leisurely dragon

Chapter 310 Arthur's Son of God

Chapter 310 Arthur's Son of God

It took almost a year from Illidan's troubles to the fall of Arthas and the elimination of Ner'zhul, the Lich King.

During this year, with the cooperation of Li Ge and Andashir, Yogg-Saron suffered unprecedented torture.

Almost one-fifth of the origin of the law of this ancient god has been deprived, and his strength has been greatly reduced, and he can no longer make any waves.

When Li Ge comprehended the laws of the ancient gods, compared with each other, his own laws of creation had made great progress, almost reaching the peak of the sixth level of Godhead, and the promotion was only a short distance away.

The first dragon-born angel army led by Freya has the most income, and nearly half of the dragon-born angels have been promoted to legend.

Secondly, the ancient dragon's blood tree, Andashir, has grown to a rather tyrannical level. Coupled with mature wisdom, it is not impossible to ignite the divine fire.

In the cathedral of Lordaeron's Church of the Guardian of the Earth, Arthur hugged Calia's newly born son in surprise.

Unlike ordinary children, this son of God stayed in Calia's stomach for more than three years, absorbing a lot of divine power and supplements given by Arthur.

"Father God", the little baby has a trace of divinity from the moment it is born, with divine blood flowing in its body, and its physical fitness is even stronger than that of a newly born real dragon.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Arthur, the newly born Son of God, can think and speak.

Jia Liya is also a senior priest now, and with Arthur's treatment, her condition is much better than that of ordinary women.

"It's great that mother and baby are safe," Arthur kissed Calia.

"Let's choose a name for our child." Jia Liya looked at Shen Zi tenderly.

Arthur thought for a while, "Let's call him Lauren", and added his last name from his previous life.

Although the name was a bit strange, Jia Liya didn't study it carefully.She gently took God's son Lauren, "My little Lauren, grow up quickly, and help your Father God start a new great cause."

The family of three stayed happily for several days, and Arthur specially transferred a small team of dragon-born angels to be responsible for the safety of the Son of God.

He is not an idiot either, he has also transformed Angels of Dragonborn over the past year, adding a lot of his own things, so that the loyalty of Angels of Dragonborn has no major hidden dangers.

"Jalia, Lauren, take a good rest. If you have anything to do, ask the Angel of Dragonborn to do it. I have something to do."

Jia Liya nodded slightly. With the Son of God as her sustenance, the poor princess had nothing else to ask for.

Arthur stepped out and disappeared in an instant. When he reappeared, he had already arrived in the harem of the Kingdom of Alterac.

Oni was leaning on the large soft couch, her figure was attractive, she was only wearing a thin silk pajamas, and she was dozing there.

As soon as Arthur arrived, Oni woke up immediately, "Your Majesty, you are finally here. I thought you had a son of God, so you don't want our mother and daughter!"

Seeing Oni, who was pretending to be sad, Arthur was a little confused and pleasantly surprised. He stepped forward and grabbed Oni's snow-white arm, "Honey, tell me clearly, what mother and daughter?"

Oni proudly stroked her lower abdomen, "Of course it's our child. I'm a demigod dragonborn angel, and I can feel the specific situation of my child."

"She is a girl with divine blood, absolutely surpassing the divine son born by Jia Liya."

Arthur smirked and couldn't close his mouth. In a short period of time, he had both sons and daughters, and happiness came too suddenly.

He already had two sons, and now he has another daughter, just as he wanted.

Seeing Arthur's ecstatic look, Oni had an idea in her mind, rolled her eyes, fell on the bed, buried her face in the quilt, "Woooo..." and began to cry softly.

"Aoni, why are you crying?" Arthur panicked, the black dragon princess was pregnant with his precious daughter, and there was no room for any mistakes.

"Woo, Arthur, you heartless, since you entered the world of Aylas, I have tried my best to help you become a god."

"I didn't expect that after you became a true god, you would throw your original promise aside, and it would be useless to help me."

Oni was also a little thoughtful and figured out Arthur's character.If she hadn't been pregnant with Arthur's child, she would never have dared to threaten her like this, otherwise Arthur would definitely turn his back on him.

But it's different now, with a daughter connected by Arthur's blood, Arthur can't do anything to her.

Sure enough, Arthur was at a loss for words for a while, and what he did was indeed a little unreasonable.Although Oni was a little cautious, she really helped him a lot.

"Well, Oni, I just became a god not long ago. Some time ago, in order to cultivate the dragon-born angel, I was seriously injured, and I barely recovered until now."

"Why don't I help you ignite the fire in a few years, okay?" Arthur also had to comfort Oni and delay talking for a while.

"I don't want it", Oni was unmoved this time.

"You just want to procrastinate. As long as you are willing, there is definitely a way. I am not doing this for our daughter. As long as I ignite the divine fire, our daughter is likely to be a natural god in the future."

The veins on Arthur's forehead popped up, and there was nothing he could do. He was held by Onnie for seven inches.

But what Oni said is indeed reasonable. When Oni ignites the divine fire and regenerates a daughter who is born with a god, then their family will be born with a small god system, and they can be regarded as truly gaining a foothold in the world of Elas.

Calculated in this way, it is more cost-effective to suffer a little now than to work hard to find a future for our children in the future.

"Fuck, labor and management don't want this face." After much deliberation, Arthur decided to ask his old friend Li Ge for help, even if he paid some price.

He owed Li Ge ten divine power crystals last time, and he still hasn't paid them back, so he felt a little embarrassed to find Li Ge.

Even if he guessed that Gracia and Brother Li might have some relationship, it was useless to question him, and he could only blame himself for his inferior skills if he suffered a loss.

Now he had to go there as a last resort, otherwise his backyard would be on fire, and his life would not be easy.

Outside the Grizzly Bear Hills, Arthur took Oni and appeared outside Andashir's domain, "This ancient tree is even stronger."

As a god, Arthur could clearly sense the tyrannical power contained in Andashir's trunk.

An angel with golden dragon descendants flew out, and it was Legion Commander Freya, "Your Majesty Arthur, my Majesty invites you."

Arthur nodded and followed Freya into Andashir's domain.

Oni felt a little resentful, "Your Majesty, look, the leader of the Angel Legion of His Majesty Li Ge is much stronger than me as the leader of the legion."

"Don't worry, I will help you." Arthur had a headache, why couldn't he control his lower body.

It's all right now, Oni has become the mother of the child, and she can't be beaten or scolded, and she has to keep her original promise.

That is to say, Arthur still maintains the thought of a time traveler, and attaches great importance to family.If you're a native, it doesn't matter who you are.

(End of this chapter)

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