shadow of britain

Chapter 220 Arthur’s Utilitarianism

Chapter 220 Arthur’s Utilitarianism

In the box on the second floor of the Coburg Theater, Arthur looked at this spacious room with mahogany cabinets, soft sofas and a wide view, and couldn't help but have a headache.

Although he had emphasized to the theater staff in advance that he only needed a room that was relatively private and would not attract too much attention.


From the corner of his eye, Arthur caught a glimpse of the exquisite large bed displayed in the center of the room, and he felt that the staff member had obviously misunderstood him.

The two people obviously have different understandings of the word secret.

But having a box is better than not having one, and the concert is about to start, so it’s definitely too late to change seats temporarily.

Once it comes, take care of it. A living person cannot die of urination.

Arthur looked around and finally decided to tuck Alexandre Dumas under the bed.

"Alexander, just be patient and get over it. Tonight's concert is only for three or four hours, so you can just lie here and take a nap."

Of course Alexandre Dumas was reluctant to Arthur's decision, but his hands and feet were tied behind his back, and even his mouth was blocked.

Arthur apologized: "I know I'm sorry for this, but this is the safest way. If you have any objections, it's best to mention them now. If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your acquiescence."

After saying this, Arthur and Tom stuffed the difficult fat Frenchman under the bed.

After cleaning up the chaos here, Arthur finally had time to light up his pipe, took a long puff and then exhaled bursts of smoke.

Tom was wearing white gloves while carefully flipping through today's action plan. He stared at Plans [-], [-], [-], and [-] above and frowned.

He asked with some confusion: "Although it is good to have so many plans, but... is it necessary to write down the rules in such detail? You are almost catching up with the laws enacted by the parliament."

Arthur smiled while smoking and said: "In this era, it may not be necessary to deal with others, but today's opponent is Francois Vidocq. Most of our Scotland Yard criminal investigation regulations are According to France's "Police Management Regulations of the Grand Paris Police Department", and more than half of the regulations were participated in the formulation by Mr. Vidocq. When facing such people, it is better for us to be cautious. "

"Huh?" When Tom heard this, he became interested for a moment: "Has he also participated in formulating police management regulations? Which of our regulations have something to do with him?"

When Arthur heard this, he just grinned: "It's a pity that Tony is not here today, otherwise he might not be able to take revenge."

"What do you mean?"

Arthur smiled and said: "The prohibitions that trouble Tony the most are almost all stipulated by Mr. Vidocq. For example: the police are not allowed to make friends with unscrupulous members of society, they are not allowed to gamble, they are not allowed to be in debt, they are not allowed to be disheveled, No drinking... Anyway, [-]% to [-]% of Scotland Yard's nobility is related to Mr. Viddock, and the remaining [-]% ​​to [-]% are derived from Mr. Viddock. You said, if Tony knew this Should he have a fight with Mr. Vidocq on the spot?"

When Tom heard this, he couldn't help but giggle and said: "It turns out that he came up with all those bullshit regulations. It seems that the police in Paris have an easier time than us."

Arthur smiled and said: "There is always a wrongdoer, and if he really dares to come here today, Tom, you know what to do. It doesn't matter if he gives me two hard blows. Although Mr. Vidocq is famous, he is just a big guy after all." He is just the person in charge of the security department of the Paris Metropolitan Police Department. From the perspective of authority, he is also on the same level as me. Most importantly, he has no control over you.

Of course, don't beat the person to death directly. To be honest, he is still an entourage of the French diplomatic delegation. If a murder occurs, it will be difficult for us to explain to the superiors. "

When Tom heard this, his nervousness relaxed. He smiled and replied: "Don't worry, I'm measured in my strikes. But having said that, it's not often that you get the opportunity to beat up a senior police officer. Last time Tony and I I failed to grasp the timing when I sapped Sheriff Willocks, and I will never let the opportunity slip through my fingers again this time."

At this point, Tom asked again: "By the way, does Mr. Vidocq have any physical features?"

Arthur thought for a while and shrugged: "This is the difficult part. Mr. Vidocq is very good at casual clothes. From poor to rich, from young people in their 20s to seniors in their 70s and [-]s, he All have had experiences in disguise. In addition to the usual French style, he also has a head with a great memory and a cunning personality."

Tom joked: "Arthur, look what you said. You made Mr. Vidocq look like the Napoleon of the police."

Arthur also joked: "In Paris, some people actually call him that."

Tom smiled and said: "Then you are our Wellington from Scotland Yard?"

"The situation we are facing now is even more unfavorable than at Waterloo." Arthur joked: "His Excellency the Duke has finally received support from the Germans, and now we can only rely on our own active defense."

As soon as Arthur finished speaking, there was a knock on the door outside the box.

Arthur frowned and winked at Tom. After he was sure that his trustworthy subordinate was hidden, he slowly opened the door.He held the doorknob with one hand, and pressed the civilized staff on his trouser belt with the other behind his back.

There was only a creak and the door opened, but the face that appeared in front of Arthur made him feel disappointed.

It was Elder, whose face was flushed and looked as excited as if he was about to follow the railway from London to Liverpool.

"Arthur, I knew you must be here!"

Arthur stretched his head out and looked along both sides of the corridor until he was sure that no one was following him, then he dragged him into the room.

He closed the door and asked, "Damn it! Elder, didn't I tell you not to come to me before the show ends today?"

Elder covered his thumping little heart and said: "Arthur, if it's something else, you can tell me not to look for you for a year. But for this matter, I must come up with you, my most important person." Good friends to share."

Arthur frowned and said, "What? Did you win the horse lottery this afternoon?"

Elder waved his hand and said: "That's not true. The horse I bought in the afternoon ran last place today."

Arthur heard this and congratulated: "Congratulations."

"Arthur! I told you, it's not this!"

Elder's face almost burst into laughter: "Forget it, I'm in a good mood today, so I won't worry about this with you. Do you know? I may have gained a true love, and I just picked up a girl. , you don’t even know how good her figure is. She is five feet nine inches tall, with a white oval face and long light golden hair. My God! There are not many such outstanding girls in London. Just let me pick it up."

Arthur just took a puff of cigarette after hearing this: "Elder, although it is true that we are best friends, and that girl sounds very good, but from the perspective of Catholicism, Protestantism or traditional British morality, it is No need to share it with me.”

"What good things are you thinking of?!" Elder glared and said, "Arthur, you are indispensable for other things, but if you have an idea for her, don't blame me for not treating you as a brother."

After saying this, Elder stretched his head and looked behind Arthur: "Where is Alexander? I want to make him angry about this matter."

"Alexander?" Arthur pretended to be confused and said, "I don't know, I thought he was with you."

After hearing this, Elder just muttered: "Huh, I guess that fat man went somewhere to have a good time and drink. But I will definitely have a better life than him today. By the way, Arthur, you don't have to wait for me tonight." I’m back home, I have some things of my own to deal with.”

Arthur scratched his temples: "What about tomorrow night?"

"Tomorrow night?" Elder tugged on his collar in an arrogant manner, turned around and left: "I might move out of your house tomorrow night."

"Okay." Arthur looked at Elder's excited look and hesitated to speak, but out of friendship between friends, he politely reminded: "Elder."

"What's wrong?" Elder stopped, turned around and said with a playful smile: "Arthur, don't be jealous. Your appearance is also good. If you look carefully, you will definitely be much better than me."

Arthur just raised his hand to signal him to stop: "That's not what I'm talking about."


Arthur blew out a smoke ring lightly: "If you don't come back for three days, I will treat you as missing."

"Get the hell out of here." Elder cursed with a smile, then raised his head and chest, and walked down the stairs like a Thames swan under royal protection.

As soon as Elder left, Alexandre Dumas' head came out from under the bed. The fat man protested: "Are you sure you don't want to stare at this idiot Elder tonight? Why do I feel that his situation may be worse than Why should I be more dangerous? He didn't even think about it, what kind of woman with such a lunatic mind could actually find this guy attractive?"

Arthur raised his eyebrows and glanced at Alexandre Dumas lying on the ground, nodded and said: "I agree with this. Women who can take a fancy to Elder are usually very smart, just like Fiona spotted you last time."

He put one hand on the door, leaned forward, folded his hands and frowned, thinking for a long time, and finally said: "Well, let's ignore him for now. If Elder is lost, the most I can do is find him in the Thames River. If time is considered, there may be some room for redemption.

But, Alexander, if you lost it, I guess I can only take a boat to France in the end, and then fish you from the Seine.Comparing the two, the difference in difficulty is almost one world at a time.It's neither economical nor practical to abandon you to stare at Elder.

If something happens to Elder in the end, I believe he will understand me.As a graduate of the University of London, he should know what utilitarianism is. "

(End of this chapter)

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