leisurely dragon

Chapter 328 Permissions

Chapter 328 Permissions
The artifact is recast from the core of the system, and Li Ge naturally has the highest authority.

With the core where he is at the center, countless alien spaces are distributed in the void around the core.

The functions of the original monster game field and shopping mall were regenerated in these different spaces, without any loss of the original system functions.

The new function of the artifact requires a large number of people to verify. Li Ge immediately connected with his soul and summoned the soul ideas of many spouses and subordinates who had soul connections with him.

Rihanna, Catherine, Laiya, Celia, Erin, Elsa, Selena, Xia Wei, Liyue nine spouses.

As well as the hell lord Gracia, and the clones of Andashir and Gracia far away in Elas.

The power of the artifact was really powerful, and the nine spouses and Gracia attended the scene one after another.

"Li Ge, is this your new artifact space?" Rihanna and Catherine first discovered the truth.

"Yes," Li Ge smiled slightly.

"Congratulations to the master for forging a new artifact, and it is hopeful to be promoted to a powerful divine power," Gracia quickly came up to compliment.

"Hey, you big devil, stay away from Li Ge." Catherine was very angry.

Several spouses also looked at Li Ge, as if asking him to explain, how could this kind of secret be known to the hell lord
"Don't be surprised, Gracia has been completely enslaved by me, and there is no possibility of betrayal," Li Ge assured, patted his chest.

"Yes, I am the master's servant, and I can also contribute my strength to the master." Gracia understood her situation very well and was very well-behaved.

The complexions of the spouses are a little better. After all, they are also big figures on the same level as the true gods, and respect is a must.

Li Ge can use Gracia as a slave, but his spouse does not have the qualifications yet.

The next moment, the souls of Andashir and Gracia's avatars also broke through the barrier of the universe and entered the artifact space.

The essence of the artifact is still the seed of the Great Way of Creation. With the personality of this divine object and Li Ge's understanding of the law, it is not difficult to achieve this step.

"I have seen the Father God", Andashir's mind is also the original elf appearance, with a peaceful expression, as if it is not a big deal to come here.

Gracia and her clone looked at each other, and then merged together, and the aura on their bodies immediately exploded, obviously getting a lot of benefits.

All the girls, except Xilia and Liyue, stepped forward to say hello to Andashir.

Since Andashir was created by Li Ge, it is equivalent to their child.

Li Ge watched this moment with a smile, and didn't speak until he had introduced everything, "Everyone who came to the inside of the artifact today is trustworthy."

"The purpose of my casting this artifact is to lead everyone to grow together, but it also requires everyone to work together to achieve the goal."

Laiya held a daughter in one hand, "Li Ge, from the moment we signed the contract, I put my fate in your hands, no matter what you do."

Rihanna and Catherine were not far behind, "Lige, you are our spouse, you can just give orders for what to do."

"Yes brother, Liyue will always follow you."

"Father God, Andashir will always be your most reliable child."

"Li Ge, the Moon Fairy will always follow her lover."

"Master, Gracia will be loyal to you forever and ever."

Hearing the words of the women, Li Ge couldn't help being moved, "This artifact is a growth artifact, and you need to put your soul marks and the laws you have comprehended into the artifact without reservation."

"I'll come first." After listening to Li Ge's words, Rihanna pointed her finger, and a little soul imprint fell into the core of the artifact with the comprehension of the law.

With a sound of "Boom", in a different space, a beautiful and majestic palace with dreamlike colors was formed. This is a space exclusive to Rihanna.

The power of the artifact has also been enhanced a lot under the new law, surpassing Li Ge's true god body.

A stream of information appeared in Rihanna's mind. As a true god, Rihanna quickly read the content, and couldn't help but smile.

"Great", Rihanna stepped forward to hug Li Ge in surprise and kissed him.

"In this alien space that is exclusive to me, not only can I speed up the comprehension of the laws, but I can also be resurrected, as long as I usually have enough divine power."

For the gods, this is like having the capital to start over countless times.

When the other women heard the words, they also put their soul imprints and comprehended laws into the core of the artifact.

The palaces are formed in their own different spaces, but the scales vary from large to small.

In the alien spaces of Rihanna, Catherine, and Gracia, the palaces are the largest, and they are almost the same. This proves that the three gods have similar laws of existence.

Next is Andashir, and the rest of Leia, mother and daughter, Elsa, Liyue, Xia Wei, and Selena are basically new to the power of the law, and the scale of the generated palaces is not very large. , but there are several square kilometers.

Seeing that everyone has completed the development, Li Ge clapped his hands to attract the attention of everyone who was still excited.

"I think everyone already knows some functions of the artifact. Next, I will talk about some precautions"

"Sacred artifacts usually require everyone to nourish them with the power of law and the power of the mind. The stronger the artifact, the greater the benefits for everyone."

"With the consent of other people, you can go to other people's alien space to understand the laws, and at the same time, you can develop your own law space and give others insights."

"The maximum authority of the artifact space is in my hands. Rihanna and Catherine have administrator authority as a true god. Others have advanced authority, and they can only be promoted to administrator authority when they reach the god level."

"Advanced authority and above, you can freely use the mall space and the monster game field."

"Advanced authority and above, you can choose your own believers, bind your soul in your own alien space, and usually absorb the spiritual power from believers to nourish the space."

As soon as Li Ge finished speaking, Laiya yelled in surprise, "Ah, there are so many good things in the mall space, and there are also super large shopping places."

In order to improve the reality experience, Li Ge specially added a reality mode to the mall space, allowing you to shop like in a supermarket.

"I haven't finished yet," Li Ge said hastily.

"Now, I want to talk about the scope of their respective responsibilities. The dragon-born angels in my gods are managed by Celia, and Freya's dragon-born angels are also managed by you."

"Understood," Celia said energetically.

"Rihanna, Catherine, your kingdom of God is under your own management"

"Xia Wei, you are still in charge of the dragon blood elves"

"Selena continues to be responsible for guarding the Dimensional Dragon's Lair and leading Lucia, Luvia's tribe"

"Eileen continues to be in charge of the kingdom and followers of the Noren plane"

"Laya, Elsa, continue to be in charge of magic research and teaching magic students."

"Liyue, you can be my bodyguard."

When Liyue heard this, she immediately became excited.

After arranging these spouses, the next step is Andashir.

"Andashir, you are still in charge of the affairs of the world of Aylas, and you can ask for help if you have something to do. Now there is no problem with the contact."

Andashir nodded, expressing his understanding.

"Gracia, although you are at the level of a god, you are not qualified enough, and your authority can only be at the advanced level, understand."

Gracia actually didn't expect that Li Ge would be such a new appointment to her. Now everything about her has been bound in this artifact space and can no longer be changed.

"Master, it is enough for you to trust me so much, I will work harder."

Seeing Gracia's well-behaved appearance, Li Ge was very satisfied, "Now that you have shared the memory of the clone, you are still in charge of the new hell in the Elas universe."

Gracia is naturally very happy to accept it, and being one with the avatar has greatly increased her understanding of the law and greatly improved her strength. How could she not be happy about such a beautiful thing.

She even wants to focus on the new hell, the world of Aylas is simply a paradise for the devil.

"Advanced permissions and above can be given to key believers, such as Freya, Sister Lucia, with intermediate permissions, and other trustworthy believers with low-level permissions."

"However, the middle-level and low-level permissions cannot allow them to touch things outside their own exclusive alien space. Do you understand?"

"Understood", all the girls said in unison, these secrets are really not suitable for ordinary people to know.

Next, to Li Ge's surprise, the first thing the girls did was to flock to the mall to shop.

(End of this chapter)

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