Chapter 338

In the majestic Lordaeron Palace, many big figures gather here.

The old king Tenaris's face was ashen. He never thought that the Church of the God of the Earth would incite a large number of nobles to force Alsace.

The Archbishop of the God of the Earth has changed.Poor Princess Calia, now she only wants to raise her son well, and doesn't want to be involved in the struggle between Arthur and his father and brother.

This time it was Oni's brother, Nefarian, a powerful black dragon.

Archbishop of the Holy Light, Alonsus Faol, and most of the paladins from the Silver Hand also came here.

Uther was even more distressed at the fact that he did not teach Alsace well. A paladin with a bright future fell into darkness like this.

"Uther, don't be so impatient, I have a premonition that things will turn around." Archbishop Fao was very calm.

The attitude of this venerable archbishop infected all the paladins and calmed their hearts.

"Your Majesty, I don't know Prince Alsace, why hasn't he come out to prove himself?" Nefarian seemed to be polite, but he was actually persecuting him.

"It's not up to the Church of the Earth to intervene in matters concerning the Kingdom of Lordaeron and the Michner family," Tenaris snapped.

Seeing the aura of the old king, the nobles did not dare to say much for a while.

No matter what, as long as it is proved that Arthas has the dark power of the evil god, even if the old king is saved, it will cause a tsunami-like impact on the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

"When did the archbishop care so much about my affairs? I just came late to invite the beautiful Princess Jaina."

Alsace's voice came from outside the hall.

The next moment, Alsace, who was wearing a ceremonial armor and an angel sword on his waist, walked into the palace holding a beautiful female mage in a luxurious and exquisite dress.

"On the Holy Light, what did I see?" Uther couldn't believe his eyes. Even an ordinary person could feel the power of the Holy Light on Alsace.

There was a smile on Archbishop Fao's face, "Although I don't know why, but Alsace's attainments in the Holy Light have surpassed your mentor, Uther."

Although I don't know what Prince Alsace has experienced, but returning to the embrace of the Holy Light is what Archbishop Fao is happy to see.

"Dear father, I have proposed to Princess Jaina, and the people of Lordaeron will welcome their princess." Arthas saluted his father with a smile on his face.

"Haha, very good, Arthas", all the troubles in Tenaris' heart disappeared completely at this moment.

"You have to treat Jaina well, she is a good girl. Your love is also a symbol of friendship between Lordaeron and Kul Tiras."

After Alsace returned to normal, the excited two young people made a promise to stay together for life in front of several gods.

At this point, Nefarian knew that Arthur's plan had failed without asking.

"Your Majesty Tenaris, it is a miracle that Prince Arthas can regain the power of the Holy Light," Nefarian had to compliment against his will.

A premeditated forced palace turned into an engagement ceremony for Prince Alsace, and Lordaeron's succession to the throne was no longer in dispute.

It's just that Arthur, who is turning the entire Earth Elemental Plane into his own kingdom of God, is very angry at this moment.

"The lord of the dimension is really stingy, he just made a stumbling block for me as soon as he made a distinction between him and him."

Not to mention the succession of Lordaeron planned by Arthur, even the long-coveted beautiful mage Jaina reunited with Arthas.

"It's still a little too impatient," Arthur regretted a little. When the godhead was promoted, his confidence swelled, which completely offended Li Ge.

In his view, the three of Li Ge are nothing more than incarnations, and they are the opponents of his true god in this world.

Arthur kept low in front of Li Ge, but he endured it for a long time. He was a bit arrogant once he gained power, but now he was really backlashed.

"Your Majesty, in recent days, members of the church have been tempted by the devil from hell, and there have been several battles."

Oni came to Arthur with some worries. Their daughter had defected from hell. Obviously, this was revenge from hell.

Arthur was silent for a while, "Strengthen the defense against hell, the most important thing now is to deal with the ancient god C'Thun."

If he wants to completely control the land of Eras World, the Old God is an unavoidable opponent.

Pandaria's side has been dealt with by Li Ge, and the last trace of Y'Shaarji has also been erased.

Yogg-Saron had already received his lunch box, and his soul was dragged into hell by Gracia for nourishment.

Now as long as Ke'thun and N'Zoth are dealt with, he, the master of the earth, can truly control this land and become the strongest on the planet Aylas in one fell swoop.

Even in Arthur's heart, he still intends to replace the unborn strongest titan Aylas, or simply kill him in the embryo.

Those ancient gods can deal with unborn titans, there is no reason why he, the master of the earth, cannot do so.

This is also the reason why he became arrogant and dared to open up his differences with Li Ge.

"The night elves have already issued warnings to all the major kingdoms and races. Oni, go tell the church that you must try your best to form a coalition to deal with the insects in Angela's Temple and C'Thun, the black hand behind the scenes."

Arthur finally made a decision to put aside the conflict with hell.

His current church strength is not enough to deal with the Angela worms, and he has to pull in those mortal races.

It's just that C'Thun is not so easy to deal with in the previous life game.

When facing the ancient gods, ordinary mortals may lose their minds and become puppets of the ancient gods as soon as they meet.

The last time I dealt with Yogg-Saron, it was only after it was weakened that three god-level existences could suppress it.

If he wants to suppress C'Thun now, I'm afraid Arthur will have to use all his strength.

The only advantage is that his kingdom of God is in this world, and he has the power to supplement it. If one avatar is not enough, several can be used together.Arthur's current godhead level is six, so he can create three avatars at the same time.

On the two continents, except for the tribes of Kalimdor and the night elves who are more impatient, the human countries in the Eastern Kingdom still take a leisurely attitude.

Anyway, the Angela Bug couldn't hit him in the head for a while, and in addition to the battle of Mount Hyjal, the elite army of the human kingdom suffered a lot.

The most important thing is that the human kingdom has already become very vigilant against Arthur's Church of the Earth.

As the strongest kingdom, Lordaeron was almost plotted against by this church.Other human kingdoms can't be hostile to the Church of the Earth.

Even Ironforge, the dwarf kingdom, and Eagle's Nest Mountain have some complaints about Arthur's Church of the Earth.

(End of this chapter)

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