leisurely dragon

Chapter 342 Anveena Confers God

Chapter 342 Anveena Confers God

In the next two days, the high elves did not neglect Li Ge, and all kinds of etiquette were quite in place.

The Silvermoon City noble council is still arguing, but from Kael'thas's improved expression, Li Ge can see that the division of interests is coming to an end.

"Why bother? What will your agreement do when the spirit of the Sunwell awakens?" Li Ge knew how the final outcome would turn out without even thinking about it.

Finally, three days later, Anastarian and his son came to the door in person, "Your Majesty Li Ge, the Sun Chaser family and the Silvermoon City Council have reached an agreement and decided to ask your Majesty to help the spirit of the Sunwell awaken."

Although the nobles of the high elves are corrupt, most of them still care about the future of the race, and it is expected to make this decision.

Even if some people have strange thoughts, it is easier to seek the favor of their own gods than to kneel down and lick other gods.

Now that he has taken the reward in advance, Li Ge has to fulfill his promise according to the previous agreement.

The high elves of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas took this incident very seriously.The only fleet was mobilized to blockade the entire island of Quel'Danas.

The Magister's Platform was firmly surrounded by the Legion of Spellbreakers, and no one was allowed to approach it except the Sunstrider family and those great nobles and archmages.

Standing by the golden pool of the Sun Well, Li Ge felt the muddled spirituality, and stayed in the well water well.

"Stand back, I'm going to start," Li Ge said flatly after glancing at the mages who were trying to spy on his movements.

Immediately, a little force of the law of good fortune condensed at the fingertips. With Li Ge's current comprehension of the law, it is impossible to enlighten a true god's basic spiritual wisdom out of thin air.

However, the spirit of the Sunwell is powerful. Under the worship of the high elves for thousands of years, it has already gathered a huge power of faith. It can be said that the foundation is quite good.

Moreover, these powers of faith are beautiful and positive, which minimizes the difficulty of Li Ge's operation.

Compared with other people, this may be said to be as difficult as climbing to the sky, but for Li Ge, it is just to follow the trend and paint on a white paper.

While everyone was watching, Li Ge pointed out lightly that a little law of light with a lot of knowledge fell into the pool and merged with that spirituality.

Like a thunderbolt, the golden sun well surged with huge waves, but strangely it didn't rush out of the pool.

In the center of the golden pool, a female high elf made of rising well water opened her hazy eyes and began to look at the world.

The infinite knowledge bestowed by Li Ge made her understand her identity, "Am I the spirit of the Sunwell?"

The cherry lips of the spirit of the sun well moved slightly, and with a light inhalation, the power of faith gathered here for thousands of years, instantly turned into a golden brilliance visible to the naked eye, and entered her body.

A beautiful female high elf body appeared above the pool, wearing a golden dress.

The spirit of the Sunwell condensed this huge power of faith and the water of the Sunwell into its own body.With the knowledge given by Li Ge, she also made a suit of clothes for herself without being rude.

"I am the incarnation of the Sunwell, the blood essence of Planet Aylas, and the daughter of the arcane force!"

"I am also the incarnation of the beautiful hope of the high elves. My consciousness comes from the worship of the high elves. I will also protect the beautiful future of the high elves!"

Beautiful notes spat out from the mouth of the Sunwell Spirit, making the Sun Chaser father and son and the great nobles overjoyed.

The words of the spirit of the sun well are the embodiment of her own will and her obsession.

From then on, the high elves also had a powerful guardian.

Li Ge's eyes were fixed on the body of the spirit of the sun well, as if he saw some spectacle.

"What a gifted creature," Li Ge couldn't help but admire.

He saw with his own eyes that the spirit of the Sunwell easily condensed powerful arcane laws, as well as the guardian deity of the high elves, and the sun domain.

This is simply food provided by God. If you don’t become a god, it doesn’t matter.

However, what is even more outrageous is yet to come. There is a trace of space-time fluctuations around the spirit of the sunwell, and traces of the origin of the sunwell from other timelines begin to seep in.

"Is this the uniqueness of the true god interfering with the timeline?" Li Ge couldn't help thinking.

Although the current spirit of the sun well has not ignited the divine fire, it has already condensed laws, divinity and domains, and is already an independent existence.

In addition, Li Ge has already made this timeline so that the bronze dragon can't do anything, other timelines naturally start to shift towards this timeline.

"Would this happen to me in other time and space? My name in other time and space is Anveena. Will the high elves encounter such bad luck in other timelines?"

The female high elf incarnation of the Spirit of the Sunwell murmured to herself, her whole body bursting with divine light, "My name is Anveena too."

"But I will absolutely not allow all this to happen on this plane. I want to become a god and protect the future of the high elves."

In the knowledge and wisdom given by Li Ge, the spirit of the sun well, or should be called An Wei Na now, has found the answer to the problem, and that is the conferred god.

Only by becoming a true god can one have the ability to face the incredibly powerful enemy in the future.

As An Weina's will became firmer, a little divine fire ignited in her soul, and nothing happened, just like eating and drinking water.

"I, Anwena, am the blood essence of Aylas, the daughter of the arcane force. I swear that I will protect the arcane balance of the planet Aylas."

"I was born in the good wishes of the high elves, and I am also a member of the high elves. I swear to protect the future of the high elves."

"My body is entrusted with the beautiful worship of the sun by countless people. I swear to use my sun domain to warm the people who believe in me."

"I, Anwena, is the son of the arcane of the planet Alas, the patron saint of the high elves."

As An Weina's vows fell, a radiant godhead fell into her mind.

A piece of information automatically appeared in everyone's minds, the patron saint of the high elves, the son of the arcane, the godhead level is five, the priesthood is arcane, the guardian of the high elves, and part-time in the solar field.

"Your Majesty Anveena, congratulations on becoming a member of the True God," Li Ge said with a smile.

Anveena's complexion became extraordinarily soft, and she saluted Li Ge respectfully, "Your Majesty Li Ge, thank you for enlightening me."

"I swear, as long as I don't violate my priesthood, I will always be your ally."

Li Ge was overjoyed, isn't this his purpose, "Your Majesty Anwena, you are also my most reliable ally."

At this time, under the leadership of the Sunstrider father and son, a group of high elves and nobles had already prostrated themselves to the ground.

Under the influence of Anveina's priesthood as the patron saint of the high elves, all the high elves and elves present no longer felt disrespectful, but instead felt a sense of security.

"I will pay my respects to Your Majesty Anveena, the high elves will always be His Majesty's loyal followers."

Since Anveena made her oath, she has been tied to the fate of the high elves, and they can never be separated again.

"Get up, you are all high elves in authority. I still need your help in many things. Then, I will open up the Kingdom of God."

An Weena just became a god, and there are still many things to do.

(End of this chapter)

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