leisurely dragon

Chapter 388 Change Strategy

Chapter 388 Change Strategy
And according to the information about the artifact, the trace of power fed back may have been absorbed by a treasure on the traveler's body.

"My previous strategy in contact with Arthur was not very good. We should change our approach," Li Ge thought, rubbing his chin.

The most important thing is that he has been promoted to medium divine power. Even if the identity of the time traveler is exposed, he will not be afraid anymore.

Anyway, there are many time-travelers in the multiverse. The elves are all from other universes. As long as they have big fists, there will be no problems.

It's just that you need to talk to your spouse and relatives about this matter first, and you can't let outsiders know the news before they do.

Deep in the core of the artifact, Li Ge received a communication. Even Xia Wei and Andasil, who were far away in Elas, sent avatars over. Liya also came in person, and even an avatar of Anweina also followed.

On this side of the multiverse, no one was pulled in. Even Ollie, who did not have enough authority, was temporarily pulled in.

"Ahem, there is actually nothing important this time." Seeing everyone's serious expressions, Li Ge said with some embarrassment. He felt a little guilty after keeping it a secret from everyone for so long.

"I want to tell you a secret. I am an alien dragon, and my soul comes from other universes."

After saying this, the entire scene was silent, without a sound, and Li Ge himself did not dare to speak.

"Let me see, let me see what the alien dragon looks like," Oli suddenly shouted and jumped in front of Li Ge.

"These days, I have heard a lot of legends about alien dragons. They are all very powerful, even more powerful than the legendary dragon species. Now I finally see one alive."

Aoli had just been resurrected a few years ago, and now she likes to pay attention to things about the dragon clan. She is very interested in several famous alien dragons in the multiverse.

Li Ge held down Aoli's little head, who wanted to smell him, "Sister Aoli, don't be so excited, I won't run away."

"Haha, Li Ge, I thought you never said it," Rihanna said with a smile.

"Who would not guess that a giant dragon like you is suddenly rising up is a mutant dragon?" Leia also said proudly.

"We have all made speculations in private. You don't think that everyone doesn't know."

Li Ge's face became excited, "What you mean is that you already knew it."

"Of course, teacher, but what does it matter? You are still you and you have not become someone else." Catherine blinked her beautiful big eyes and smiled.

Suddenly, the entire meeting place burst into laughter.Only then did Li Ge realize that the things he usually took out and what he did had been exposed long ago.

"I'm sorry for hiding it from everyone for so long." Li Ge stood up and bowed slightly.

"Brother, no matter what happens, you are my brother," Liyue said with a serious expression.

"Yes, dad, neither Liya nor mom blamed you," Liya said loudly with a red face.

The rest of the time was spent by his spouse and relatives, comforting Li Ge not to think too much.

"That's great, the master actually has a big secret," Gracia secretly rejoiced.

The matter was finally explained clearly, and a burden was relieved from Li Ge's heart.

"There is one more thing that I need to explain. Everyone may be wondering why I was so tolerant of Arthur in the past."

"Actually, he is also an outsider. He comes from a parallel world that is very similar to my original world. It is similar to the relationship between Ailas' various timelines."

"Out of longing for my hometown, I have always tolerated his misbehavior. Facts have proved that I was wrong. But fortunately, Arthur can no longer jump around."

Hearing Li Ge's explanation, Anweina shouted angrily, "It turns out that Arthur, the bad guy, has this origin. I thought he was so great." "Also, Li Ge, you deceived me and you have to compensate me." Anweina rolled her eyes several times.

"Give me a permission, I also want to join your alliance." When they came inside the artifact, Anweina also learned about the permissions.

Li Ge also invited Anweina to come this time, actually with the intention of inviting her.

To grow and develop, it is not enough to recruit your spouse and relatives, reliable allies can also join.

"I want permission too," Ollie shouted loudly. She was coveting the permissions of other female dragons.

"Okay, let's all vote together. New members with high-level permissions in the future must be approved by the majority of members."

"Administrator authority has one-vote veto power. Now everyone is starting to vote on the promotion of Aoli and Anweina to senior authority."

Basic procedures are still required, so Li Ge simply initiated the vote now.

The results were obvious. Anweina and Ollie, the two new members who were already very close to everyone, all passed.

"It's amazing." Anweina and Ollie looked at their own exclusive alien space, and their joy was beyond words.

Everyone was also talking a lot, giving suggestions to the two new members, and the atmosphere was very lively.

"Everyone, be quiet. I have one more thing to say. I discovered another traveler from the parallel world in my hometown."

"It is expected that we will be busy again soon, and I hope everyone is prepared."

Hearing Li Ge's words, the girls were startled and then started shouting again.

"Great, is there a new world to play in?" Ollie's first thought was to see the new world.

Li Ge smiled and said, "Don't worry, everyone. I will first contact my fellow villagers in such a parallel world to change the strategy. I hope there will be another good result this time."

At the end of the meeting, at the request of Anweina and Ollie, a very normal banquet was held with food and drinks, and the generous Anweina took the initiative to pay for the treat.

The matter of contacting the time-travelers was naturally left to Li Ge. After all, the cultural backgrounds were similar, so it was easier to get in touch with them.

Things in the Kingdom of God have no impact for the time being on Elizabeth, who is on the main material plane.

After discovering that the power fed back by the Lord of Dimensions had a restorative effect on the illusory mirror, Elizabeth tried several more times and found that there was no abnormal reaction from the Lord of Dimensions.

Next, Elizabeth became bolder and prayed three times a day without missing a beat.

Even if you are just a casual believer, it feels good to collect wool three times a day and add up to a lot.

"It feels like an addiction." Elizabeth's interest is getting bigger and bigger. It's like playing a game. As long as she harvests vegetables, she will become more and more addicted.

"Li Ge, can you please leave this matter to me?" Ollie has now grown to the stage of a juvenile dragon, and his body length has long exceeded that of an ordinary adult golden dragon.

She was extremely curious about the time traveler Li Ge mentioned, and she kept pestering Li Ge to take a look.

"Okay, but you can't mess around," Li Ge said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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