shadow of britain

Chapter 213 The True Meaning of Literary Magazines

Chapter 213 The True Meaning of Literary Magazines

"Then, Mr Vidock, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to share your valuable experience in the field of crime detection. I think the citizens of Scotland Yard and all of London will benefit from the cases you have shared today. "

Victor put on his hat and stood up and said, "As I told you, there is nothing difficult about handling a case, you just need to understand that things are rarely what they seem, like disguising skim milk as cheese.

There is actually no need for me to tell you this, young man, you may have realized this earlier than me.When I was 20 years old, I was still in jail all day long. "

After hearing this, Arthur just smiled and said, "And the best way to get those criminals to plead guilty is not to enforce them strictly, but to get justice for them."

Hearing this sentence, Vidok couldn't help giving Arthur a high look, and he reached out and patted the young man on the shoulder.

"You have understood the essence of it. If someone is willing to live a good life and do something under the charge of beheading, except for a few perverts, most of them are because of some unspeakable secrets.

As long as you can find out the secret behind him and solve the problem for him, then he will definitely not mind paying his own life, because from the moment you do it, this type of criminal has made up his mind not to die .

You've learned so much so early on, I'm sure you'll be a good cop in the future.The only thing you need to do now is to be careful not to get involved in the vortex of power struggles. It is because I suffered a disadvantage in this respect that I was excluded everywhere in the Greater Paris Police Department. "

When Arthur heard this, he just smiled helplessly: "The whole world is the same, and there seems to be no difference between France and England in this regard. Mr. Vidock, it is too late for you to say this to me , in our line of work, you can’t help yourself.”

Vidok laughed loudly when he heard the words: "It's true. Looking back, a 50-year-old old man like me can make them jealous when I handle a few cases. impossible.

It is gold that always shines. This sentence is actually farting. The reality is that it is gold that will be excluded no matter where it goes.Of course, there are exceptions, that is, your piece of gold belongs to the bank, in other words, you have to have a background. "

Arthur took the notebook full of memories and stood up, sending Vidocq out the door.

"I learned a lot from you today, whether it's using walnut stain to darken your skin, using wax to create fake blisters, or using coffee grounds stuck together to mimic blemishes on your face.

This camouflage skill is simply unparalleled superb.Where did you learn these techniques? "

Vidok held his cane by the brim of his hat and said, "Part of it is my own thinking, and the other part is from my lover. Don't forget, one of my former lovers is a famous woman in Paris. actor.

Although at that time she just brought me around as a little pet to relieve boredom, I did learn a lot from her.

But what I taught you today is not the most advanced. I remember you just said that you would have a concert at the Coburg Theater this weekend, right?On that day, I will play an advanced hand for you. "

After Vidok finished speaking, he straightened his clothes and walked towards Hyde Park across the street with calm steps.

But his last words made Arthur frown: "Playing a high-level one?"

He looked back at Alexandre Dumas who was sitting at the table drinking coffee while reading "Comedy Humane" and said, "Alexander, I think you'd better find a place to hide on Sunday. Although Mr. Vidoc didn't directly take your Meaning, but no one can guarantee what he thinks in his heart.

If he brings someone in and takes you back by force when I'm not home on Sunday, I'm afraid I won't have time to help you. "

When Dumas heard this, he waved his hands indifferently: "Come on, from what I know of him, he is too lazy to do such things. Mr. Vidoc is full of rebellion, he He hates republicans and royalists, he only likes to do things with his own perception. If he is really willing to be obedient, then he is the chief of the Paris Metropolitan Police at this moment, so how can it be someone else's turn? "

When Arthur heard Dumas take the initiative to mention this issue, he couldn't help but asked with a smile: "Don't tell me, I haven't remembered. When Mr. Vidoc was talking about the French Revolution just now, you neither refuted nor warned. He, Alexander, this is not like you. Don’t you call yourself a republican fighter? Mr. Vidok slanders the Republic so much, how can you say nothing?” Dumas rolled his eyes and said: “Of course I want to That said, but there is nothing to be said. The Governor-General Joseph Le Bon mentioned by Mr. Vidoc is indeed a real bastard.

Just because a man's parrot said 'Long live the king' got his head cut off.Anyone who is accused of being a noble will be sent to the guillotine.Moreover, the local people also let the local people report and expose each other. A small Ostend can find hundreds of nobles. This is no longer a revolution, but Le Bon is killing people for fun and occupying property.

It was because there were many such people in the Great Revolution that it failed.In terms of republicanism, I still agree with Mr. Hugo's point of view-there is an absolutely correct humanitarianism above the absolutely correct revolution.One should not do evil for the sake of doing good, and to overthrow the throne is not to erect the guillotine permanently, to overturn the crown, but to let go of the head. "

Upon hearing this, Arthur picked up his teacup and took a sip: "So that's why you opened the arsenal and bombed the Tuileries Palace?"

Alexandre Dumas stared and said: "The reason for opening the arsenal is for the revolution. After the revolution is successful, I will consider whether to let go of my head."

Arthur raised his eyebrows and said, "Then what if the king's head was pierced by a bullet before the revolution succeeded?"

Alexandre Dumas shrugged upon hearing this: "Then it's just bad luck for him. I just promised not to liquidate him."

Arthur smiled and said: "You know the difference quite clearly."

After finishing speaking, he asked again: "However, after listening to Mr. Vidoc's experience today, I found out that the escape of the protagonist Edmond Dantès in "The Count of Monte Cristo" was not..."

Dumas blushed and coughed when he heard the words: "I did borrow some of Mr. Vidoc's real experience, but I also made some artistic processing. You can't conclude that I am plagiarized. And most importantly, Mr. Vidock doesn't care that we playwrights borrow from his experiences, he enjoys being written about by others.

Balzac, Hugo and I are all friends with him. He told us about his legendary experience and imparted some practical criminal knowledge to us along the way.In return, we will naturally write him in the book and make him famous. "

Arthur just nodded when he heard this: "This kind of personality is really quite French. But then again, since Mr. Vidock doesn't mind others creating books based on his experience, does it mean that I can too?"

Dumas raised his eyebrows and said: "Of course, but you'd better add a little bit of your own experience. If it's authentic, everyone might as well read Mr. Vidoc's memoirs directly. It's not that there is no English in that book." edition.

And I also think that you should take this opportunity to write a book. The current magazine layout is still very empty, and some other articles are needed to fill in the content.We don't ask you, a beginner, to write well, at least better than Elder. "

After hearing this, Arthur went back to the table and finished. He thought about it for a long time, and suddenly caught a glimpse of the crow mask placed in the deepest part of the bookcase from the corner of his eyes.

He looked at the white paper in front of him, and then at the "Human Comedy" held by Alexandre Dumas.

There was a flash of inspiration in his mind, and for a moment, Arthur seemed to have suddenly discovered the real way to use literary magazines.

He might be able to use the sure-fire magazine to do something more important than make money that he couldn't do as Superintendent of Scotland Yard.

Arthur took out the quill and dipped it into the ink bottle twice, hesitating again and again with his usually stable arm, and finally put down the pen tremblingly.

Alexandre Dumas was sitting next to him, and when he raised his eyes, he saw an attractive title on the paper——"Hastings Detective Collection: Ghosts from St. Giles"

 The second update will be tomorrow morning, and from now on there will be one update in the morning and one in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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