leisurely dragon

Chapter 357: Shocked retreat and celebration

Chapter 357: Shocked retreat and celebration

All the soldiers who participated in the battle were stunned for a moment when they saw the demon in front of them suddenly dying, and then they understood. The cheers of victory resounded throughout the space.

"Everyone worked together to suppress the remains of the abyss plane into hell."

Under Li Ge's command, several gods worked together to easily stuff the continent-sized remains of the plane into hell.

All the soldiers participating in the war also entered the fortress of hell from various alien spaces to rest assuredly.

"Awesome, Li Ge, you must come to me for the next fight." After wiping out this chaotic and evil base camp, Anweina was extremely excited.

This little goddess seemed to have awakened the factor of violence, and felt that the fight had not been enough.

"The victory of this war depends on everyone's joint efforts. I would like to thank everyone here," Li Ge said with a smile on his face.

Everyone was in high spirits, even Arthur, an unpopular guy, was very popular in everyone's eyes.

Arthur also put in a lot of effort this time, and his attitude was okay.

And now he is basically Li Ge's slave and one of his own.For the sake of his fellow countrymen, Li Ge also planned to give him the respect that a true god should have.Anyway, Li Ge, who had received a lesson, was not going to let this guy go free.

"Li Ge, let's go back and celebrate, this time I'm going to eat a whole table by myself." An Weina couldn't forget the delicacies Li Ge bought from the mall last time.

"There is no problem with the banquet, but now there is a guest here." Li Ge looked at the void outside the artifact with a mysterious smile on his face.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but no one was found outside.

"The former Bronze Titan, now the leader of the Burning Legion, Sargeras, how long will you continue to hide?"

Following Li Ge's words, a Titan the size of a planet, with its body burning with flames, grabbed Li Ge's artifact True Spirit Creation Diagram with its big hand.

"Weak creatures, you cannot possess such an artifact." Sargeras' voice was like thunder.

"What a dark titan, with such a bad mind, he actually became like a demon," Li Ge mocked loudly.

The artifact quickly shrank, fell into Li Ge's hand, and then entered his soul.

Sargeras' big hand continued to fall regardless, looking as if he was going to grab Li Ge and several gods to death.

"Arrogant", Li Ge sneered. The Dark Titan was only equivalent to a medium level of divine power, but it was so powerful.

A mass of destructive power condensed in Li Ge's hands, and fell on Sargeras' big hands at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

"Roar", Sargeras let out an earth-shattering roar, the palm of his hand came off by itself, and his body the size of a planet took the opportunity to flee away.

The huge palm left by the Dark Titan turned into ashes under the influence of the power of destruction.

"It's a pity that I haven't understood the laws of creation to a high enough level, otherwise the Dark Titan would be troubled."

Li Ge felt a little regretful in his heart. Sargeras was also a quickie, so he retreated quickly when he saw that there was nothing he could do.

He was just a guy who was frightened by the void. Why did he think that Li Ge was easy to bully and dare to steal the artifact?

If Li Ge hadn't consumed too much of his own origin this time, and most of the power accumulated by the artifact was empty, and Sargeras was indeed powerful and could resist the power of destruction, otherwise he would have really wanted to try to see if he could keep this one. dark titan.Arthur opened his mouth in surprise. Sargeras, who had always been afraid in his heart, actually suffered a big loss at the hands of Li Ge and fled.

From this moment on, Arthur could no longer resist.

"Let's just be an ordinary true god. The soul is in Li Ge's hands, so there is no point in resisting."

Everyone felt relieved, especially Anweina, who couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth. As long as Li Ge's power is still in Ailas, the Burning Legion can no longer threaten the safety of this planet.

"Okay, let's go home," Li Ge said loudly with a smile, and together they entered the void fortress of hell.

After devouring enough fragments of the abyss plane, Hell only needs a sufficient opportunity to advance to a large plane.

Gracia, Oni, and the demon army under their command gained the most from this bloody battle.At the same time, he also saw the power of Li Ge and his allies, and became even more convinced of Li Ge, the controller of hell.

While others were resting, Li Ge could not relax. The abyss consciousness needed to be watched closely at all times, and the evil realm within it must be eradicated as soon as possible.

In addition, the souls of all the soldiers who died in the battle were collected in the artifact, and Li Ge also spent a lot of divine power and origin to resurrect them.

They risked their lives for Li Ge, and Li Ge must treat them well.

However, there are a few dragon blood elves and kobolds, monster believers, who do not want to be resurrected.They wanted to go to the Kingdom of God to serve the gods, and Li Ge agreed to their wishes.

The hell plane set sail again, sending all the legions to the vicinity of Aras. Andrassil took the initiative to open the divine domain and bring these brave warriors back.

After returning to Ailas, Li Ge had successfully resurrected all the soldiers who were willing to be resurrected.

Next, it's time to celebrate.Andashir contributed tens of thousands of dragon blood fruits, and almost every ordinary soldier could get one.

Li Ge simply bled heavily, purchased a large amount of ingredients, and held a grand banquet.

These ordinary legionnaires almost ate their tongues.Of course, the devils in hell are not included in Li Ge's invitation, except for Gracia and Oni's mother and daughter.

An Weena also fulfilled her wish, she occupied the table by herself, without any embarrassment at all.

Many of Li Ge's spouses were smiling and laughing. Many of them had been enjoying the help from Li Ge for so many years, and this time they finally helped Li Ge a big favor.

Arthur was finally accepted by everyone, but his status was relatively low.Now that he has understood his position, he is just playing with his youngest daughter, Sally, and the whole family is enjoying themselves.

After enjoying Lige's hospitality, the armies of night elves and high elves began to return to their respective countries.

Anweina and Arthur also brought their own Kingdom of God troops back to the Kingdom of God.This battle is relatively expensive, and they also need some time to cultivate.

Oni also returned to hell and began to sort out the affairs of hell according to Gracia's instructions.

Now the only ones left behind are his own family members in the true sense, and Li Ge must make the next arrangements.

Only in this way can he truly feel at ease, clear the evil realm in the abyss consciousness, and benefit from it.

After the others left, Andashir also closed his God's Domain so that Li Ge could hold a meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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