leisurely dragon

Chapter 352 Begging and Surrendering

Chapter 352 Begging and Surrendering

At the moment when the abyss was born, the laws of the entire Airas fluctuated violently.Li Ge, Rihanna, Catherine, Anweina and other gods had a bad premonition in their hearts, as if an extremely powerful enemy had been born.

"What kind of enemy is it? It makes us gods feel terrified." Anweina, the little goddess, couldn't hold back in an instant.

As the daughter of the arcane force and the native deity of the world of Ayras, Anweina has the greatest sense of crisis.

Before Li Ge could reply, Gracia's figure appeared, and she shouted anxiously before she could stand still.

"Master, the abyss has appeared." Gracia had no intention of being a monster this time, and looked very anxious.

"What?" Li Ge was shocked. His heart was like lightning, and he immediately understood where the sense of crisis in his mind came from.

The Endless Abyss is a huge cancer in the entire universe, swallowing up countless planes and souls in the multiverse. Even many powerful divine powers are helpless against it.

If the abyss was really born, then this sense of crisis would make sense.

"Master, I am the Lord of Hell, and the abyss is my mortal enemy. I can feel that this newly born abyss gives me exactly the same feeling as the abyss in the multiverse, as if it is the same."

Gracia said with a small mouth.

Li Ge's eyes were sharp, "Gracia, do you mean that the tentacles of the endless abyss of the multiverse have extended to this world?".

"Yes, Master, I am definitely not wrong. I have been dealing with the endless abyss for countless thousands of years," Gracia said with certainty.

"Now that the abyss has just been born, it is the best time to deal with it. Once this abyss plane grows, it will be impossible to destroy it."

Li Ge was very annoyed, what the hell is going on, how could the consciousness of the endless abyss be so strong, it actually ran to another plane.

Although this did not pose a big threat to him, Li Ge felt unhappy just thinking about watching the abyss grow into a big cancer.

"What should we do?" Li Ge thought in his mind.

Rihanna, Catherine, Anweina, Gracia, and Liyue all fell silent for fear of disturbing Li Ge's train of thought.

"Li Ge, please help me," an anxious voice penetrated Andrassil's divine realm and passed into it.

"It's Arthur." Li Ge stopped and looked at the girls with some curiosity.

Didn't this arrogant guy part ways with Li Ge? Why did he come here again?

"Wow, wow, I'm going to beat him up," An Weina screamed with bared teeth and claws, and was about to rush out to do it.

"Wait, Anweina, something is wrong." Li Ge quickly stopped Anweina.

"Arthur actually appeared in his true form. Isn't he afraid of death, and his mental state is not normal," Li Ge said.

The girls also quickly observed carefully, and the divine realm of Andasier would not block their spiritual thoughts, so they also discovered this problem.

"Is this Arthur out of his mind and turning into a fool?" Anweina said, blinking her beautiful big eyes.

"There must be something terribly wrong," Rihanna and Catherine said in unison.

Li Ge's heart moved. He felt that the appearance of the abyss might have something to do with Arthur.

"Andrassil, let him in." Although he and Arthur basically fell out, the issue of the abyss was still more important. Ask him clearly first, and don't lose the big for the small.

Andashir's God's Domain quickly opened a hole, and Arthur turned into a ray of light and landed in front of Li Ge, looking a little lost.

"Li Ge, please, help me. I got into a big trouble this time. Only you can help me, otherwise my whole family will be ruined." Arthur was about to rush up and hold Li Ge's hand and beg. .

A barrier of divine power separated the two, "Arthur, you regarded me as an enemy before, and now you still have the face to ask me for help." Li Ge looked at Arthur with contempt.

Arthur's face froze, then he gritted his teeth and knelt on one knee in front of Li Ge, "Li Ge, it was my fault before. This time I made a big mistake and caused a huge disaster."

"I know you are not an ordinary god. Please help me. I am willing to swear allegiance to you."

Li Ge took a step aside, "Arthur, what are you doing? As a true god, you don't want to lose any face. Don't think that you can force me to help you, or what did you do?".The status between true gods is equal. Even if you are a subordinate god, you cannot kneel down to your main god. This is too abnormal for Arthur to do.

Li Ge now has a high probability of confirming that the matter in the abyss is related to Arthur, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence.

The corners of Arthur's mouth twitched, not knowing what to say.

"What are you still thinking about? Does the matter in the abyss have anything to do with you?" Li Ge shouted violently.

"You know everything." Arthur looked at Li Ge in surprise.

"Okay, you big bad guy, you actually did such an unforgivable bad thing." Anweina was furious, clenched her fists and punched Arthur in the eyes several times.

Now that Arthur had something to ask for, he didn't dare to resist at all, so he had to endure a few blows.

Catherine and Liyue quickly pulled the angry Anweina away, "Anweina, wait until he finishes speaking. We also need to understand the situation now."

Anweina, the little goddess, reluctantly gave up, but she still opened her big eyes and looked at Arthur angrily, wanting to bite him to death.

As the daughter of the arcane force, she is the incarnation of the order of the Aras universe, and she hates chaotic and evil things like the abyss.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Arthur had no choice but to explain everything clearly in front of the cannibalistic eyes of several people.

"Why don't you die? Even powerful divine powers don't dare to mess with things like abyss consciousness. How dare you take the initiative to provoke a weak divine power."

"It's hopeless, just wait for death! Get out of here, I don't want to see you again!"

Li Ge was so angry that his brain almost burst into flames. He dared to say that Arthur was simply one of the most idiotic people he had ever seen.

Even that madman Cyric has great divine power. At most, he can only dream about the Supreme God, and he will not be crazy enough to try to control the consciousness of the abyss.

Arthur is just a small, weak god, how can he have the courage to provoke such a behemoth?

"Li Ge, please, my death is not a pity, but my wife and children are innocent." Arthur hugged Li Ge's thigh and begged in a low voice.

"Let me go." Li Ge felt disgusted and wanted to pull out the leg, but Arthur came with the original body, which was stronger and couldn't pull it out at all for a while.

"Please, my old Luo family can't give up. I can't let my parents down. This is my only thought." Arthur's eyes turned red.

Li Ge's legs suddenly froze, and he didn't say anything for a long time. The thoughts that had been hidden in his heart for many years emerged again.

The scene went cold for a moment, and no one dared to say anything.

Li Ge took a long breath, "These few words of yours are quite human."

"Are you really willing to do anything to save your wife and children?"

Seeing Li Ge's attitude softening, Arthur nodded frantically, "I am willing. I will do anything as long as it can make up for my mistakes."

"Then hand over a trace of your divine fire and soul," Li Ge said coldly.

Arthur was stunned for a moment. A true god handed over a trace of divine fire and soul. This was equivalent to becoming someone else's slave, with no possibility of resistance.

Seeing Arthur's hesitation, Li Ge sneered and said, "For the sake of past friendship, you can go! You can solve your own affairs and I won't take care of it anymore."

Arthur's heart tightened. If he had a way, he wouldn't be in this situation. He couldn't defeat the demon Arthur who was backed by the consciousness of the abyss.

"I'll give it to you," Arthur finally made up his mind. He gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain, and tore it apart with force, followed by a trace of miserable wailing.

Arthur, whose face was as white as a piece of paper, held a trace of divine fire and divine soul in his hand and handed it to Li Ge tremblingly.

"Hiss", Anweina gasped, isn't this bad guy afraid of pain?

Li Ge put away a trace of Arthur's divine fire and soul with an expressionless face, and took a deep breath, "I order everyone to enter full mobilization!"

(End of this chapter)

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