leisurely dragon

Chapter 400 Trading Again

Chapter 400 Trading Again
The Superpower Management Bureau probably hasn't experimented with the effects of the primary dragon's blood potion for the time being. After giving Li Ge some materials again, there was no need to trade them again.

Li Ge took advantage of this time to try to explore the ruins space where those items with an unknown aura were located.

He had grabbed a trace of the aura beforehand, and after a little exploration, he easily determined the general direction of the ruins.

He casually opened a dimensional passage, and when Li Ge appeared again, he was deep in a mountain, far away from the hinterland of Yanhuang.

After the Great Change of Heaven and Earth, the trend of the mountain range changed dramatically, so it is impossible to determine what mountain it was originally called.

It is also easy to find the entrance to the ruins, because there are many official personnel digging a huge ancient tomb there.

"The key point was not found at all." Li Ge could see clearly that this ominous aura leaked from an extremely small space crack.

Without extraordinary level space powers, it would be impossible to discover the truth.

Li Ge was not kind enough to take the initiative to tell them that they were digging in the wrong place, so he directly traveled through a dimension and silently entered the ruins space.

The space of this ruins is not very large, at most it is enough to meet the standards of a small plane. It is probably that it was too damaged during the change of eras.

The space was lifeless, with damaged palaces and dead trees everywhere.

It can be seen that the environment here used to be good, and it should be the residence of a large force.

The ominous atmosphere in the space is even heavier, and basically most of the things are decayed.

Li Ge didn't move anything and headed directly towards the main hall on the top of a mountain in the ruins space.

Even after being ravaged by time and the ominous atmosphere, the hall still stands, but the doors and windows have disappeared.

Li Ge walked into the palace without any accidents. It was desolate inside and there was not even a ghost.

"Tsk, tsk, it seems that the people in this ruins are really dead."

The source of the unknown aura was in the apse. Li Ge walked through the hall step by step and arrived at the door of the apse.

A humanoid creature sat cross-legged in the hall, with two horns on its head and a lifeless look.The source of the unknown aura is the red hair on the humanoid creature.

"Wow, this red hair is still growing. Could it be that the corpse has transformed?" Li Ge was shocked.

The huge death energy in this humanoid creature has definitely reached the level of a god.

Amid the dead energy, there is a glimmer of life brewing, as if it is about to be resurrected.

"Unfortunately, it was not the original owner who was revived, but the corpse."

Li Ge searched for the information in his mind and felt that this thing was somewhat similar to the legendary Jian in his previous life.

Like the Drought Demon, it is the ultimate evolution of zombies.After the dragon takes shape, it feeds on dragons and becomes extremely powerful.

In the Chinese myth of Journey to the West, Guanyin's mount is a golden retriever, which causes Monkey Brother to suffer a great loss.

"Tsk tsk, thank goodness I came in time, otherwise all the people would be in ruins by the time this animal takes shape and is born."

Li Ge smiled proudly, transformed into a dragon claw, and held down the animal.

Under the stimulation of Li Ge's divine power, Jian actually resisted unconsciously and kept struggling.

"If you, a corpse like you, can escape, I won't have to mess around anymore." Li Ge increased his strength and suppressed Jian deep in the core of the artifact.It has only been more than ten years since the Great Change of Heaven and Earth happened. It can be said that Li Ge took a huge advantage and arrived at this time.

Neither the local forces nor the gods who had left behind him had enough power to fight against him.

Li Ge didn't like the junk in the ruins space, so he left it to the Chinese officials, but it also depends on whether they can discover it.

Ripping apart the space casually, Li Ge returned directly to the villa, concentrating on activating the artifact to consume Jian's power.

The ability of Jian to take shape is the embodiment of the laws of life and death between heaven and earth. Especially those gods who were extremely powerful during their lifetimes. Once they become Jian after death, the laws of life and death contained in their bodies cannot be underestimated.

As time passed, the Superpower Management Bureau sent some fresh meat from mutated beasts from time to time, probably thinking that Li Ge was a foodie.

Li Ge accepted it without any courtesy, and it was not just a matter of time to waste away Hu's power, he had to enjoy it as long as he should.

Sometimes, I would wander around outside with my mind, and I would discover something interesting.

There is a secret circulating among the superpowers in Jianghai City. As long as you make a sacrifice to a being who claims to be the master of the mirror, you can sign a contract and pay a price to summon a mirror puppet to help fight.

If you believe in the mirror master wholeheartedly, you can also gain many abilities, such as mirror walking, mirror clones and other practical abilities.

You don't need to think about it to know that this is the trick created by these two women, Fang Xue and Xie Lingshuang.

What’s interesting is that, as official nominal members, they actually chose to hide it from the Superpower Management Bureau.

The Superpower Management Bureau has been tracking down the mirror master these days to find out what is going on.

In this situation, although there are many deceivers, none of them can be like the Mirror Master.

The commotion became even louder. Many people with super powers contracted a mirror puppet even if they lost all their money, and there were also many who believed in the mirror master.

After some days of commotion, Deputy Director Chen from the Superpower Management Bureau came to visit again, "Mr. Li, I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm getting used to it."

The two sides exchanged a few words, and they probably figured out Li Ge's character. Deputy Director Chen didn't waste any more nonsense and spoke directly.

"Mr. Li, the dragon blood potion you sold us is very effective. I am purchasing a hundred sets on behalf of the country. I wonder if you have any in stock?"

Li Ge smiled slightly and said, "As long as you have something I'm interested in, it will definitely be available."

Deputy Director Chen's eyes narrowed. In his opinion, Li Ge's energy exceeded the official imagination.

One hundred sets of primary dragon blood potions are enough to create one hundred superpowers with extraordinary potential.Li Ge could actually take it out, and the power he concealed was simply unimaginable.

Although he had some guesses in his mind, he didn't stop. Deputy Director Chen picked up a suitcase he had with him, put it on the table, and opened it carefully.

There are three small boxes in the suitcase, separated by flexible materials. They seem to be carefully kept.

"Mr. Li, these are three precious items collected by our Superpower Management Bureau. You can choose any one as payment for the transaction."

With that said, Deputy Director Chen pushed the suitcase in front of Li Ge and let him check it out.

Li Ge also became a little interested and wanted to see why the Superpower Management Bureau was so confident that one thing could be used to compensate for a hundred sets of primary dragon blood potions.

You must know that so many potions can be sold for at least [-] gold coins in the multiverse, which is definitely not a small amount.

(End of this chapter)

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