leisurely dragon

Chapter 376 The choice of the guardian dragon

Chapter 376 The choice of the guardian dragon
"Nozdormu, what do you think of those forces?" Alexstrasza asked, looking at the silent Bronze Dragon King.

"What else can I say? The Bronze Dragon can no longer pry into this timeline. I am just a slightly more powerful dragon now," Nozdormu said helplessly.

As if a conversation had begun, Nozdormu raised his head and looked at the two dragon kings, "Alexstrasza, Ysera, my beloved sisters, do you know what this means?"

"This shows that within this sudden force, there is an alien true god who can disrupt the entire timeline."

"We, the native dragons of Ailas, are probably not worth mentioning in the eyes of this true god."

"Moreover, don't you feel that Neltharion's law of the earth has been taken away by a new god of earth?"

"What Malfurion said is true. His arcane domain was torn apart, and spiritual wisdom was born in the sunwell of the high elves, and he successfully became a god."

"And Oni, this black dragon princess is already known as the Lord of Black Dragons and the Protector of Dragons. She has successfully saved the souls of many dragons. Now many dragons secretly believe in her."

"Those Titan facilities have also been occupied by external forces, and the guardians inside probably no longer exist."

"My sisters, I don't believe that you, who are also guardian dragons and dragon kings, are not aware of these problems."

"Now the opponent's giant dragon has appeared in this land with some brazenness. Don't you know what this means?"

"This means that the other party has almost completely controlled the world, and is beginning to show its fangs and test us, the last guardians of Ailas."

"My sisters, you should be lucky that they seem to be willing to abide by the righteous order, otherwise we will face the oppression of one or several true gods."

Alexstrasza and Ysera were silent. It was not that they were not aware of these problems at all, it was just their habitual hesitation and arrogance that caused the problem.

Just like the Draenei, how could the Aspect Dragons not see such a big spaceship crashing, but they just didn't bother to care about it.

"Nozdormu, my brother, you are right, our reaction was too slow," Alexstrasza said slowly after a long time.

"It seems that we must contact the outsider. No matter what they want to do, we must understand their purpose."

"Ysera, Nozdormu, come with me to Grizzly Hills and meet that new friend," Alexstrasza decided.

After the eldest sister spoke, Ysera and Nozdormu had no choice but to follow suit.

Over the Grizzly Bear Hills, several giant dragons were chasing and playing in the sky, attracting many elves from the dragon-blooded elves tribe below to stop and watch.

As a subspecies of elves with true dragon blood, they have a natural affinity for metal dragons.

Suddenly, a silver dragon in the sky stopped chasing, causing other giant dragons to stop as well.

"Xilia, what's wrong?" Leia hasn't had enough fun yet.

"A guest is coming." Xilia spread her wings and flew in one direction.

Several giant dragons turned their heads to look, and sure enough, there were three small dots approaching quickly.

"It seems to be a local dragon." Elsa looked at it for a while. It was very similar to the guardian dragon they had seen these days, but it was much larger.

Shelia directly greeted the three visitors, "Ahead is the divine domain of Andrassil, the earth creature. Please identify yourself and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings."

Although she roughly understood the identities of the three giant dragons of different colors in front of her, Shelia still asked.

Alexstrasza also slowed down, and there were a lot of giant dragons that they had never seen before, with silver dragon scales, strong and beautiful dragon bodies, powerful auras, and gentle looks.

"Hello, strangers of the same race, we are the three dragon kings who guard the dragons, the true gods who came to visit this place." Alexstrasza stated his purpose.

These days, Xilia and the others chatted with Li Ge and directly talked about the local dragon here.

"Welcome the three dragon kings to visit. My master god is in the divine domain of Andrassil. Please come with me." As Li Ge's spouse and envoy, Shelia has the right to make decisions.

Under the curious eyes of many elves, the three dragon kings entered the divine domain through the entrance opened by Andrassil.At first sight, I saw a towering ancient tree, full of natural atmosphere and carrying a divine majesty.

Under the sacred tree, three giant dragons with a body length of nearly a kilometer stood side by side under the tree. The powerful aura on their bodies made Alexstrasza and the other three dragon kings tremble with fear.

Thousands of years ago, the guardians created by Titan himself were not even half as good as the three dragon gods in front of them.

"Alexstrasza, Ysera, and Nozdormu have met three great dragon gods." The three guardian dragons no longer had any arrogance.

The three dragon gods in front of me are probably not much different from the legendary Titans. They are all existences that these three-headed dragon kings cannot compete with.

"I've heard of you." The voice of the golden dragon in the middle was as majestic as thunder.

"As the guardian dragon of Ailas, you have paid a lot for this world, and you are also the ones who are qualified to talk to us."

Alexstrasza breathed a sigh of relief. These dragon gods seemed to have no hostility towards them.

Li Ge had already decided on a strategy. The guardian dragon had always been aloof and powerful, looking down on the mortal race.

Then, Li Ge treated them with direct dialogue with strong strength. This was also the simplest way of direct communication between the same race.

"I know your purpose of coming. The world line of Ailas World is basically under my control."

"The Dark Titan Sargeras has been scared away by me in the starry sky. It is impossible for the Burning Legion to invade this planet again."

Alexstrasza was startled, then overjoyed, "Your Majesty the Dragon God, are you telling the truth?"

If the Burning Legion's attempt has been thwarted, the burden on the Aspect Dragon will be much easier.

Li Ge tilted his huge head slightly and said, "Of course what I said is true."

"Now, it's time for you dragon guardians to make a choice. Should you continue to obey the Titan's orders, or regain your true freedom?"

The expressions of the three dragon kings changed greatly. It was not that they did not understand the meaning of this powerful dragon myth.

Back then, they chose to accept the power of the Titans for the sake of their own tribe and the peace of the world.

Now, a new world master is born.So as a minister under the old ruler, you must make a new choice.

"Your Majesty, can't we maintain the status quo?" Alexstrasza said with difficulty.

"It's impossible, we won't let the power of Titans continue to exist in this world."

"You are not fools. Titans are not the creators of this world, and they have never considered the native creatures of this world in their actions."

"And, most importantly, the Titans of the Pantheon have been defeated by the Dark Titan Sargeras, and now only their souls are left in hiding to regain their strength."

Li Ge's huge head lowered and approached the three-headed dragon king, which was very oppressive.

"So, don't imagine that a Titan will come out to support you."

"If you choose to give up the power of the Titans, in return, I will give you the means to become a god."

The three guardian dragon kings felt that they could no longer bear Li Ge's majesty.

"Your Majesty, I choose to give up the power of the Titans." Unexpectedly, Nozdormu was the first to make the choice.

"Since I became the Dragon King of Time, I have not been able to find a choice to avoid death and corruption from countless timelines."

"However, after His Majesty's arrival, although this timeline has become impossible to pry into, I have a premonition that the Bronze Dragon Clan has gained true salvation."

(End of this chapter)

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