leisurely dragon

Chapter 385 Elizabeth

Chapter 385 Elizabeth
"I, Brittany Oli, am back." A golden dragon rushed out of the dimensional dragon nest.

That slight backlash of time and space, in the current view of Aoli, was of no danger at all and was easily overcome.

"What did the Lord of Dimensions do again?" Many true gods' eyes almost popped out.

Since Li Ge's rise, they have thoroughly investigated Li Ge's origins.

Dimensional dragon Brittany Oli, this powerful star dragon who died in battle 10 years ago, actually returned.

There is only one possibility, and that is that the Lord of the Dimension resurrected this giant dragon at a great cost.

This is an incredible thing, and many gods have sent incarnations to Li Ge's kingdom to find out.

"I'm sorry, the main god has taken too much effort to resurrect his loved ones and has already fallen into a deep sleep."

Basically all the incarnations of the gods were blocked by Li Ge's envoys.

These true gods finally felt at ease. Sure enough, it was impossible to resurrect a strong person, especially a strong person who had been dead for countless years, without paying a huge price.

"Idiot, idiot", Tiamat, the mother of evil dragons in hell, scolded disdainfully, if she would not do such a thankless thing.

The succubus queen in the 570th layer of the abyss has recovered from the humiliation of the past few years. For the devil, shame does not exist at all.

Malcantheut personally left the field and played several friendly matches with several demon lords. After receiving their help, he successfully passed the period of weakness.

"That damn Dragon God has finally fallen asleep. Can we take the opportunity to do something?" One conspiracy after another arose in the Succubus Queen's mind.

In the Kingdom of God at this moment, Rihanna and Catherine gained a lot of insights because they presided over the restoration of Draenor.

After the two goddesses returned to their true bodies, their divine power increased greatly, reaching the peak of the tenth level of their godhead, only one step away from medium divine power.

Li Ge's body also rarely relaxed. He spent the whole day in the Kingdom of God, accompanying a group of spouses and having sex with each other. Anyway, there is nothing important now, so why not study how to lay dragon eggs.

In the Kingdom of God, there is peace and harmony, but in the main material plane of Fein, some little-known changes are slowly taking place.

On a large island across the sea from the Sealand Kingdom, it is also the location of the large kingdom Genia. Its area, population and national power are not lower than those of the Sealand Kingdom.

With its powerful navy and powerful magic power, the Kingdom of Genia occupies a large share of the maritime transportation in the entire Fenn continent.

This brought high taxes and profits to the kingdom, and the Kingdom of Genia became one of the most prosperous and stable human kingdoms in the Fein continent.

The long-term stable political situation and peaceful environment have turned this powerful kingdom into one of the favorite places for traditional nobles on the continent.

The aristocratic tradition here has been well preserved, and the noble council and the king share the power of the kingdom.

The emerging capital aristocrats, after their status was promoted, also integrated into this group to maintain and pass on their family status.

Although the life of ordinary civilians is better than that of other kingdoms, the only way to truly stand out is to become a professional or a university scholar.

"Ah, my head hurts so much." In a rural village in the Kingdom of Genia, a thin little girl was lying on a shabby wooden bed with a red face.

After a while, the little girl's expression calmed down, but her eyes had turned golden, full of majesty.

"I awakened the bloodline of the Golden Dragon, and my past life memories also awakened." The awakened little girl Elizabeth had a very strange expression.

As an illegitimate daughter of a nobleman who was abandoned by her mother, she was raised by her grandfather in the countryside.

But a few days ago, my elderly grandfather fell ill and died within a few days.Elizabeth's mother ran away with a professional in her early years and disappeared without a trace.

After the little girl took care of her grandfather's funeral alone, her spirit was greatly stimulated and she awakened the dragon vein buried deep in her blood.

More importantly, the memory belonging to the time traveler also awakens together, and it also comes with its own golden finger.

Elizabeth opened her dirty little hands, and a small precious mirror appeared on her palm.

"Is this my golden finger, the illusory mirror?" the little girl's eyes sparkled.

In his previous life, he was a young genius with supernatural abilities on Mercury in a parallel world. He was attacked by a crowd while fighting for a treasure in a ruins.

This treasure exploded at the last moment, carrying the soul of its predecessor and traveling into this world, and became the golden finger of the traveler.

"It's amazing. The illusory mirror can actually open a mirror plane, and it also has the coordinates of the original world. So I can go back and take revenge."

Elizabeth's eyes were bright, but then she thought of something again, and her eyes dimmed.

"Avenge Meow. The final explosion probably destroyed the entire hall. No one should be able to survive, unless they also have golden fingers."

"This world is not bad, and there are true gods. If you become a true god, you can just eat and wait to die."

In the past life of Mercury, since a large number of ruins appeared in various places, the world has become dangerous. Various animals and plants have evolved crazily, and the planet has continued to grow and grow.

If it weren't for the various powers obtained from the ruins, it is estimated that mankind would have perished long ago.

"It's better to live a good life in this world now. At least it's much safer than Mercury," Elizabeth said eagerly.

The inheritance of the newly awakened Dragon Vein Warlock just gave her, who is still a little girl, the ability to protect herself.

The supernatural power of the previous life is no longer felt at all, probably due to time travel.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, according to the inherited memory, the Dragon Vein Warlock's powers will be no worse than those in his previous life until the end."

As a time traveler who has mastered the Golden Finger, Elizabeth has the confidence to surpass her previous life, even reaching the level of discussion in the Dragon Vein Warlock inheritance.

"Bang bang", the door of the wooden house was shaken uncontrollably.

"The old guy is dead, and the little girl left behind is pretty good-looking. I heard she is the illegitimate daughter of a nobleman."

"We brothers are going to get rich this time. Many of the noble men in the city like this kind of stuff."

Hearing a few strange laughs outside, Elizabeth's face turned cold. As a person with superpowers in her previous life, she had a lot of lives in her hands.

With a few kicks on the door, the three gangsters were enveloped in a ball of flames before they could clearly see what was going on in the room, and were burned to ashes in a short time.

Perhaps because of time travel and the golden finger, Elizabeth's warlock level was level six when she awakened, and the talent spell she just used was Dragon Breath.

The little girl's small house is on the edge of the village. There are very few people coming and going, so it doesn't cause any big noise at all.

"This place is nice, very suitable for Gou to grow up here." Elizabeth, who was baptized by the online novels of her predecessors in the early 21st century, knew very well that what she lacked now was time to grow up.

(End of this chapter)

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