsace's heart.

Jia Liya looked at her younger brother and had already made a decision in her heart.Since the death of her ex-fiancé, she has not expected her own fate.

Now there is such a good opportunity, if she joins the Church of the Guardian of the Earth, she may be able to help her younger brother and stabilize the Michner family's position.

"Jalia, my daughter, have you thought about it carefully?" Terenas looked at his daughter seriously.

"The Church of the Guardian God of the Earth has been recognized by Archbishop Fao and is a true God," said Jia Liya in a crisp voice.

"And His Majesty Arthur was born in the Kingdom of Alterac, and my joining the church will help ease the relationship between the people there and the Kingdom of Lordaeron."

Terenas stroked his daughter's hair, feeling relieved that the child knew what to do for his father and the country when he grew up.

The remaining nobles of Alterac have been rebelling against the rule of Lordaeron, and the Barov family has been just around the corner.

Now that a nobleman from the Kingdom of Alterac has become a true god, the situation there may be on the verge of breaking out.

The people of Alterac, in just a few years, will not forget their homeland so quickly.

No matter how bastard the king of that country is, it is not a reason for other countries to annex this human kingdom.

Terenas can already imagine that Southsea Town, Tarren Mill, Brill and other places will soon set off actions against Lordaeron.

"It's time to make a decision. No matter how powerful mortals are, they can't resist the true god." Thinking of this, the king of Lordaeron already had an idea.

"Jalia, my daughter, when you join the Church of the Guardian of the Earth, I will give you a gift."

Soon, the Kingdom of Lordaeron publicly recognized the legitimacy of the Church of the Guardian of the Earth.And Princess Calia of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, a friend of His Majesty Arthur's mortal days, will join the Church of the Guardian of the Earth.

Arthur, who had just established the status of the Kingdom of God, was also very happy when he got the news.Being recognized by the Kingdom of Lordaeron is equivalent to being recognized by the entire alliance, which is of great benefit to him in expanding his beliefs.

"Oni, the church has just been established, and there are not many strong people, so you can go there for me." Arthur distressedly bestowed on the black dragon princess a trace of the divinity of the earth.

Oni, who has been satisfied with the return, is also very happy to take this trip. Now she and Arthur are bound together, and they will both prosper and lose.

In order to demonstrate the strength of the Church of the Earth, Oni did everything she could.

When Katrana Prestor, the patron saint of the earth guardian, brought ten adult black dragons to the capital of Lordaeron, the entire city was wailed with shrill sirens.

"Everyone of Lordaeron, don't be afraid. I am Katrana Prestor, the favored of the guardian god of the earth."

"These black dragons were redeemed by His Majesty Arthur, and have returned to the ranks of the guardian dragons, and will no longer harm mortals."

Under Oni's repeated assurances, she took these black dragons into human form and entered the palace of Lordaeron.

After all, Terenas is the lord of the alliance who has seen many big scenes, and these black dragons can't scare him.

It just seemed that those fertile lands taken from the Alterac Kingdom could not be kept.

"Welcome, Ms. Katrana," Terenas stepped down from the throne himself.

"Today is the day my daughter, Princess of Lordaeron, joins the Church of the Earth Guardian."

"I declare that the Church of the Guardian of the Earth is allowed to preach on the land of the Kingdom of Lordaeron without collecting taxes on the church's assets."

The king of the Kingdom of Lordaeron paused for a moment, and said in a high voice, "In order to express my respect to His Majesty Arthur, the guardian god of the earth, it is time to fulfill my promise to the late Earl Prestor."

"The Kingdom of Lordaeron supports the Prestor family in rebuilding the Kingdom of Alterac, and returns the escrowed towns of Brill, Tarren Mill, and Southsea to the Kingdom of Alterac"

This decision of King Terenas was simply earth-shattering, even Oni did not expect it.

Princess Black Dragon smiled and looked at the old king of Lordaeron, "Your Majesty Terenas, your generosity will be rewarded by His Majesty Arthur."

In the subsequent baptism of Jia Liya to join the church, Arthur, who was moved by Terenas' generosity, actually lowered his spiritual sense and promoted Jia Liya to the bishop.

"Calia, my friend, I am delighted that you have joined my church."

"I hereby announce that Calia is the Bishop of the Lordaeron Diocese of the Guardian Church of the Earth."

"I and the Church of the God of the Earth will surely assist the Kingdom of Lordaeron to resist the Lich King's undead army."

Terenas was overjoyed that Jia Liya served as the bishop of the Lordaeron Diocese of the Guardian Church of the Earth, which would be of great benefit to the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and the position of Alsace would be more stable.

The time bomb of the undead army in the northern Nordson continent, with the promise of the guardian god of the earth, will be much easier to deal with.

After the ceremony, the court of Lordaeron held a grand banquet, and Oni, the only heir of the Prestor family, became the object of pursuit by many nobles.

Even Corgi, a slave from Arthur's mortal period, and a new high-level goblin merchant from Lordaeron, is also doing well.

Corgi prides himself on being a slave of the true god, and he is not ashamed at all, and has actually attracted many nobles to cooperate with him.

After all, it is not easy to be a slave of the true god. If you want to be a slave, the true god still looks down on you.

(End of this chapter)

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