leisurely dragon

Chapter 354: Plane Collision

Chapter 354: Plane Collision
The army brought by Li Ge from the multiverse successfully arrived in the divine domain of Andasil, less than three days after he announced full mobilization.

Van Gaal Staghelm has already arrived with his cronies, nearly a thousand druids with good strength.

Anweina also brought a small number of angel troops from the Kingdom of God. This was mainly because her time to become a god was too short and she had no time to train them.

However, Kael'thas led the elite of the high elves, a legion of 1 people, to join Anweina's command.

Li Ge nodded secretly, keeping in mind the contributions of these two races.

As for other forces, Li Ge was too lazy to say good things and argue.The main force in this war is the True God, and the ordinary legions are just to clean up the small soldiers.

The power gathered by Li Ge this time includes the three true gods Li Ge, Catherine, and Rihanna. Although they do not carry the godhead, the dragon god itself is also extremely powerful.

Anweina also dispatched the true god. She could not tolerate the abyss growing in her world. This was unacceptable to her camp.

The combined forces of the night elves and high elves numbered approximately 5000, including all forces led by Vangar Staghelm, Valstan, and Kael'thas.

Freya led the angel legions of the three true gods of Li Ge, plus the dragon-born angels who stayed here in Andrassil. Anweina also gave her own angels to her for unified command. There were about [-] angels in total. .Although they are small in number, they are the most powerful in combat.

Li Ge's army of believers has about 1 people. Under the leadership of the legendary priest Sass and the green dragon Krisina, it is also a force that cannot be ignored.

The God of the Earth, Arthur, also went all out this time. Except for a small number of people guarding the Kingdom of God, all the angels and the huge earth elemental army in the Kingdom of God went out to fight.

Xilia, Yilin, Leia, Elsa, and Liyue are all on standby in the mage tower. These six female dragons, whose power has reached the demigod level, can fight against the gods with the help of the floating tower.

Xia Wei led the [-] dragon-blooded elves in addition to the marines in the floating tower, and they were ready for battle.

Inspired by the high fighting will of the dragon blood elves, Xia Wei even felt the growth of the dragon blood elves racial priesthood. A race that has not experienced a life and death battle cannot be called a mature race.

This battle is a battle for the dragon blood elf to prove his worth to his father.At the same time, it is also a stop for the dragon-blooded elves to prove that they have the strength to stand among all races in the universe.

"Master, the hell plane is close to the abyss plane, and it is expected to arrive in seven days." Gracia's figure appeared.

Regardless of the number of true gods, the demon army in New Hell is the most powerful, even several times more powerful than Li Ge's army.

This time, hell serves as a fortress. After arriving at the target, the plane of hell and the plane of the abyss will collide, and then it will be a stop that determines life and death.

"Gracia, you did a good job," Li Ge praised and then gave the order.

"All personnel and legions participating in the battle immediately entered the hell plane to make final preparations."

Under the control of Gracia, with the floating tower as the guide, all the legions entered the fortress of hell through the space channel.

Unable to move, Andrassil swayed its branches to bless his master's army.

In Arthur's Kingdom of God, Oni opened the portal expressionlessly, and Arthur, with a flattering look on his face, also entered hell with his own power.

Although some people are not very accustomed to the environment of hell, they are all professionals. Without ordinary people, they can only endure it for a few days.

A seven-eyed black goat as huge as a mountain stood in a corner of hell.

Gracia also brought this powerful pet over this time. Anyway, Arthur has surrendered to Li Ge, so there is no need for the seven-eyed black goat to be there.

In the void, the hell plane, which has reached the peak of the medium plane, is like a giant ship, rapidly approaching its deadly enemy.After this battle, only one hell and abyss can exist. No matter who is the winner, the hell plane no longer needs to hide under the protection of the world of Ayras.

The winner will step on the remains of the loser and be promoted to a large plane, becoming a truly independent force that can stand alone.

The huge hell plane is advancing at an incredible speed in the void.

Through the plane barrier, you can even see rare wonders in the void.

Occasionally, some meteorites hit the hell plane and fall into meteors.

As the distance gets closer, you can occasionally encounter some scattered demons in the void.

Some demons who were unable to dodge were directly smashed into pieces by the hell plane.

The huge new abyss plane, the original Broken Abyss is already in front of us. Some small demi-planes are already surrounding the abyss, and countless demons are fighting in it, hoping to gain the favor of the abyss consciousness.

"The consciousness of the abyss has grown too fast. It has reached the peak of the medium plane and is only one step away from the large plane."

"If we are too late and wait for the new abyss to be promoted to a large plane, things will really get out of hand."

Li Ge was secretly glad that once he was promoted to a large plane, the power of the abyss consciousness could compete with the powerful divine power in the plane, which was not comparable to Gracia's half-toned power.

At that time, Li Ge really had no confidence in winning this battle.

"Gracia, be prepared for plane collision. Don't be afraid of losses in hell. Try to inflict as much damage on the abyss plane as possible," Li Ge shouted loudly.

"Yes, Master." Gracia didn't care about her heartache anymore, and urged the hell plane to hit the new abyss.

"Everyone, be prepared for a collision." Li Ge and other true gods added protective spells to ordinary legion members.

"Jiejie, Arthur, you are a coward, no matter how many helpers you get, you can't defeat me."

"Gracia, Oni, you two bitches of hell, damn devils, I will twist off your beautiful heads with my own hands."

The consciousness of the abyss has no choice but to lend its power to the demon Arthur.

This also made the demon lord Arthur, who had already lost his mind, extremely inflated. He thought that he had no opponent, and he didn't care at all when facing the hell plane coming from far away.

"Jiejie, let's hit him. It's best to hit and kill all the demons who are trying to take away my power, so that I don't do it."

Demon Arthur laughed crazily and didn't pay attention to all this at all.

It's a pity that the abyss consciousness is only a pan-conscious existence and does not have that kind of delicate wisdom.

Otherwise, it will regret at all that it chose the extremely unreliable bastard Demon Arthur.

The speed of the hell plane was getting faster and faster, and finally, in an earth-shattering explosion, the two planes collided together.

(End of this chapter)

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