leisurely dragon

Chapter 323 Analyzing the Imprint of the Psychic Artifact

Chapter 323 Analyzing the Imprint of the Psychic Artifact
"Master, you're here." Glacia stepped forward in surprise and was about to pull Lige's arm, but saw the cold light in Rihanna and Catherine's eyes.

"I've seen the two mistresses," Gracia also knew how to play it by ear, and hurriedly bowed to the two goddesses.

The cold light in Rihanna's eyes disappeared, "Gracia, you are very sensible, as a hell lord, you are qualified to be Li Ge's slave."

The Queen of Desires slandered endlessly in her heart, but she didn't dare to show it. Instead, she had to entertain the two goddesses graciously, like an angry concubine.

"Just wait and see, when I gain the trust of the master, I must make you two look good," Gracia cursed in her heart, with a smile on her face.

Li Ge didn't bother to care about the struggle between the three women, so he took the mark from the seven-eyed black goat and analyzed it with the power of the system.

It's not that he can't figure it out by slowly using the law of the avenue of good fortune, it's just that time doesn't allow it.

It has been almost ten years since Li Ge developed the Elas universe. In the past ten years, he has accumulated nearly [-] divine power crystals, which is a huge sum of money.

With the continuous analysis of the system, these crystals of divine power dissipated like flowing water, and the mystery of this imprint was slowly resolved.

Rihanna, Catherine and Grazia consciously kept silent so as not to disturb Li Ge's work.

With the disappearance of the divine power crystals one by one, the mystery of the spiritual artifact imprint was also analyzed, and countless complicated information flowed into Li Ge's soul.

The collision and fusion of the seeds of the law of good fortune and these information gave Li Ge a new understanding of the avenue of good fortune, no less than what he gained when he opened up a new hell back then.

Almost three days passed, and a thousand crystals of divine power were consumed before the surging information in Li Ge's mind calmed down.

"It's so distressing." Li Ge's first reaction was distressed. These thousand crystals of divine power are powerful divine powers, and they have to be accumulated for many years.

However, the result is quite satisfactory. Although it is just a little imprint, it almost contains the civilization history of a world race.

Li Ge only had a preliminary understanding of this knowledge, and he had already reached the peak of the seventh level of Godhead in understanding the laws, which was only one step away from the eighth level.

"Li Ge, have you succeeded?" Rihanna found Li Ge opened his eyes, stopped and asked quickly.

Li Ge's voice was weak, "The matter was a success, but...".

"Teacher, what's the matter?" Catherine had never seen Li Ge like this.

Rihanna couldn't help but get nervous, "Is there something wrong?"

"My divine power crystallization, a total of a thousand pieces, is gone." Li Ge's tears almost flowed out.

"Ah", Rihanna and Catherine exclaimed twice, her eyes were wide open, and her small mouth couldn't even close.

The two of them can only save about 30 coins each year, and this thousand coins is enough for them to keep for [-] years.

Gracia was also shocked and speechless, and understood why Li Ge was like this. Dragon God loves his wealth the most.

"Okay, I'm not kidding anymore." Li Ge's face calmed down. A thousand crystals of divine power can be exchanged for the improvement of the understanding of the law. I don't know how many gods are willing to do this.

"The amount of information contained in this spiritual artifact is abnormally large. If it weren't for the false gods who have not been able to fully grasp this artifact, I would not have taken advantage of it."

There was a smile on Li Ge's face. The crystallization of the wisdom of a civilized race brought great benefits.

Rihanna and the girls looked at Li Ge with curious eyes, apparently also very interested in this matter.

There is nothing that can't be said about this matter, and here are all our own people, so we won't let it out.

"This matter starts from the world of this false god. That world is different from the multiverse we are in. It is just a galaxy, far less than the universe we are in."

"Most of the intelligent creatures in this world have a natural psychic power. They use their abilities to create a brilliant civilization."

"Although it has not been able to travel in the void, it is enough to travel between galaxies and become the master of a different world."

"Then, like many intelligent races, groups that have no rivals between galaxies have internal differences and even civil wars."

Li Ge waved his hand and sighed, "The society of this race is split into two parts."

"Some claim that the body is the hotbed of the soul and a necessary condition for the growth of the power of the soul."

"Another group of radicals advocates abandoning the physical body and constructing a new body entirely with the power of the mind, living in the sea of ​​minds of all living beings."

"How can this work, no one wants something like this lurking in their hearts," Rihanna cried out.

Li Ge said with a smile, "Of course not, most people of this race cannot tolerate such things happening."

"But those radicals have developed a method of transforming into a new body, burning their own flesh and transforming into another life form."

"This new form of life is called the invisible celestial demon. From the moment the invisible celestial demon was born, this race is doomed to have no future."

"Then the two groups of people started a war that lasted for thousands of years, and the clansmen who kept their bodies couldn't get rid of those invisible demons at all."

"The last desperate leader had to take the last resort, using the spiritual power of hundreds of millions of people to create a spiritual artifact, so as to isolate the invasion of the invisible demon."

Having said this, Li Ge paused for a while, and Gracia gave him a cup of tea with a wink.

"Teacher, what then?" Catherine couldn't help asking.

Li Ge took a sip of tea slowly, "According to the leader's assumption, this plan can be successful."

"It's just that I didn't expect that many of the clansmen who only kept their bodies have been tempted by the invisible demon."

"At the moment when the artifact was formed, these traitors colluded with the invisible heavenly demon and launched a counterattack to fight for the control of the artifact."

"At the most desperate moment, the leader manipulated the artifact, sacrificed the lives of the remaining clansmen, died with the enemy, and killed most of the invisible demons."

"This false god is one of the invisible celestial demons. After the extinction of the race, the invisible celestial demons lost the sea of ​​souls on which they depended for survival, and fell into extinction."

"The invisible celestial demons devoured each other and fought, and in the end there was only the last severely injured invisible celestial demon. With the help of the remaining power of the spiritual artifact, it broke through the crystal wall system and descended into the multiverse."

After Li Ge finished speaking, Catherine was a little worried, "Teacher, this false god will not harm our multiverse like this."

Rihanna also looked at Li Ge with questioning eyes, only Gracia didn't care. If such a race dares to do this in the multiverse, there are plenty of ways to restrict them.

The powerful divine powers did not expect this situation at all, and the cover of the spiritual artifact, so the false gods were not discovered, otherwise the false gods would definitely let the false gods know what it means to be omnipotent, although this is just bragging for believers.

(End of this chapter)

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