leisurely dragon

Chapter 383 Repair of Draenor Planet

Chapter 383 Repair of Draenor Planet
The chaotic environment of the outer world has become a training ground for various forces on the planet Ailas.

Although the world has been broken, due to the special environment, a lot of special materials have been produced, allowing the forces that went to develop in the outer lands to make a lot of money.

With the help of Aoli, the strength of several female dragons has grown rapidly, and the explosive period of bloodline promotion has basically passed.

"Let's all work together to push these pieces closer together."

"Okay, let's push down another piece of land."

Li Ge's incarnation looked at the busy goddesses and female dragons in the void in the outer realm in surprise.

They didn't know whether they were just bored or not interested in beating Illidan and grabbing the egg knife.

Under the influence of Ollie's casual words, this group of powerful females actually started a plan to repair the planet Draenor.

Although the planet Draenor is torn apart, most of the land still exists. It is not impossible for a few gods to take action.

Rihanna, Catherine and Anweina also wanted to verify the rules they understood.

Successfully repairing a planet is also a good practice process, which is much better than sitting in the Kingdom of God and struggling to understand.

Xia Wei led the army of dragon-blood elves and high elves to arrange magic arrays on various continental fragments regardless of cost, pulling the fragments together.

The forces of the alliance and tribe also expressed support for this.Especially the orcs of the tribe reacted even more fiercely.

The orcs said that whoever dares to destroy and repair the planet will fight with their lives. After all, this is their hometown.

The Cenarion Circle sent a large number of druids to participate in the repair work on the ground.

This is the first time that Li Ge's spouse has done such a big thing without Li Ge's participation.

Those remaining demons in this world had been almost eliminated by the forces of the planet Ailas a few years ago, and the remaining few did not dare to come out to cause trouble.

What impressed Li Ge was that under the command of Aoli, several starry sky dragon spouses who were successfully promoted played a big role in it.

Almost half of the small fragments were pushed back by these female dragons themselves. They were like a fish in water in the void, and they were much stronger than before.

"It's my fault that I restricted them before. In fact, giving them the opportunity to participate in such a big event is very beneficial to their growth."

Li Ge thought that these female dragons were now considered absolute leaders in their respective groups.

Time passed quickly, and Ollie successfully entered the young dragon age group and was promoted to legend, taking the first step to regain her strength.

In the past few years, the planet Draenor has returned to a roughly spherical shape like building blocks. Some large gaps have been filled in by some meteorites dragged in by this group of powerful females.

"Yeah, it's almost done," Ollie shouted.Several female dragons were also overjoyed, and they also had a share of credit for this.

"Tell everyone on the ground to defend themselves," Rihanna shouted.

The next step is a very important step, which is to ignite the core of the earth. Although there is sunlight, the core of the earth wants to return to its original state, and it is unknown how long it will take to absorb heat.

Rihanna's incarnation regained the body of a huge iridescent dragon, and the flame artifact quickly penetrated into the center of the earth.

Nearly infinite divine power exploded instantly, and countless rocks in the center of the earth turned into magma, filling the large and small gaps.

These magma are like glue, turning the pieced-together planet in front of you into a whole again. "It's my turn," Anweina shouted impatiently. The arcane realm enveloped the entire planet, and the various elements of earth, fire, wind, and water formed a preliminary cycle again.

Catherine was not far behind. Countless animals that were mutated by the power of the void had their flesh, flesh, and souls recast by the power of law, restoring their original appearance.

The transformation process of the three goddesses lasted for several months. "Li Ge, hurry up and replenish the food, I can't hold on any longer." An Weina was the only one who shouted like this.

The continuous consumption of divine power has caused the incarnations of the three goddesses to shrink by almost half.

However, from their delighted eyes, it can be seen that they have benefited a lot from repairing the entire planet this time.

The ground situation on the entire Draenor planet has begun to stabilize, various weather conditions in nature have begun to become normal, and the entire planet has begun a virtuous cycle.

Next, even if the three goddesses no longer exert their strength, the entire planet can begin its natural repair process.

"Phew, I'm so exhausted." Seeing that the situation had stabilized, Anweina sat down in the void, her shrunken avatar making her look almost like a girl.

Rihanna and Catherine were also very tired, and the scales of their avatars became a little dull.

There were constant cheers from the ground, especially from the orcs who stayed on the Broken Planet. Some even changed their beliefs and began to worship these three goddesses.

"Rihanna, Catherine, Anweina, and everyone who contributed to saving the world, you did a great job and successfully saved a world," Li Ge praised without hesitation.

Even without Li Ge's praise, the sense of accomplishment that comes from successfully repairing a world already makes these females feel extremely excited.

"Li Ge, let's have a party to celebrate," Aoli said loudly with a roll of her eyes.

Over the years, Oli, who had been raised to be a naughty person, always found excuses to ask Li Ge to hold banquets and take advantage of the opportunity to eat and drink.

"Okay, this is a big event, worth celebrating." Li Ge was very excited that his spouse, relatives and allies could accomplish such a big thing independently.

Matters on the surface of the planet Draenor are naturally handled by their respective subordinates, so there is no need for them to worry.

In Anweina's divine kingdom, Anweina's divine light exploded as she ate and drank so much that her hard work over the past few years had paid off.

The arcane realm of the planet Erath was finally completely taken over by Anweina. She had rebuilt Draenor's original force cycle over the years, but she had a deeper understanding of arcana.

The little goddess's divine level was finally promoted to a weak divine power at this moment, and her divine level was level six.The power of the arcane priesthood among the priesthood exceeds the power of the high elf patron saint priesthood.

This is a good start, indicating that Anweina has begun to get rid of the way to obtain power mainly through faith, which is crucial for a true god.

Li Ge has never been in vain in the past few years.The True God of the multiverse has recovered from the backlash of space and time, and has gained a greater understanding of the laws of space and time.

"Hey, why did Ollie enter the artifact?" Li Ge's incarnation also appeared in the alien space of the artifact.

A very cute looking girl was cheering and holding bags full of food in a shopping mall.

Ollie was brought in by Rihanna, who had administrative rights, and was directly given medium rights and temporary shopping rights.

Li Ge felt helpless as he watched the girl Aoli change. His relationship with Aoli was a little complicated, "Sister Aoli, don't you know the consequences of joining here?"

"Once you join, you can't quit, and the consequences will be serious."

(End of this chapter)

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