leisurely dragon

Chapter 289 Siblings meet

Chapter 289 Siblings meet
The church of the Lordaeron Diocese of the Guardian Church of the Earth is located in a secluded corner of the royal capital, but it is relatively large in scale.

"Alsace, Jaina, you are here," Calia, who was wearing a white slim priest robe, smiled softly.

She hasn't seen her younger brother for a long time, and Jaina, a close friend in her boudoir, hasn't been here for a while.

The days of serving the gods made Jia Liya's heart no longer empty. Compared with the canary-like life in the palace, she was much freer.

However, girls always prefer to be with their family and friends. Jia Liya was overjoyed at the arrival of her younger brother and friends.

As a bishop, there are not many things that Jia Liya needs to handle personally, and she has plenty of time to entertain guests.

"Alsace, you have to be more careful on the battlefield." Seeing the frost on her younger brother's face that hadn't disappeared, Jia Liya felt a little distressed.

Arthas smiled heartily, "Sister, I am already a qualified paladin, this little test on the battlefield is nothing."

The three sat down in the small garden behind the church, chatting about what happened these days.

Calia was particularly concerned about what happened to Arthas on the battlefield, and Jaina also showed a very interested look.

Arthas starts with every innocent villager he meets, and tells how he had to kill the children who had turned into ghouls.

Speaking of anger, Alsace seemed to have experienced that scene again, and couldn't help but slammed his fist on the stone table.

With a "bang", a corner of the stone table was smashed off, and Alsace's palm was scratched and dripping with blood.

"Alsace, you are injured," Jia Liya quickly grabbed Alsace's hand.

"Don't move, I'll treat you."

A warm light glowed on Jia Liya's hand, "healing", the light fell on Alsace's wound, and the wound immediately stopped bleeding and healed.

Then there was a burst of complaints, "Alsace, you are no longer a child, don't be so impulsive when encountering things."

Hearing his sister's broken thoughts, Alsace begged for mercy, "Sister, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I only feel angry when I think of those innocent children."

Jaina also quickly cast a spell, "Repair", and the corner of the broken stone table was restored as if time had flown back.

This magic was learned by Jaina from the library of the Church of the Guardian of the Earth, from the multiverse.

This is one of the reasons why Jaina likes to come here to play with Calia, to see a different kind of magic.

After clearing the table and sitting down again, Jaina couldn't help feeling a little indignant, "These believers of the cursed sect are too evil to do such a disgusting thing."

Jia Liya was even more angry. She is the bishop of the Earth Guardian Church and the princess of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

No matter from which point of view, Jia Liya will not forgive these villains, those villains are no longer worthy of being called human beings.

"Alsace, next time you encounter this situation, you can ask the Earth Guardian Church for help."

"Your sister is not one of those dainty young ladies. For the teachings of the gods, I can also fight."

Alsace looked at his sister in disbelief, but he knew that his sister had never trained in martial arts since she was a child.

Jia Liya looked at her brother's strange eyes, and said coquettishly, "The priest of the church also needs to receive combat training. I am a senior priest and a professional."

After she finished speaking, Jia Liya's face became hot and reddish. Her unscrupulous god had once descended into an incarnation to give her personal combat guidance.

Alsace didn't know this, he couldn't help being happy for his sister, it seemed that Calia was really loved by that god.

At the same time, I felt a burst of frustration. The power of the gods is really strong, and it can casually turn a helpless Miss Jiao into a professional who is only a little weaker than himself.

"Alsace, don't you have a question to ask Calia and the gods this time?" Jaina was sensitive to Alsace's psychological changes.

Jia Liya also quickly put away her thoughts of not knowing where to fly, "Yes, Alsace, just ask any questions you have, I can't solve them, and you can ask the gods for advice."

Now Jia Liya trusts Arthur very much.The girl's mind was too simple, and she was no match for Arthur, a seasoned lover with divine brilliance.

Alsace had a complicated look on his face, but in front of the eyes of the two girls who cared about him, he still slowly talked about his thoughts.

"I don't understand, obviously facing a huge crisis, natural disasters are about to strike, and the army of demons will follow, why father and those politicians are still fighting for a little bit of petty gain."

"Don't they understand that when that moment comes, everything they do will be meaningless."

Calia and Jaina are also speechless. Calia is no longer the little white rabbit she used to be, and she also understands the dirtiness of politics.

Jaina is even more troubled by her father, who insists on fighting the orcs desperately. Last time, she begged Arthur to save her brother, so that she temporarily suppressed her father's revenge.

There are also the archmages Antonidas of Dalaran. For unknown reasons, they are only monitoring Nordson's Lich King and Scourge Legion, and have no further plans.

He let out a long breath, and Alsace's expression became lonely, "Since they don't do it, then as the future king of Lordaeron, I will seek a truly powerful force to protect me in my own way." people".

"Alsace, you have grown up and have your own ideas. But this is a road full of thorns, and there will not be many supporters."

Jia Liya looked at her younger brother with some concern, and to a certain extent, she still agrees with Alsace's opinion.

Arthur once told her that if she was promoted to powerful divine power, the Dark Titans and Demon Legion were nothing worth mentioning.

Hearing what his sister cared about, Alsace couldn't help feeling a little relieved, at least his sister supported him, and Jaina would also care about him.

Without Medivh's crow coming to pretend to be a magic stick, Jaina hasn't developed that kind of compassionate character, at most she is kind.

And under Arthur's intentional or unintentional influence, the future archmage also had a new understanding of power.

When you have the power of a true god, politics becomes ridiculous.

For example, Deathwing, the evil black dragon, died without breaking a wave under absolute power, and the troubles he caused were easily resolved.

Jia Liya looked at her brother's resolute eyes, bit her lips, and made a decision, "Alsace, I will pray to the gods and see if His Majesty Arthur can help you."

(End of this chapter)

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