leisurely dragon

Chapter 335 The Impact of Haka's Death

Chapter 335 The Impact of Haka's Death

Rihanna and Catherine looked at Li Ge without blinking, only to see his big mouth slightly opened, and a small, unidentifiable color of the dragon's breath fell directly on the Blood God Ha Cards above the Kingdom of God.

There were no earth-shattering explosions, nor any brilliant optical effects. The kingdom of blood god Haka would be silently annihilated whenever it came into contact with that destructive power.

The speed of annihilation was so fast that even the blood god Haka didn't have time to let out a scream, and the god's body and soul were already destroyed by that destructive force.

At the place where the Kingdom of God was originally, there was only one blood-colored Divine Crystal floating there.

"It's a big loss," Li Ge screamed. The body length of this avatar has become almost the size of Catherine under the consumption of a lot of divine power.

Catherine was pleasantly surprised to grasp the godhead left by the blood god Haka, and the alien thoughts inside had been completely wiped out by this blow.

"Teacher, didn't we win the godhood? We should have made a lot of money," Catherine said happily.

Li Ge looked at his shrunken body feebly, "It took so much divine power, and as a result, so many valuable materials in the kingdom of Haka were completely destroyed. It's not a big loss."

"That's right." Catherine, who was dazzled by the godhead, reacted belatedly.

A beautiful red dragon flashed to Li Ge's side, and the huge dragon eyes were full of surprises, "As expected, it is my spouse, it is so powerful, the power of this blow is the embodiment of powerful divine power, and few can take it!" down".

Rihanna's heart is full of pride, her vision has always been good, Li Ge is such a powerful and mysterious spouse, so that the Red Dragon Queen feels the supreme glory.

A huge flame lotus expanded violently, enveloping three giant dragons inside.

Infected by Rihanna's passion, the two female dragons made Li Ge feel the fire-like enthusiasm.

After a long time, the flame lotus quickly shrank, revealing Li Ge's figure.Under the tenderness and sweetness, Li Ge was full of energy and his energy had recovered.

Under the protection of Li Ge and Rihanna, Catherine absorbed and refined the godhead of the blood god Haka here, and Catherine abandoned the evil domain on the spot.

"Wow, I feel that after going back and merging with the main body, the godhead level will definitely be promoted." Catherine was extremely happy.

This time refining the godhead made her incarnation the most powerful existence among the three dragon god incarnations.

"There are many demons here, and there are many worlds harmed by demons. Rihanna, you will definitely have a chance to be promoted." Li Ge comforted Rihanna.

"That's right, Sister Rihanna, I'll help you too." Catherine, who took advantage of it, also hurriedly looked at Rihanna courteously.

Rihanna stretched her beautiful body, and said in a very proud tone, "Don't worry about me, I never doubt my strength, and sooner or later I will catch up with you."

It is easy to go out of the world of Aylas, but it is very troublesome to go back to the three powerful dragon gods like Li Ge.

However, Li Ge can directly communicate with Andashir, and with the help of Andashir's divine kingdom on the ground, he can directly tear open the passage and return to Nordson.

After Li Ge and the others left, a ray of moonlight fell on the place where the energy fluctuation erupted just now, and disappeared with a slight sigh.

At this time, on the tall altar in Zul'Gurub occupied by the Gurubashi trolls, the blood-red magic lines suddenly collapsed.

All the troll priests who believed in the blood god Hakar and gained the power of the blood god all vomited blood and lost their power.

"God, great spirit, why have you abandoned us".

This was something that had never happened before. After countless attempts, the troll priests finally came to a desperate conclusion that the blood god Haka was dead.

"Jie Jie, so you are useless"

Seeing the other clansmen who were usually respectful approaching him, these priests who were usually arrogant could not help but panic.

Soon, after it was determined that the priests had lost their power, there was a purge among the Gurubashi trolls, and many priests of the blood god Hakkar were purged.

Catherine, who refined the godhead of the blood god Hakar, just obtained the power of law and completely abandoned Hakar's followers. Naturally, she didn't know what happened to the Gurubashi troll.

In Deep Rock Continent, the guardian god of the earth, Arthur's body froze. Through the Gurubashi troll believers he finally developed, he learned that the blood god Hakar had died.

"It's no wonder that the laws of the Eras world fluctuated violently a few days ago. It turned out that the blood god Hakkar fell."

For no reason, Arthur felt a little more depressed. He was very sure that it was Li Ge's people who did it.

"Haka's strength is not much worse than mine, and even the Kingdom of God is more hidden than mine, even so, he cannot escape the fate of death."

"They can deal with the blood god Hakar, and they can also deal with me. Do I want to be inferior to that person forever?"

Although Arthur was very close to Li Ge, he still had deep vigilance in his heart.

Even the dragon-born angel transformation ceremony provided by Li Ge has been improved or added or deleted a lot by him, and he can't rest assured until it is confirmed that it can be completely controlled.

The arrogance and serious self-interest originating from the traversers made Arthur only trust his own women and children.

"If you want to get rid of Li Ge's shadow, you can only change to be stronger than him. In this way, there is only one way, and that is to become the Lord of the Earth."

"Selazane is the biggest stumbling block. Only by seizing the authority of the stone mother, Selazane, can I become the real master of the earth."

There was a cold light in Arthur's eyes, and he was constantly planning how to seize the power of the earth.

Not long after, Celides, the princess of the earth element far away in Maraudon, was found by followers of the Earth Guardian Church.

Afterwards, Arthur's incarnation led Oni and the Dragonborn Angel Legion, the Black Dragon Legion, to kill the earth element princess with an absolute advantage, and seized a trace of the earth element divinity from the stone mother Serazane.

In the Deep Rock Continent, battles continued to break out. Even the relatively peaceful stone mother, Therazane, sometimes had to participate in the battle in person.

All of this was detected by the devils under Gracia, and then the information appeared on Li Ge's desk.

Rihanna, Catherine, Liyue, and Xia Wei Andashir naturally also knew about this.

"It's terrible, this kid's courage is getting bigger and bigger, even daring to fight against the idea of ​​the stone mother Serazane who has nothing to do with the world," Li Ge sneered.

Since he came back again, he has not blocked the news.But Arthur just didn't come over, expressing his gratitude for Li Ge sending Lorraine and his son over.

Li Ge knew exactly what this kid was thinking, it was nothing more than a wild heart, and he didn't want to be inferior to others.

Rihanna and the other girls didn't like people like Arthur anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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