Chapter 365 The three people who are afraid
The beautiful eyes of the female mage Eve turned to Li Ge, and her voice was a little aggrieved, "This distinguished guest has such a cold attitude. Does he have any dissatisfaction with Eve?"

The three lustful guys immediately glared at Li Ge. Fortunately, Charles and the others had not forgotten Li Ge's instructions.

"Brother Ren, don't you look down on a beauty like Mrs. Eve? You are too high-minded!"

Li Ge took a leisurely look at these foxy friends and said, "Huh, what's so fun about human females? Succubi, lust demons and the like are enough. I'm not interested in ordinary people."

The female mage Eve almost choked to death, she was so angry that she kept rising and falling, "If this queen didn't want to reveal her identity, I would have made you bow to my succubus real body."

Cohen came over with a squinting look, "Mrs. Eve, don't pay attention to Brother Lane, he is just a lump. I am different. I treat ladies gently and considerately, and I am considerate of others."

"Fuck you, Mrs. Eve, Cohen is an old pervert and has married several wives. Only I, Alba, am the real model good man." Alba was so obsessed with sex that even Cohen dared to quarrel with her.

Charles looked serious and strode forward, "What are you two doing, are you ignoring brotherhood for the sake of beauty?"

Cohen and Alba were stunned, feeling that they were indeed a bit outrageous. It was not like they had never seen a beautiful dragon before, so why did they suddenly become so hot-headed.

Seeing the two people reacting, Charles nodded with satisfaction, "In order not to affect your brotherhood, I will be responsible for receiving Mrs. Eve."

"Bah", Cohen and Albaziqi looked down at the old guy Charles, thinking that he was really doing it for the sake of the brothers, but they didn't expect that he wanted to eat alone.

"Giggle", the female mage Eve chuckled a few times, her seductive body trembling continuously, making the three of them look straight in the eyes.

In the following time, the female mage Eve circled between these three bargains, playing both ways. They didn't get much advantage, but they took out a lot of irrelevant information.

At the end, the female mage Eve got out and called a few delicate maids to entertain a few people.

Charles and the other three were just lustful but not courageous. They took advantage of the situation and left after eating, drinking and having fun.

In the final analysis, a few people just did it on a whim and thought it was fun. In fact, they didn't really like the beauties in those romantic places.

After returning to the manor, the brass dragon Alba kept complaining, "Brother Charles, Cohen, you are too unloyal, forget about other beauties."

"That beautiful mage, Mrs. Eve, was originally looking for me. Why are you trying to undermine me?"

Cohen snorted, "If you can't do it yourself, you blame others. I have to say that this beautiful mage is indeed very tempting, but it's just too slippery to get started on."

Li Ge couldn't help but sneered, which made Charles, who was about to speak, look over in confusion.

"Brother Li Ge, why are you laughing there? Is there something wrong?"

Charles was not as confused as Cohen and Alba, and knew that Li Ge might have seen something different.

Li Ge glanced at these three guys, "Do you know who Mrs. Eve is, and you are so fascinated by her?"

Seeing Li Ge's attitude, Alba also felt that something was wrong, "Brother Jinlong, is there something wrong with Mrs. Eve's identity? She is just the manager of an entertainment club."

Li Ge was too lazy to answer this guy's question, "Decades ago, before Frostwolf City was destroyed, the female mage Eve, the daughter of Grand Duke Frostwolf, was possessed by the succubus Queen Mecanshut." "Back then, I also eliminated a ray of consciousness incarnation of Malkanthet. Later, the Succubus Queen tempted and forced the Frostwolf Archduke to fall, opening the door to the abyss."

"It's just that after the Church of the Gods destroyed the Gate of the Abyss and drove those demon lords back to the abyss, the female mage Eve disappeared."

Cohen and others broke into cold sweats after hearing this, "Brother Li Ge, no, Brother Li Ge, are you saying that Mrs. Eve just now is the incarnation of Melcantheat?"

Li Ge nodded, "Although the Succubus Queen is well hidden and this incarnation has changed her appearance and become more beautiful, she still cannot escape my eyes."

"If I had not come to the material plane this time, if the three of you had come into contact with Mrs. Eve a few more times, you would probably have become her slaves without even realizing it."

Charles was so frightened that he fell down on the sofa and didn't even bother to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

Although he has restored the strength of the demigod knight, he is not sure that he can hold it in the face of such a famous existence as the Succubus Queen.

You know, even the demon prince Demogorgon, who can resist powerful divine power, suffered a big loss at the hands of Malcanthet.

Cohen and Alba, these two guys were so frightened that their faces turned pale. It was probably because the Succubus Queen looked down upon them.

Otherwise, you just need to be serious. These two giant dragons must have become loyal followers of the Succubus Queen, and they are probably licking their toes right now.

"Brother Golden Dragon, you must save your most loyal little brother. The Succubus Queen must be targeting me." Alba, the brass dragon, rushed over and hugged Li Ge's thigh, crying.

"Okay, stop howling." Li Ge pushed this shameless guy away.

"Thankfully, the information you just revealed is irrelevant. If you accidentally reveal some important information about me, the Succubus Queen will probably deal with you severely."

Hearing Li Ge's words, the three of them couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Charles put his arm around Li Ge's shoulders and said, "Brother Li Ge, what is our relationship? How can a mere woman let brothers reveal your information?"

"Yes, although our brothers are not reliable in handling this matter, Brother Li Ge, your information is the most important thing. We have never said it outside." Cohen and Alba also said repeatedly, almost swearing. .

"Okay", Li Ge waved his hand.

"This matter is not something you can handle. You will be taken care of in the future. Be honest during this period and don't run around outside."

The three of them nodded in agreement. Now that they are being targeted by a famous and cunning abyss lord, they don't dare to mess around no matter how big-hearted they are.

Li Ge understood clearly in his heart that Charles and the other three had taken the blame for him.What the Succubus Queen really wanted to deal with was Li Ge. It was the fire at the city gate that affected Chiyu.

After something like this happened, Li Ge had no intention of playing anymore.The further away from Charles and the three of them at this time, the less danger they are in.

And according to Li Ge's calculation, an abyss lord would never be so bold to deal with a dragon god with a medium level of divine power alone.

Therefore, there must be other abyss lords or evil gods complicit in the conspiracy.

(End of this chapter)

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