leisurely dragon

Chapter 390 Meeting

Chapter 390 Meeting
As the magic power was input into the amulet, Elizabeth's consciousness seemed to have entered a starry sky, with countless stars flashing past her eyes.

What was finally fixed in front of us was a small star system. The screen continued to zoom in, and a familiar aqua blue planet appeared in front of us.

"Mercury", Elizabeth shouted out involuntarily. This familiar scene is known to every Mercury.

"Nice to meet you, compatriot from the parallel plane." A young man with black hair appeared in front of Elizabeth.

"I am Li Ge, the Lord of Dimensions, and also Li Ge, the traveler of Blue Star in the parallel world." Li Ge said with a smile and stretched out a hand.

Elizabeth was a little confused and hurriedly stretched out a hand and shook Li Ge gently.

She thought there might be temptation or coercion, but she never thought it was a meeting with fellow villagers.

"Hello, Your Majesty, the Lord of Dimensions, I am..." Elizabeth was surprised to find that her little hands had become bigger and her height seemed to have changed.

"Don't be surprised, what is reflected here is the image of the soul, that is, the appearance of the previous life," Li Ge said with a gentle smile.

"Besides, you don't need to call me the Lord of Dimensions, just call me Li Ge."

A tall water mirror appeared in front of Elizabeth, and what was reflected in it was a tall and heroic lady who was about twenty-three or four years old, with a faint scar on her forehead.

"Really what I was before I died," Elizabeth murmured.

"Hello Li Ge, let's get to know each other again. I am Fang Xue, a native of Mercury China," Fang Xue said excitedly in her soul body state.

Li Ge waved his hand gently, and the scene turned. The two of them had arrived at a platform on the top of a mountain, with strange peaks towering in the distance.

"This is Huangshan Mountain." Before the great changes in the world, Fang Xue had traveled to Huangshan Mountain when she was a child, and she remembered it quite clearly.

"Please take a seat." A table and two chairs appeared on the platform, and the two of them sat down.

"Your Majesty Li Ge, why did you come to me?" Fang Xue couldn't help but ask.

Seeing that Fang Xue was still using the honorific title, Li Ge secretly sighed. Compatriots in this parallel world are still very vigilant.

"I don't have any special purpose for looking for you. I'm mainly curious about how a shallow believer can be a time traveler and pray three times a day," Li Ge said with a smile.

"My damn curiosity." Fang Xue's cheeks were slightly red with embarrassment. It seemed that this was brought to her door by herself.

"Don't be nervous. There are many outsiders in the multiverse, and I won't do anything to you."

"The main thing is that I want to cooperate with you on an equal footing, and I can even help you with some things, but I will have to pay you back in the future."

Seeing that Fang Xue was still a little wary, Li Ge directly stated his purpose.

Li Ge's frankness also made Fang Xue less worried. At least this compatriot from the parallel world who had become a god had no intention of taking advantage of others.

Next, the two of them did not talk about these more serious things. Instead, they talked about the differences between the two parallel worlds of Mercury.

Interestingly, Mercury in the parallel world had roughly the same history before the great changes in the world, but the historical figures had some changes.

Just like the Tang Dynasty in Fang Xue's world, Li Bai was actually the best swordsman in the world and was invincible in the world.

The two of them became more and more interested in each other as they chatted, and unknowingly, Fang Xue's vigilance relaxed a lot.

"Okay, that's it for now," Li Ge said with a hearty smile.

"Your soul cannot be separated from the body for too long. These one hundred divine gold coins are considered as support. Throwing a small money bag into Fang Xue's hand, Li Ge pushed it gently. Fang Xue felt that the world was spinning for a while, and when she opened her eyes, she had returned to the world. Inside her body, a small money bag was placed on one of her hands.

"It turns out that what I experienced just now is true." Fang Xue took a few deep breaths.

"It's a pity that I have turned into a child's body again." Fang Xue was a little helpless about this. She still had to continue to use her identity as Elizabeth.

Touching the small purse, Fang Xue was still very curious about the magical gold coins. She had only heard from her cheap father and had never seen them before.

The little hand unzipped the rope of the money bag, lifted it up and down, jingling, and the golden divine gold coins piled up into a small slope.

"It's so beautiful." Fang Xue's eyes were smiling, as if she was affected by the dragon's bloodline.

This fellow countryman is really generous, and the greeting gifts are so generous, which is more than the property of the entire Bloodscale family.

"Dong dong dong", there was a rapid knock on the door.

"Elizabeth, what happened? Why did I hear the sound of the divine gold coins hitting each other?" came Ollie's voice.

Although she wanted to look around, she didn't run too far due to Li Ge's instructions. She heard the sound of the divine gold coins hitting each other just after she came back.

For Aoli, whose wealth has seriously shrunk now, this is the most beautiful sound, but with the strength of the Bloodscale family, it is impossible to have so much money.

After communicating with Li Ge, Fang Xue already knew that Aoli was indeed sent by Li Ge and was very reliable.

As soon as the door opened, Ollie rushed in, staring at the divine gold coins on the table.

"Elizabeth, how do you have so much money? The property I have accumulated in the past few years is only slightly more than yours."

Aoli had only recently obtained high-level permissions and had the benefit of going to the monster map to fight monsters. However, due to time and lack of recovery in strength, she had only been able to obtain more than 100 divine power gold coins.

Fang Xue pursed her lips and smiled, "Oli, I just met Li Ge. We are both from similar parallel worlds, and this is the support he gave me."

"Oh, is that so?" Aoli was also measured. Although the Star Dragon had an unscrupulous character, some money could not be touched.

A little disappointed, Ollie's mind turned around a few times and became active again.

"Elizabeth, you have just come to this world, so you must be very insecure," Ollie asked tentatively.

This is true. Fang Xue felt a little anxious after seeing Li Ge, half of her compatriots, doing so well.

"Well, I'm a little worried." Fang Xue didn't hide it. Aoli was no longer an outsider now. In fact, she was a little more reliable than her cheap father.

"Security comes from strength. If you have strength, you will be safe no matter where you are." Aoli put her hands on her hips and pointed with one finger as she began to preach.

"So, your top priority is to improve your strength. Let me tell you, Oli, I am a starry sky dragon, a legendary dragon species."

"I can tailor a suitable method to improve your strength. Do you want to consider it?"

Aoli, who looked like she was only in her teens, was bursting with dragon power at this moment, which made Fang Xue a little frightened. This strength was indeed new.

In this new world, the original powers disappeared, and now the only thing left is to regain the power native to the multiverse.

"Okay, Aoli, you've convinced me." In the end, Fang Xue thought about it and could only hope that the golden dragon in front of her would be more reliable.

(End of this chapter)

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