leisurely dragon

Chapter 293 Summoning Fandral Staghelmet

Chapter 293 Summoning Fandral Staghelmet

"There is only one situation that can help you. Andashir has recovered. This is impossible. I saw her being cut down with my own eyes." Hearing the words of the female druid Needleleaf, Fandral Staghelmet felt a little displeased. dare to believe.

With his tall body and non-stop pacing, he couldn't believe this at all.

"Conifer, you lead the way. I will lead the members of the Cenarion Council to confirm the situation of Andashir."

After thinking for a while, Fandral Buckhelm made a decision.He was originally a practical man, and he dared to step up to the situation.

Back then, in order to purify Saronite, Fandral Staghelmet could not wait for Malfurion to wake up, so he directly planted the branches of Nordrassil.

It can be seen that although Fandral Staghelmet acted recklessly, he dared to do things and take responsibility, and had his own opinions.

As the matter was urgent, Fandral Staghelmet summoned dozens of elite druids through his authority in the Cenarion Council.

"Conifer, take us to where Andashir is." After entering the Emerald Dream together, Fandral Staghelmet gave an order to the female druid Conifer.

"Follow your orders, Your Excellency the Archdruid"

Needles took this group of powerful druids through the Emerald Dream.

"It's terrible, such a powerful nightmare appeared in the Emerald Dream." Some druids, led by Needles, discovered the corrupted dream forest and creatures.

Fandral Staghelmet had a stern look on his face. He didn't expect the situation in the Emerald Dream to deteriorate to such an extent.

"The green dragon, the guardian of the Emerald Dream, has no response to this, so there is only one possibility, that is, the green dragons have also fallen into the nightmare."

Thinking of this, the archdruid was very anxious, and led his subordinates to speed up their steps towards Andashir.

Now is not the time to deal with these things, let's make sure that Andashir's situation is urgent.

Druids can use their authority to move quickly in the Emerald Dream.

The closer you get to Andashir, the less the nightmare aura nearby, and the dream forest has also returned to life.

Suddenly, the surrounding Emerald Dream screen changed, and an ancient tree with a height of [-] meters appeared in front of everyone.

"Andashir's aura! No, she is stronger than Andashir, and she has an unusually holy and tyrannical aura."

"It is this kind of breath that makes the reborn Andashir not afraid of the corruption of these nightmares, and can also absorb the power of nightmares to grow."

Fandral Staghelmet was overjoyed. With such a great ancient tree, as long as a large-scale purification ceremony was held to mobilize the power of the ancient tree, it would be possible to purify the entire Emerald Dream in one fell swoop.

He walked over quickly, wanting to continue to observe the new World Tree carefully.

Unexpectedly, Andashir shook slightly, and a gentle force pushed Fandral Buckhelm away.

All the druids were stunned, how Andashir seemed to have his own consciousness.

Even if he is conscious, he shouldn't refuse the approach of an archdruid who is close to nature.

Fandral Staghelmet's face was as black as a charcoal head, and he could feel that Andashir's power was not malicious, otherwise it would not be as simple as pushing it away gently.

"Everyone should try to see if they can be accepted by Andashir's consciousness."

Under the order of the archdruid, all the druids stepped forward to try, but they were all pushed away except the needle leaf.

The female druid was both surprised and delighted. As the weakest of the group of druids, she was able to get Andashir's approval.

An indistinguishable male and female voice sounded, "Among these elves, only you who have absorbed my breath can enter my domain."

Aceria felt kindness from this wonderful voice, and she respectfully knelt down on one knee, paying tribute to this great existence.

"Great Andashir, we have come here with no malicious intentions, but to investigate the current situation of the Emerald Dream and the reason for Master Andashir's recovery."

The branches and leaves of Andashir swayed again, "Hehe, you don't need to investigate anymore, let me tell you."

"I am a branch of a sacred tree. The great master gave me life and made me independent consciousness."

"I absorbed the essence of the wreckage of the dead Vordrassil, and inherited its responsibility to continue to purify the pollution of the old god."

"Now I am cooperating with the great master to suppress the ancient god Yogg-Saron in the underground of Nordson, do you understand?"

As a druid, Needle naturally knew the purpose of planting Andashir back then.Hearing that the newborn Andashir said that he has a master and is now suppressing the ancient gods, he was immediately surprised.

Andashir did not restrict the transmission of the sound, Van Gaal Staghelmet and dozens of druids could hear it clearly.

They couldn't imagine such a great existence of Andashir, who could be her master.

Needleleaf wanted to continue asking, but Andashir pushed the young female druid out of her domain after telling her some basic information.

If it didn't inherit some of the essence of the original World Tree, Andashir, the ancient dragon's blood tree, wouldn't bother with them.

Fandral waited for the druid to continue to observe for a while, but unfortunately nothing new was discovered.

The female druid Needle was ordered to stay in the Emerald Dreamland to observe the situation of Andashir, because this great existence only had a little affection for Needle.

"I have to go to Grizzly Hills in Nordson to see Andashir in reality." Fandral Staghelmet didn't care about other things, and took a few cronies directly to the Nordson off.

Near the Grizzly Bear Hills, several druids were shocked by the situation before them.The ecology of the entire area has been fully restored, and there is no trace of Saronite.

"This new world tree is even more magnificent than Nordrassil on Mount Hyjal," a druid couldn't believe his eyes.

On the edge of the newly born Andashir, there are still some black dragon young dragons coming in and out.

"These young black dragons look completely normal, with no signs of contamination in their bloodlines," said Fandral Staghelmet in a deep voice.

Several people were watching from a distance, when suddenly a silver giant dragon, and a giant dragon like a Pandaria serpent, flew towards them quickly.

"It was discovered", several druids were ready, they had to get in touch with the master of Andashir to understand what he wanted to do.

It is impossible for Druids to let everything related to World Tree go.

"Who are you, you just spied on our territory?" Xilia was so huge that the dragon's body fell to the ground, causing a gust of wind, and Liyue was still flying in the air to guard.

Faced with these two unfamiliar dragons, Fandral Staghelmet was a little shocked.

No matter which of these two giant dragons is stronger than him, it seems that the master of Andashir must be stronger.

"You two dragons, we are here for the world tree Andashir," Fandaral Staghelmet did not dare to lie.

Xilia's majestic dragon eyes looked at the druids for a while, "Follow me, Your Majesty the Great Dragon God will summon you."

(End of this chapter)

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