shadow of britain

Chapter 222 French Women’s Clothing Brigade

Chapter 222 French Women’s Clothing Brigade (4K)

In the dark alley outside the Coburg Theater lurks a pair of eyes that sparkle with thief.

It was a fierce man with a razor blade in his hand and blue trousers with mud stains on his legs. He looked at the group of prostitutes at the front door of the theater, thinking about how to tie up a single one and grab a fortune.

When he was at a loss what to do, the fierce man suddenly spotted a lady with an outstanding figure, exquisite makeup, and a beige dress walking towards the alley.

The fierce man was immediately overjoyed. He glanced up and down at the lady with malicious eyes, and suddenly he had a new plan in his mind. Maybe he could consider relaxing after robbing the money.

He quickly pressed his body against the wall to prevent the other party from seeing him. When the lady came close, he used the blade to caress her delicate neck.

Seeing the other party getting closer and closer, the corners of the fierce man's mouth turned up more and more. Just when he picked up the sharp knife and was about to go through the normal procedures, the lady he regarded as his prey suddenly looked at him hidden in the darkness. .

"Brother, borrow a fire."

The fierce man was stunned for a moment and thought there was something wrong with his ears. His voice sounded hoarse than sandpaper wiping his butt.

The lady took out her pipe and put it in her mouth. Seeing that the other party didn't respond, she immediately frowned: "I said, brother, lend me a light! Are you fucking deaf?"

The strong man wanted to get angry after hearing this: "Fuck you, you stinky bitch."

However, as soon as he finished cursing, he heard a snap, and the other party's hand hit the wall directly by his ear.

Along with the huge vibration, the strong man only heard a clicking sound. When he came to his senses, the lady had a red brick in her hand, which she had dug out from the crack in the wall.

The lady held the brick in her hand and weighed it twice: "What did you say?"

The strong man was so frightened that he trembled all over. He quickly threw the blade on the ground, then took out a match from his pocket, tremblingly scratched the side of the matchbox several times, and then lit the fire. He nodded and bent down to light it for the other party.

"Sister, you are smoking here. I have to go to work tomorrow morning, so I will leave first."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, he felt his collar being grabbed.

"Hold on."

The lady took off her pipe and blew out a smoke ring gracefully: "Do you have any money with you?"

The strong man turned around slowly, his facial features wrinkled up, and his face was full of indescribable pain: "Sister, forget about the matches, are you still prepared to fight back?"

"Stop talking nonsense." The lady waved her hand and slapped him on the face. Her voice was clear and sweet. It seemed that she usually slapped people frequently.

The strong man covered his burning side face, tears of pain came down: "Why are you still beating people?"

"I asked you if you brought any money!"

The strong man sniffled and replied, "I haven't opened yet today, where can I get you money?"


The lady slapped her backhand again: "If you are a little bastard in Paris, you won't be able to survive for three days. What kind of professional ability do you call this? When I was your age, I already had a good meal every day. Being in prison is like going home. This business is not as easy to mess with as you think, if you don’t have this talent, you should find a factory to work earlier.”

When the strong man heard this, his face turned red with anger. He said excitedly: "It's okay if you hit me, but you actually insulted my personality. If you dare, stay here and don't leave. I'll wait for you." Just bring someone to deal with you."

"Okay! Come on, I just want to experience the strength of London's underground society. A 20-year-old boy can keep you docile, and you dare to touch me Francois Vidocq Bad luck?"

As soon as Mr. Vidocq, who was wearing a long skirt and makeup, said this, he ignored the risk of being exposed and gave the strong man a kick.

The strong man was in pain for a moment, but he refused to admit defeat, so he could only cover the sensitive part with one hand, and ran away while shouting: "Miss Vidocq, right? You stinky bitch, I'll wait for you." , I will go find my brothers to get you. To tell you the truth, all my friends in this area have friendships with me. Don’t think that you can do whatever you want just because you have some beauty. There are also people here who don’t like women.”

Vidocq just spat at the ground: "You are as stupid as the gangsters in the world. The gangsters in London are not much higher than those in Paris. Don't like women? If you don't like women, then I can be a professional counterpart."

After Vidocq cursed, he leaned against the wall and smoked silently, but not long after smoking, he saw another lady walking towards here.

Compared with Mr. Vidocq, the newcomer has a different style. Vidocq wears heavy makeup, while this one is petite and cute.

As soon as the lady got into the alley, her ladylike demeanor was instantly thrown back to France. He nodded and bowed and said: "Boss, I haven't met a suitable guy, so we are both locked out. In my opinion, instead of saving these two bucks, we might as well spend some money to go in. After all, the skirts and corsets we bought are quite expensive, so wouldn’t it be a waste if we can’t go in?”

Vidocq glanced at his subordinates and just scolded: "We are not here to listen to music. Now we have confirmed that Mr. Hastings, the superintendent of the Metropolitan Police Department, has fallen into the trap. Mr. Dumas He must have taken him to the theater tonight.

We can't risk a diplomatic incident by raiding the private home of a Scotland Yard superintendent. After all, I just want to make some money, not disrupt the London meeting.According to the information we have learned, the British Home Office has revoked the protection order against Mr. Dumas.

In other words, as long as we can take Mr. Dumas away in public, there will be no problem. "When the subordinates heard this, they couldn't help asking: "But...if we kidnap Mr. Dumas, won't Mr. Hastings call the police? "

"Call the police?"

Vidocq spat and patted his subordinate's forehead gently: "Wakul, use your brain. Mr. Hastings himself is the superintendent of Scotland Yard. A superintendent called the police and reported that his friend Lost, and this friend is still the Frenchman he rescued from the high seas last time. Do you think he would do such a stupid thing?

Calling the police is tantamount to telling his superiors that he is not doing his job well.So as long as we can get Mr. Dumas out, Mr. Hastings will probably pretend not to know, and the matter will be over.Mr. Hastings is not a guy like Du Plessis who climbed up the ranks by playing office politics and having an affair with the minister's wife and engaging in nepotism. He can rise so quickly, and he will definitely understand such simple things. "

The subordinate named Vacourt was still puzzled: "But... if Mr. Hastings is a smart man, why don't we negotiate with him? After all, there is a bounty of [-] francs, so we can share it with him. , isn’t it good for everyone to make a fortune together?”

Vidocq glared at him: "Wakul, have you been away from the underworld for so long that you have forgotten the rules of our road? It is true that Mr. Hastings is a smart man, but he wants to take advantage of me without trying it. With money in hand, is it too easy to come by? If Mr. Hastings wants to do business with us, he must at least demonstrate some ability that makes me think it is worth giving him money. "


Vakul glanced at the bustling prostitutes in front of the door who were still waiting for the last chance to enter. He scratched his head: "Boss, most of the prostitutes who entered tonight brought their own female companions. I think we can use conventional methods." It's probably impossible to get in. When we inspected the terrain around the theater, didn't we find a few windows on the second floor? If we step on the wall, we should be able to climb in. Otherwise, after you finish smoking this cigarette, we will do it as soon as possible. Bar."

When Vidoc heard this, he just stretched out his hand to stop him and said: "No hurry, although we didn't get in, Coconut Tree got lucky today and he caught a fool who couldn't control his lower body. He went in They will definitely find a way to pick us up later, so we just have to wait. Ask the brothers in charge of transportation to be ready. As soon as we succeed, we will drive away immediately and don't stay for a moment longer. "

Vidocq exhaled a puff of smoke and glanced at the Greenwich District patrol officers patrolling around the theater: "There are quite a lot of Scotland Yard police officers coming to the scene to maintain order at such a big event tonight. If Hastings is If sir finds something is wrong, he will definitely order a hunt immediately. If our people are pinned down in London by him, it will be all over."

As soon as Vidocq finished speaking, a lady with a slender figure, slender waist, bright lipstick, and a touch of light pink makeup on her pale cheeks walked out of the back door of the theater.

She looked around first, and then quickly found Vidok hiding in the alley smoking.

Immediately afterwards, the lady who was slowly moving the gorgeous red and black pleated skirt just now lifted the hem of the skirt, revealing her white stockings and trotting over.

As soon as he entered the alley, he couldn't help but angrily cursed: "Damn it, I'm really unlucky today. Someone took a bad look, and a monkey actually picked it. If it hadn't been for that The boy has a box ticket in his hand, so I have to corner him in a corner and beat him up no matter what."

Wakul asked: "Coconut tree, what's wrong with you, are you so angry?"

The coconut tree glared and said: "Damn it, that person didn't let you meet him. You don't know that I'm wearing such a thick petticoat with two layers of cotton on my buttocks. As a result, my butt almost got fucked by him. It’s swollen from rubbing.”

When Vidocq heard this, he just said impatiently: "Just rub it, rub it, your butt is worth sixty thousand francs now. This is not the first time we have encountered this situation, and cross-dressing is not common. Will something like this happen? If he has a box ticket, forget about it."

The coconut tree scolded: "Yes! That's what I thought in my heart, but you don't know, this kid only rubbed half of it. Now one butt is higher and the other is lower, and the cotton pads are all out of place. If I hadn't reacted quickly, He almost realized something was wrong."

Vidok was obviously not in the mood to listen to his subordinates complaining, so he handed over the half-smoked pipe as a comfort.

He then asked: "How did things go?"

Coconut Tree took a puff of his cigarette, and then he felt more comfortable. He said, "We are lucky. The idiot I caught has something to do with Superintendent Hastings. He seems to be a college classmate or something. And listen to what he wants. , it seems that he also rented the house of the Hastings family and lived with Mr. Dumas all day long.”

When Wakul heard this, he suddenly became energetic. He laughed and said, "Coconut tree, yes! Now I suggest that you not only rub your butt for him, but also sacrifice your chest muscles."

"Fuck you!" The coconut tree couldn't help but pick up her corset and yelled: "Don't ask me for this kind of job next time. Sixty thousand francs is indeed a lot, but it fell into our hands. How many dicks are there? How many pussies do I have to rub to make up for the mental damage I’ve suffered tonight?”

When Vidocq heard this, he could only calm down the coconut tree first. After all, whether they could go in or not all depended on him.

Vidocq said: "Well, as you know, there has just been a revolution in Paris, and people in the police department are now panicked. No one knows whether they can continue to work here. And people like me who used to work in the police department It is even more difficult for those who have resigned from here to go back.

This time, the [-] francs is not the most important thing. What is important is that we can use Mr. Dumas to show our determination to break away from the Republicans. As for the Bonapartists, I was squeezed out by that group of people last time. Just left.

As long as I can prove that I am neither Bonapartist nor republican, there will be no obstacles for me to return to the charge of the Ministry of Security.And once I go back, can I still suffer all brothers?You should know how I usually treat you, right?
Don't mention anything else, Coconut Tree, you made a big sacrifice today, and I can see it all.When I return to the Grand Paris Police Department, you will not be able to escape the position of head of the Intelligence Collection Section of the Security Department. "

When Coconut Tree heard this, he felt that the anger in his heart suddenly disappeared without a trace.

He showed a smile and pointed his finger at Vidocq at Vakul, who was beside him. "Boss, it's not that a section chief is not a section chief. I always believe that job promotions are based on ability."

As if he didn't understand the meaning of the coconut tree, Vidoc walked up and patted him on the shoulder, "Of course. No one went in today, but you did. Isn't this ability? But, there is Ability means ability, Coconut Tree, don't try to be clever in front of me, after all, you also know about Nemo, and I don't want to hurt the friendship between us."

When the coconut tree heard this, his shoulders trembled. He nodded and said, "Boss, don't worry."

Seeing this, Wakul on the side stretched out his hand and patted the arm of the coconut tree: "Brother."

The head of the coconut tree was covered with sweat, and he asked: "What's wrong?"

Vakul said: "If you can't stand it any longer, please replace me. Although I don't have much ability, but as far as this matter is concerned, I think I can do it."

(End of this chapter)

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