shadow of britain

Chapter 234 Comprehensive Investigation

Chapter 234 Comprehensive Investigation
Arthur sat in the office and went through the documents at hand over and over again.

But no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't figure out what kind of person would do such a thing.

Because from a simple and straightforward logical perspective, even this time Bernie Harrison’s case was ultimately determined to be Scotland Yard’s frame-up of an elected member of Parliament.

Then it is definitely not just one or a few Scotland Yard police officers who will be unlucky in the end, but it will also affect the social reputation and future financial allocation of the entire department.

If Parliament really wants to take action, it may be possible to join forces with the judges who have always been uncomfortable with Scotland Yard to seize the power of the Metropolitan Police.

All in all, it doesn't look like it was the work of a Scotland Yard insider, or at least not a sensible insider.

And brainless insiders will generally not be assigned by their families to a secondary department like Scotland Yard, which has less oil and water, heavy work, and heavy responsibilities.

Brainless young men are usually assigned to some idle marginal departments to do idle work that doesn't matter whether they come or not.

Since the problem was not internal to Scotland Yard, it must have been caused by an outsider.

But this kind of method can be said to be unrelenting, no matter how you think about it, it feels too weird.

At first, Arthur thought he was coming for him, but after checking the information at hand with Rowan, he felt like he was lying on the ground.

Because not all criminal cases will be transferred to the Criminal Investigation Department, applications for the Criminal Investigation Department to assist in investigations must be reported to the police inspector in charge of the police district involved, and then approved by the district superintendent in charge.

In other words, if the other party is determined to target Arthur, then he must open up every joint in the police district involved. If there is any jam, Arthur will not be harmed.

But what reason do the police inspectors and superintendents of the local police district have to help each other do such a thankless thing?The case occurred in their jurisdiction. If we really pursue the case, they will not be able to escape the involvement!

If the other party is really capable of taking over the police system of a large district, then if they want to target it, they can just do it openly. Why would they use such despicable and extremely risky methods?
Arthur put down the document in his hand and held his chin with one hand, unable to figure out much.

The red devil was sitting by the window, chewing candy, and looking at him with interest: "Have you come to a conclusion?"

Arthur glanced at him and said: "This matter should not be directed at any one person. But a guy who can drive a member of Parliament to do something can completely make Scotland Yard miserable in Parliament, so why bother? This kind of conspiracy. And I don’t understand why Mr. Bernie Harrison agreed to do such a thing. The revelation of this matter will also have an impact on his reputation and will definitely be detrimental to his future elections.

Was this really the Tory group's instigation?Plan to stumble the Whigs while Parliament is in session and distract the public from the reform bill?But the Duke of Wellington is not even willing to lie and say that he agrees with parliamentary reform. Would he do such a thing? "

When the Red Devil heard this, he just curled his lips. He picked up the newspaper on the table with malice and read out the title word for word.

"Viscount Palmerston: It is normal for there to be different voices within the party, and we should take everyone's opinions into consideration."

Arthur frowned slightly when he heard this.

He stared at the red devil with both eyes, trying to read more information from this guy's expression.

Although Arthur can't find a reason why Agares would help him at the moment, there is definitely a reason why this guy said this for no reason.

Arthur narrowed his eyes slightly: "Can you benefit from this case?"

The Red Devil clasped his hands together, his features almost squished together on his face, and he replied in a deliberately disgusting and disgusting tone: "Oh! My dear Arthur, don't always be so snobbish. I just sincerely want to help someone." help you."

"Heh... your words are suspicious enough."

Arthur threw his hat on the table: "But this world is really interesting! The humans who should be talking about feelings with me talk about interests every day, but the devil who is supposed to talk about interests starts to talk about friendship with me. Tell me, what are you doing? What do you know? Before I change my mind, we still have the possibility of a transaction."

When the Red Devil heard this, he just smiled and reminded: "Arthur, you should have discovered that what you urgently need now is not to find out the truth, but to help Scotland Yard disassociate itself from this matter. I can directly help You get Bernie Harrison, get him to issue a letter of understanding for Scotland Yard's arrest, and everyone's happy with the rest."

When Arthur heard this, his frown slowly relaxed, and a charming smile appeared on his face: "In other words, even if Bernie Harrison issued a letter of understanding, this matter would not be settled." Is it over? Agares, thank you. It seems that rather than taking shortcuts, it is safest to spend more energy to solve the problem once and for all."

After saying this, Arthur stood up, picked up his coat and uniform and walked out.

The Red Devil was stunned by him, and then slapped his thigh angrily: "You were careless! Arthur, you actually made a sneak attack!"

He also followed out eagerly: "Arthur, look, maybe we can talk again. I'll give you a [-]% discount. What do you think? If it doesn't work, I'll suffer a bit. Regarding the letter of understanding, you You can also consider paying in the form of a loan, which I assure you will not include any interest.”

Arthur stood on the side of the road and stopped a public carriage without even looking at him: "The first service is free, and value-added services are charged separately. Agares, I advise you not to have an eye on me in this regard, because I I have suffered many losses in this regard. And I advise you to recall carefully, who came up with the tiered pricing of "The British"?"

...Not long after, in the East End of London, Tower Hamlets, Whitechapel Parish, on the second floor of Martin's Beer Hall, in Arthur's exclusive private room.

Arthur took a sip of tea from the white porcelain tea cup, and then looked up at the man sitting opposite with golden braids, big blue-grey eyes, wearing a black plaid skirt and white stockings, sitting in a ladylike posture, showing his dignity. Elegant Russian maid lady.

"I haven't seen you for a while, Fiona, you are beautiful again."

When Fiona heard this, she just rolled her eyes: "Do you only know this sentence? It's the same sentence every time. I also want to hear something new from time to time."

Arthur put down the tea cup and said, "Sorry, I can learn more when I have time. But now, you have to endure it."

Seeing his desperate look, Fiona just glared at him, and then sighed: "I know, who, when, where, and how much money is left."

"You really should change this habit." Arthur said, "I originally planned to do some paving the way."

Fiona looked displeased: "Forget it about your preparation. Your preparation is to do things first, and only when you are satisfied can you negotiate the price. Look, just for your little request, I am now I went to the embassy to become someone's bride. I was called here and there every day. You know, I turned out to be a young lady from a respectable country squire's family."

Arthur saw that she was so unhappy, but since she was the only one who could handle the work of the Russian Embassy, ​​he could only console her in a good-natured voice: "Thank you for your hard work."

Fiona rolled her eyes at him: "No hard work, this is just Mr. Hastings's task."

Speaking of which, Fiona couldn't help but emphasize: "But you have to remember to add money."

"Money, of course, is indispensable to you."

Arthur took out a check from his arms and waved it in front of her eyes: "Here is two hundred pounds. It is also the best reward for your hard work over the past six months."

After saying this, Arthur took out another one from his arms: "And here is another two hundred pounds..."

When Fiona saw these two bills, the haze in her heart was suddenly swept away. She happily raised her slender fingers and pinched the check: "My darling! Mr. Hastings, you are The sun in my heart! Are these two hundred pounds going to allow me to work in the embassy for another six months?"

"No, Fiona, this reward is extra." Arthur said with a smile: "If you do well, I can add another two hundred pounds."

When Fiona heard this, her eyes happened to meet his. For some reason, her face suddenly turned red: "Actually...actually, it won't cost that much."

Arthur nodded in agreement: "Of course, I think so too. So, I plan to let you do something else."

"Arthur Hastings!"

"There will be a deduction for insulting your boss."

"Okay, then you say it, I'm listening."

Arthur opened the cowhide bag next to him and took out the documents inside and handed it over: "Same as last time, it is not suitable to approach the target this time from the front. Mr. Bernie Harrison is a member of the House of Commons and was recently involved in a scandal. A murder case.

According to the information I have at hand, he likes to go to some romantic places. I have also sent people to conduct a preliminary investigation of his other hobbies this morning, and they are all written in the appendix of the document.

In addition to him, he currently lives in his London apartment with his wife, two children, a chauffeur, a housekeeper and two maids.I need you to collect as much information on them as possible, but please note that the methods you use must be non-violent.

In addition, during this period, I need information about all of their itineraries. Who they saw and where they went, I have to find out everything in detail. "

When Fiona heard this, she couldn't help but take a deep breath, and even her eyes opened as wide as the oil lamps placed in front of the stage.

She said: "Mr. Hastings."

Arthur took a sip of tea: "What's wrong?"

Fiona was so angry that her teeth were itching, and she forced a smile and said, "I think, rather than doing so much work, why don't you just do it for a while? My fee for you is a bit cheaper."

Hearing this, Arthur put down his tea cup and said calmly: "Fiona, I told you before, these three two-hundred-pound notes are not so easy to earn. But in order for us to continue to cooperate in the future, I think maybe you should Work hard, of course, if you want to retire early, I don’t think it’s impossible.”

Fiona was shocked when she heard that. She picked up the teapot and filled the teacup with water: "Look at what you said, why are you still angry? Isn't it just to check a few people? I guarantee that you will never find someone better in this area. I’m better.”

(End of this chapter)

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